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JT INTERVIEW: Voice of a Somali Christian from Somalia

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^You’ve totally missed the point but
whatever you say my truly Muslim brother.
Do you know Somalis don't even makeup 1% of the global Muslim population...!

LOL. I'm not interested in Johnny and Cara.

HEhe. :D



Khalaf, there are lots of "Johnny & cara's" in our community. This whole thing of beating the one who is at least honest about their disbelieve bores me. Just keep your kids, away from likes JB, yaa kuu tiirsaade tiilkoogda? This notion of a Somali non Muslim is worse than another other Muslim is simply crazy, why do they get punishment or get ridiculed while you call your non Muslim workmates “friends”. (Here notable I must point out, your work mates probable don’t insult Islam like JB (well not in front of you anyway) in which case you have a reason) but otherwise get over this double standard.

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Originally posted by Khalaf:



wa ii daafiwayso so ma ahaan....aiiit.... i forget in a thay a mrs...wa igu ceeb....saan dhaqan noo ma ahaan...marka googaal baan diigaanaya, wa saas talado....tolka baan ku yeyraya. in aa thay qoof walaan oo sheeikqaan miskeenka ah ka faraxbaxsanwayey....ceebtada waa baanaka hadaba.


thepoint, inantaas is not nice...jiinyo bey qaabta.

Your af Somali is so CUTE!!! Waxaaba i xasuusisay wiil aan habaryar u ahay...Ohhh... :D

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Ms DD   



Waxaan ka codsanaa ummada SOL in Khalaf faraha laga qaado. Cyber bully ayaa ka socda mahaan.


Dadka aan ka hadlaayo wey is og yihiin..... ahem ahem!

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Waxaan ka codsanaa ummada SOL in Khalaf faraha laga qaado. Cyber bully ayaa ka socda mahaan.


Dadka aan ka hadlaayo wey is og yihiin..... ahem ahem!

Lol Ms. D ahem ahem indeed. I don't think he can be bullied by one person but tag-teaming is the new trend in SOL. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Zenobia:



I don't know what you're talking about. :confused: Malaysia is a multi-ethnic country where many religions besides Islam (the state religion) are followed by the Malaysians. Bosinians were a Muslim minority ethnic group living amongst NoneMuslims.


A Somali that leaves Islam is not going to forget the language, the culture (which is largely un-Islamic to begin with) nor will they start growing hairs on their forehead.


We were idol worshipping cawaan before Islam came to us. WTH. We’re still idol (qabiil)worshiping cawaans even with Islam in our midst, or have you not noticed?

Maxad kala murmaysa, ayaayo? Islam and Somalnimo are one and the same. What does he call Allah again? Don't tell me, don't tell me..I know the word, I know the word..een..erm..err..eebe :D

Allaho el mostacaan ban ku edhi smile.gif



Ms D&D is the 'ng' in your post me? I never pick on Khalaf. I guide and try to educate my young brother. Funny enough, I actually agree with his ideas on this thread. Ramadan has a good effect on him.

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