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Upcoming novel.....

God knows if it'll make best seller but am gonna give it a SHOT..!


In a measured and precise manner, the Somali national security adviser lit his pipe.

It has been long day of planning and plotting of the last and strategic war against provoking Ethiopian forces. The secretary of defense set his left and the president of the republic was to his right, across the mahogany table was the director of the Somali naval intelligence. The army chief and the navy commander were also present. After the adviser took long puff from his pipe he began to speak.

“It is a long rooted history issue more than a number of soldiers crossing the border to disturb stability” he said. Staring at the clouds of smoke he blew from his nostrils. He was small man the kind, girls make fun of when they really admire his way of life. He was 5”5 with broad shoulders and huge arms. His face was the opposite slim, simple with deep voice and trimmed mustache. He worked under Abdilaziz administration as naval intelligence director. Highly experienced in the world of east African politics. His judgments were never under estimated. So were his decisions.

The national security director. Wanted more than diplomatical solution to the last borama incident. He was hungry for blood. He sniffed as he shuffled through the classified data from the secret operatives in different posts deep in Ethiopia. He believed it is time for Somalis to have guts of their own.

Meanwhile. The Ethiopian minister for foreign affairs haila kiros. Reviewed his last statement from the Ethiopian head office of intelligence that all defense preparations were made and everything was in position. It was all to the foreign policy makers to heat the Somali relations until the boiling point. For possible Ethiopian forces to occupy Somalia’s northwestern region and as far as Baldwyn.

He took a sip from the expensive wine by his left hand and he smiled as the memory of the Somali rumor ringed at the back of his head that Ethiopians cant work unless under heavy alcohol. He slapped the desk and “defend your land skinies”he growled. His secretary Maria tbisi good looking young lady in her late twenties knew what to do when he is that drunk. Under any cost don let him drive as loyal Ethiopian citizen. But as the dedicated Somali secret operative Leila knew she needed him out of the office as soon as she can make him.

“It has been a long day. Said sweetly spoken soft voice behind him. He glanced his right and Leila “Maria” stood there. In her beautiful deceptive mid thigh skirt and professionally styled hair. In 6”2 frame. Do u need me to call the limo. She asked as she placed some important papers in folder.

No. Don’t bother am ok””! He said looking up at her. “But let me have some plain water.

When she returned with the water she was pleased to see he was preparing to leave with all the office hers, to prepare for anther new day…and may be little privacy for the whole objective.

He was in his early thirties six-five structure and light brown eyes. His gold skin was made view shades darker by the April muqdisho sun. He drove Mercedes-Benz c-class two door silver in color a taste noble ladies thought was unique and that of gentleman. He worked for the national Somali naval and marine agency (NASNAMA) as a head of the sensitive information department. He graduated from Lafoole School of military intelligence. Since then he worked under the naval section, accuracy. Was the only thing he liked about his job?

But tonight something must be in the minds of the men he’ll be meeting in few minutes. he went through his expensive night jackets, his appearance, he thought will be under trained eyes.

As he drove down 30th st to the shirkole offishalle building he realized he loved xamar more than he thought his drifted the years he spent in Virginia in the CIA

Training camp how much he missed xamar and Somalia. Loyal man is that who always comes back to his country he thought.

As he pulled to the parking lot he came back to reality and realized he was driving well above the speed limit. Thank god he was not the victim of bored cop.

He stepped in the dimly lit conference room highly decorated room where top Somali military officials always meet for senior discussions but what ever this old boys had in mind they had him respectful and punctual, he frowned as his gaze wondered from man to man there was something strange about the men. He didn’t expect some of these greedy boys. Namely the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman and the vice president!

“Have a seat”! Volunteered the navy chief. who requested him join them for dinner…but it was not about dinner something must be going on. But he relaxed and decided to wait for him to clear the fogs.

“thanks admiral” he murmured.

The men were loughing talking about garbage he didn’t understood at all he sniffed and thought about everything that could bring those men and him together in a table nothing made sense to him.but what ever it was he knewd there was a motive.

The telephone rung in the dark bedroom. Extremely decorated with expensive artifacts and Persian rug on the floor the wall had some old handguns and some framed photos of long dead Ajuuran leaders? For the body under the sheets it was a wonderful night sleep after long day of hard work and the freezing weather of the Ethiopian capital. Who ever were calling must had valid point. and he picked the phone at the 7th ring.


Sorry for being done...

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sniper..who wrote this?

lemme know... i got lost between the drunk ethipian and the somalis..ama re-read it again

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Now, what is the beef between Somalia and Ethiopia? What started all dis thingy?


And why does dis sound like Indo-Pakistani problem over kashmir? And do both countries posses nuclear weopons?

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Honestly i like it, has so much pontenial, but certainly needs edtorial review.


Dont keep us hanging how does it end umm does leyla die smile.gif



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no...layla never dies....and after a year of this article it is almost complete...and professional will be the work of Somali,student in famous NOVA...i cant wait it myself to see it in paperback,.i'll be signing it at NVCC Alexandria campus(VA),for the first buyers,muximum two copies for each buyer..75 cents of each book bought will be donated to Somali NGO's agencies...

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I don't know sniper. In my honest opinion (having read only the first portion of your work) It just doesn't grab my attention.


It is missing something. I'ma let you know when I find out what it is.


Question thou: why portray ethos as drunks and why do you refer to somalis as skinnies? That term was only used in that movie black hawk down.

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Here's an idea, if some Italian guy wrote about criminal under-world, named it "The Godfather" and spawned an entire mobster industry with movies, books & T.V. shows. Maybe you can name your book "The Warlord" and see if it takes off.


Just a thought

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Underdog, Thats a wicked idea.


I loved to write when I was younger but

qadra Allah ma sha fal, I became preoccupied with

deen and stopped writing and reading fiction all together. But one day, I would like luv to direct a movie, maybe if you finish your book

we can work on a deal! :D



Give us some more, Sniper!!!

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