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Che -Guevara

A Different Tone From Ethiopia

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What a lie in our face. He says that he deals with the regional governments with the permission of he federal government. If I were the president, I would have said in a diplomatic and polite way that we do not appreciate the constant involvement of foreign governments i n our internal affairs without naming anyone.


Only a fool would believe that Ethiopia want to help us defeat Al-shabaab.


The positive thing that comes from this meeting is that for the first time Ethiopia is in defensive mood in both policies and Somali issues. Their weakness is apparent and the best way to reduce their influence is to minimize their involvement of the security issues.


For start, they must stop the illegal support of "Ehlu Sunna" in Galmudug, and the Somali government must control their movements. Second, no regional state leader should visit Addis without the permission of the Somali government.





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Of course they should. I hope Farmaajo realizes how powerful the Somali state is. Without Ethiopia and Kenya these states will focus schools, hospitals and roads rater than fly to Addis and challenge the Somalli state.

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On the other hand talk is cheap. Ethiopia became a master manipulator. They said the same thing before. If they trespass, there has to be consequences

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Ethiopia will do nothing to help Soomaaliya but I do believe this trip was more beneficial to the Federal Government.


Having the Ethiopian Prime Minister stand there and say the Somali Federal Government has the sole responsibility for its defense and foreign affairs is a coup for the Somali Government.


Now, it is up to the Somali Government to take lead and integrate regional through central monetary system, common defense, etc.


The Parliament and Government must ready a mechanism to finish the constitution and start legislation on revenue sharing, taxes, judiciary, etc. Establish and give powers to election commission, border commission, reconciliation, etc.


They have a momentum, they must take advantage.

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Che ,


They have the momentum, but so far I have't seen any real moves. Even Micheal Keaton said that the president and the prime minister must introduce different way of securing the parliamentarians and ministers .


Other than nominating the prime minister , cabinet and commanders , what is his plan to pacify the city?. Most people keep talking about ministries and their work force which has no bearing for the future security of Somalia.


Dadku ma waxay u malaynayan wasiiro cusub iyo dad cusub in ay wax ka bedelayaan xaalada Muqdisho.


Mr Farmaajo , what is your plan. Of course , you got momentum, but what makes you different from Hassan Sheikh.


IN this town nothing moves. The parliament is on vacation and will come back in session in July after "Ciidul Fidri". Dheriga dhadhaarka ha ii kala bedeline , maxaad qorshe haysa?.


The election commission should start their work yesterday.











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I hope he wouldn't fell in to the trap of eliminating Al-shabaab without addressing the financial, logistical and intelligence support from foreign forces. We know their are two Al-shabaab one that is domestic and extremists and one foreign and deadly who will be willing to use Somalia as collateral damage in their international chaos theory agenda. Any Somali leader must distinguish the difference between Mukhatar Robow and Al-qeada.


As I said before in this pages, no primitive Somali guerrilla movement could last in the bush a week. You must have a Somali plan. Ethiopian gross domestic production was $10 billion in 2004 when they begun to interfere with Somalia. Today i 2016, they hit the $60 billion mark. 20% of that is our domestic GDP undermined by their constant meddling of Somalia. Their will be no Ethiopian airline without the million diaspora Somalis flying through them.


I know many Somalis are in high hopes for this government , but those of us who have cooler heads have seen this film before. Hassan Sheikh met Obama, David Cameron and others during his early years and John Kerry came to Mogadishu. This trips by Farmaajo are familiar, but what is his plan?










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Ethiopia sees SOMALIA as BIG threat, and WILL never allow to have stable government, it is upto SOMALIS to navigate and ensure their national security.


This is nothing but lip sych. It is just words, no one should believe.


100+ million with budget of $60 billion, still very poor nation, and people make Ethiopia of what they are not, they are too Very vulnerable, Rag iska dhiciya waayeen.

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Galbeedi, You are right is of the essence. I hope Farmaajo understands the urgency. That said, this government will only move forward if the citizens pressure it but also is support it.



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For Farmaajo to go to Ethopia to demand not to welcome his own regional states is embarrassing and counterproductive. First, most of the regional states bar Somaliland come under the federal constitution and it is simply agreeing a foreign policy conduct that is built in the constitution with the regional states. This behaviour is antagonising the regional states who have already showed that they want to work with the federal government in stabilising the country and establishing strong government institutions.


Somali state is not ready to pick fights with neighbouring countries and should prioritise stability and establishing strong national army that can secure our borders. Anything else is habar fadhidaa lagdin la fududaa.

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First of all , no one is picking fights with the neighbors. All we want is for the Somali state to be a sovereign nation deciding how to build and conduct internal national security issues without the interference of those who were claiming to be helping Somali security for twenty years, yet with their help things were getting worse by the day.


Samafall says,

" most of the regional states bar Somaliland come under the federal constitution and it is simply agreeing a foreign policy conduct that is built in the constitution with the regional states"


There is no foreign policy built in the constitution with regional governments, period. In many parts of the world neighboring provinces and regions have mutual interest and trade contacts that compels cooperation. Other than transit from Berbera and meager trade from Boosaaso, there is no trade or exports leaving Somali territories that goes to Ethiopia. The border has been sealed always even during peace times. That is why the Somalis in Ethiopia remain poor . without trading their natural brothers on the other side, they depend on the mercy of the Ethiopian dictatorship. My friend the issue is much bigger than your own enclave.


