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Guess the new PM in Xamar

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Where are our SOL insiders like Xiinfaniin and his crystal ball. Interesting

times ahead. If Damul Jadiid wants to survive up to 2016 they need to pick

a yes man.

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^ Salaax ninkaan Mooge ka dhaadhici arintaas ninyow. DJ way ka taala. They're at war with ASWJ saacadaan la goojo and the Amxaar are threatening to cross the border. They need a PM who moves out of the way haddi kale mid u salaxa 2016.

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I told you guys before a short-list was prepared when the feud broke out between Xassan Sheikh and Yuulka. The 3 on that short-list where from the Ras Kamboni, Puntland, and Sool communities. So far SOL members have figured out that Xalane and Cumar Abdirashid are the 2 respective choices from their communities. Let's see if you can figure out who the third candidate from the Sool community is? I'll make it easy for you: He used to work for a respected 'international organization'.


Futurenow, earlier you had referred to some other Puntland fellow in previous posts and I told you he wasn't the one. Omar Abdirashid was the candidate from Puntland.


Mooge, this list doesn't come from pressure from the 'donors/IC'. Hassan Sheikh's clique drew up this list immediately after the fallout with current PM.

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cagadheertii oo waalatay shalay kismaayo



Kn: Maanta magaalada Kismaayo waxaa ka dhacdey rasaas xoogan oo kor loo ridayay, iyada oo la adeegsanayay hubka fudud iyo waliba hubka tiknikada kadib markii halkaasi uu gaarey war been abuur ah oo ku saabsan in xilka Ra’isulwasaaraha loo magacaabay Xusseen Cabdi Xalane oo hadda ah sii hayaha wasiirka Maaliyadda.




Sida uu kusoo waramayo wariyaheena magaalada Kismaayo, mar kaliya ayaa magaalada waxaa qabsaday dhawaaqa rasaasta iyo hoonka baabuurta, iyada oo la arkayay dad lacago qeybinaya iyo kuwa qeybinaya boorar uu ku yaalo sawirka Xalane.


Waxa ay dadka iyo ciidamada maamulka Jubba u damaashadayeen warka ku saabsan in Xuseen Cabdi Xalane loo magacaabay Ra’isulwasaaraha Soomaaliya, sida ay sheegeen qaar ka mid ah dadkii damaashadaayay oo aan la hadalnay qaarkood, warkaasi waxa uu ahaa mid been abuur ah oo aanan la ogeyn halka uu magaalada ka gaarey.


Xaaladda ayaa faraha ka bixi gaartay kadib markii rasaasta ay aad u xoogeysatay, waxayna saraakiisha maamulka ku qasbanaadeen in ay idaacadda Kismaayo kala hadlaan askarta, iyaga oo u digey askarta rasaasta rideysa in talaabo sharci ah laga qaadi doono.


Rasaasta iyo damaashaadka ayaa joogsaday markii amarka maamulka idaacadda laga baahiyey, sidoo kalena la baahiyey in aysan jirin wax Ra’isulwasaare ah oo la magacaabay.


6-dii bishan ayuu baarlamaanka Soomaaliya kalsoonida kala noqdey Ra’isulwasaare Cabdiwali Sheekh Axmed iyo xukuumadiisa, waxaana lagu wadaa in madaxweyne Xassan Sheekh uu soo magacaabi doono Ra’isulwasaare.


Xuseen Cabdi Xalane ayaa ka mid ah dadka aadka loogu filayo in xilkani loo magacaabo, balse wali ma jirto cid madaxweynaha uu u magacaabay Ra’isulwasaaraha Soomaaliya.


Inkasta oo dabaal degu noqdey mid katibey, hadane rasaastu waxay ahayd mid si darandoori ah u dhaceysey.

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Through out this process of predicting the new PM alot of names have been mentioned , however the Candidate whom is chosen by the X.S. Administration and has the support of America and the West is Cumar C.rashiid Cali Sharmaa'ake . He has landed in Moqadisho and will be presented to local media the next coming days. So before the ever mucaarad website folks start calling him names, lets congratulate him .

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