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A rape Game called " Taharrush"

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The game was invented in Egypt and that is what apparently those Middle Eastern and North African sexual predators were "playing" in Cologne and other Germany cities as well in several European countries.


Arabs have burnt their reputation cards big time, they are all seen as sexual predators now, absolutely no recovery from this, Pegida and anti immigration activists are licking their chops.


My question is how do these men face their mothers, sisters and other female relatives in their lives knowing they did what they did, the shame is just too much.

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Cologne attacks: Migrant men banned from German swimming pool


A German town has banned male asylum seekers from a public swimming pool after women complained of harassment.

A government official in Bornheim said men from a nearby asylum shelter would be barred until they "got the message" that such behaviour was not acceptable.



It follows outrage over hundreds of sexual assaults in nearby Cologne and other German cities on New Year's Eve.


These oversexed medieval brutes never stop.



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Xabad, no one authenticated this video. The actions of few criminal gangs should not be labeled as culture. while misogyny is part of greater Arab culture, there are other cultures who not only abuse but threat women like objects. Do you know an thing about India and their dowry system.


Arabs in the diaspora have one of the most stable and cohesive families.


I think we should not be generalizing this matter.

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Xabad, no one authenticated this video. The actions of few criminal gangs should not be labeled as culture. while misogyny is part of greater Arab culture, there are other cultures who not only abuse but threat women like objects. Do you know an thing about India and their dowry system.


Arabs in the diaspora have one of the most stable and cohesive families.


I think we should not be generalizing this matter.


What do you mean by authenticated, Galbeedi?, I know you followed the news about the cologne sex assaults, do those reports also need to be authenticated ?


A few criminals this is not, when close to 1000 men plan in advance to prey on women in one city alone, that is big. The assaults also took place over several European countries remember.


I agree after Arabic/Islamic culture the most misogynistic one is that of the wretched Hindoos. How the heck does a woman pay dowry ? and nobody will forget the Delhi rapes in a hurry. There both equally benighted cultures that degrade and debase women.


Whether they have a cohesive and stable family structure is neither here nor there.




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The problem seems to be the newcomers Arabs. Like Galbeedi said though the more

established Arabs in west don't behave like this, so there is a hope for them


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The problem seems to be the newcomers Arabs. Like Galbeedi said though the more

established Arabs in west don't behave like this, so there is a hope for them



Even among the Arabs, the North Africans aka Maghrebis are the worst.

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the Maghreb's who flooded Europe are all young single men who could not marry at home and settle down in a patriarchal families that demand more. Back home they could not touch or intermingle. If they do rape or any other misdeeds, they could be punished swiftly. so, in Europe, they act like a kid in candy store.


In France, were there are over six million native born French Arabs, this issue doesn't exist.

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^ No I am talking about the Arab culture where women are treated as sex objects.


what nonsense. that's a very audacious statement. you're just a feminazi.


in the famous book a season of migration to the north by Tayeb saleh, the protagonist 'borderline raped' several women to avenge colonial exploitation of sudan by britain. migrants are perhaps doing the same thing...?

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I hope you all read The Arab Mind by Raphael Patai, which discusses Arab culture, it will talks about a sundry of Arab sexual pathologies, it illuminated for me many things about Islamo Arab culture


In Islamo Arab culture the whole family honor indeed the nations is tied to the ird or pelvis of their female members. Moulud Feraoun states in the book "Arab men’s honor was buried in the vagina as if it were a treasure more precious than life".


The book also discusses the intense sexuality of Arabs and the exact reasons why these Youfs are acting they way they do.

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