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Meet the Men The West Deems "Terrorists"..

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CidanSultan, I don't give a shit about what "America" or what "Britain" has done in the past. I never expected them to be angels in the first place


The reason why I'm singling out ISIS/Boko Haram/Al Shabab is because they claim to be the torch-bearers of Islam, they claim to be the new "Caliphate", they claim that they're on the "Siratul Mustaqeem", Al Baghdadi claims that he's the successor of the 4 Righteous Caliphs. They even changed their names to "The Islamic State" because they want to claim that they're the ones on the straight path. So yes, their actions will be scrutinized. You're comparing apples and oranges here. And committing acts of terror against civilians and undermining global peace and stability is what ISIS is guilty of, they make the blood of innocent civilians halal, they've killed Shia's and Christians and Sunnis, and now these dogs are threatening to attack the United States and Europe.

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CidanSultan, I don't give a shit about what "America" or what "Britain" has done in the past. I never expected them to be angels in the first place


The reason why I'm singling out ISIS/Boko Haram/Al Shabab is because they claim to be the torch-bearers of Islam, they claim to be the new "Caliphate", they claim that they're on the "Siratul Mustaqeem", Al Baghdadi claims that he's the successor of the 4 Righteous Caliphs. They even changed their names to "The Islamic State" because they want to claim that they're the ones on the straight path. So yes, their actions will be scrutinized. You're comparing apples and oranges here. And committing acts of terror against civilians and undermining global peace and stability is what ISIS is guilty of, they make the blood of innocent civilians halal, they've killed Shia's and Christians and Sunnis, and now these dogs are threatening to attack the United States and Europe.

DrKen, these savages cannot and will not threaten next door neighbour Jordan with a conventional war let alone the world's superpowers. When they say they would attack America or Europe, what they actually mean is they would brainwash a Somali or a Pakistani simpleton living in those nations to masaccre yet more innocent people in a cowardly act of terrorism. These savages like Alshabaab are so coward; they can't even show their faces. If they had a single moral fibre in the body or believed in what they are fighting for, they would have revealed their identities. But like thieves and bank robbers, they use masks.

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They are so cowards, they claim to be the torch bearers of Islam they think they are the new chaliphate...


Give us a break already. These people a group of men who started fighting Americans around faluja. They killed 5000 American soldiers and rightly so. The invasion of Iraq was illegal and unlawful and the death of tens of thousands of Iraqis unlawful. These so called terrorists fought for their country against American occupation you wanna call that savagery then go ahead. They do not have the right to kill innocent people. But let's be honousty that's not the reason why America and Europe and the real kawarij the homosexual kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Jordan and other puppets have declared war on them. If you think that's the reason then your the simpleton sucking up western propaganda.


The reason why they want this group gone is because like I said their objective is for chaliphate, they have the will, skills and means to for the first time in 100 years to actually change the borders of the Middle East and remove the curropt puppets who are the real enemies of Islam.


Jordan shares intel with israel, Saudi Arabia is curropt monarchy that oppresses it's people and led by 22,000 sons of al saud. Iraq is a curropt Shia state that kills thousands of Sunnis. Syria the same.


If your concerned with the death of innocent people...why is the west not bombing Assad...?..


Gentlemen your arguments do not stack up...they are khawarij, they are monsters etc. is no longer valid. All these regimes are monsters. The American government assists in the subdjegation of the Egyptian people by supporting a dictator.


Why single them out. America is the sole reason for most of all the problems in the Muslim world. iS is only a by product of that



Give us a break.

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Ohhh my God we must stop these savages...these barbarians who are fighting a us deemed terrorist organisation that has killed And burned Arab villages and fought a bloody war against Turkey. These savages are also fighting against a curropt Iraqi army that is entirely sectarian Shia that kills Sunnis and oppresses them daily.


Oh my God these savages must be fought because they are killing Assad soldiers responsible for mass rape ADHD crimes against humanity. Oh my God these Khwararij must be fought.


Don't get me wrong they are not perfect but in comparison to the monsters of the Middle East they are no different they all must be fought why single these guys out. They probably do more good then any of them as we'll In terms of services and looking after the Sunni populations.

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