There is nothing but a proxy regional militia created to prolong instability. You and I know that most of the agreements entered between the federal government and regions are guaranteed by Ethiopia . We have a lot of issues regarding the plight of Somalis in zone five and the border, yet Cabdi Illey will never visit Mogadishu to discuss these matters. Do you think there would be "Ehlu Sunnah" or other gangs without Ethiopia? I do no think so.


People keep talking about the red carpet and the usual pampering that were planned to mesmerize the insecure Somali leaders who are eager to get some badly needed recognition from others as leaders.


Those of us who follow Somalia see this film many many times , and even the script is identical.


Here is what people have said the relation between the early years of Hassan Sheikh and Ethiopia and Kenya, here in SOL in April 2013, just six months after his eection:


Thursday, April 18th, 2013 | Posted by SEK5

Madaxweynaha Dowladda Federaalka Xasan Sheekh oo dhowaan tagaya waddanka Ethiopia…. Waayo??


Wararka aan ka helayno magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegaya in Madaxweynaha dowlada Federaalka Somalia mudane Xasan Sheikh ku wajahan yahay wadanka Ethiopia halkaas oo uu kaga qayb galayo shir ay isugu imaanayaan wadamada Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya iyo Jabuti.

Kulankaan ayaa wararku sheegayaan inuu qaban qaabqaabiyey Madaxweynaha Jabuuti Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle.

Madaxweynaha Jabuti oo garwadeen ka ah kulankaan ayaa xogaha laga helayo xusayaan inuu ku dhexdhexadinayo Madaxweyne Xasan Shiikh iyo Madaxweynaha Kenya iyo Ra’isal wasaaraha Ethiopia.

Xiriirka dowladaha Ethiopia iyo Kenya ay la leeyihiin dowlada Federaalka Somalia ayaa maraya heerkii ugu hooseeyey kadib markii labadaan wadan saluugeen siyaasada Madaxweyne Xasan Shiikh ee ku wajahan wadamada dariska ah.

Wadanka Kenya ayaa ciidamadooda ku sugan yihiin gudaha Somalia gaar ahaan gobolka Jubada Hoose halka dowlada Ethiopia dhowaan ciidamadooda kala baxdey qaar ka tirsan gobolada Bay iyo Bakool.

Dowlada Kenya oo ciidamadoodu ku sugan yihiin magalada Kismayo ayaa tageersan shirka maamulka loogu dhisayo gobolada Jubooyinka halka ay ka biyo diidan tahay dowlada Federaalka ee uu Xasan Shiikh ka yahay Madaxweynaha.

Dhinaca kale xiriirka Ethiopia iyo dowlada Federaalka ah ayaa wanaagsaneyn kadib markii gudoomiyahii hore ee Bay oo xiriir dhow la lahaa ciidamada shisheeye ee gobolka sugan la badaley kuwaasoo deganadaas ka qabsadey xoogaga Al-Shabaab.

Wadanka Ethiopia ayaa dhinaca kale ka biyo diidan xiriirka sii kordhaya ee u dhexeeya dalka Masar oo ay ka arrimiyaan ururka Akhwaanul Muslimiin iyo koox diimeedka Damul Jadiid kuwaasoo awood siyaasdeed ku leh dowlada Xasan Shiikh.

Si kastaba ha ahaatee kulankaan ayaa la filayaa inuu diirada saaro sidii la isugu soo dhoweyn lahaa Uhuru Kenyata oo dhowaan la doortey, Ra’isal wasaraha Ethiopia iyo Madaxweynaha DFS kuwaasoo aan ku faraxsaneyn siyaasada Xasan Shiikh ee ku wajahan wadamada dariska la ah Somalia kuwaasoo qayb libaax ka qaatey dagaalka lagula jiro kooxda Al-shabaab.


Sound familiar. Walee reer aan ogahay ma guuro.


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Che, of course we support them, but talk is cheap, we need real change in terms of security and substance. Hassan Sheikh has done a lot in terms of police , government ministries, rehabilitation of the city and bringing the world to somalia in terms of foreign embassies and contacts. Mogadisho airport and ports became operational under his watch, but he was moving in a slow pace and in to the wrong direction on the issues regarding security and Somali sovereignty. We have thrown him out because he was dragging his feet and leaning on the backs of Ethiopia and others to resolve problems.


One thing is for sure , Somalis will not wait for another four years to get real results. The drought is still there and no one is leaving Mogadishu hotels. If we want things to remain the same , we would have kept Hassan Sheikh.


Laba sanadood gudahood haddii aanu arki weyno isbedel Muuqda:


" arrintu Farmaajo iga kaxeeya ayey Noqon"






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The notion that politicians are held accountable by the public is non-existent in Somalia. If President Farmaajo were to implement the same policies as President Hasan Sheikh, it is possible that Farmaajo can get away with it. Different persons, different spin doctors, and different expectations. Thus, I don't expect a public uprising to take place if nothing were to change the next two years.

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