
A debate on 1960's Union and the dissolution of that union

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Looks like the negotiations that went on 1978 to 1981 between Derg and EPLF &ELF in Eritrea.


At one point they had agreed confederation, but Mengistu thought the rebels are weak that is why they agree to confederation. He gathered 60 thousand soldiers in one place and tried to finish EPLF. Weyannie sent some 12 thousand fighters to Eritrea saved the day and Mengistu was downhill from there on.

These negotiations went on in Moscow, GDR East Germany and Yemen South.



Confederation is two countries very close to each other.

Even Ghele proposed it 3 years ago with Ethiopia when he was in some logjam in Djibouti.


Negotiated settlement is always preferable. It will last longer and the risks are minimal.


Since Somalia Somaliland have both ports, minerals, lands no need to be all that cruel to one another.




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