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Breaking news Puntland Cuts Ties with Xamar due to Central State

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when people become so delusional, they turn into comedians. keep living the phantom dream niyoow. you obviously haven't learned anything from somali politics of the last 3 decades. haye waa ku kaas. sii wad sheekada. lol.



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PUNTLAND waxa ay diiday heshiisyadii Garowe1 iyo Garowe2 (Maxaa ka jira in ay Galkacyo horey uga tanaasushay?)

Aug 2, 2014 - jawaab




Diidmada Puntland ay diiday heshiiskii Mudug iyo Gobolada dhexe loogu sameenayey Maamul Goboleedka waxay macnaheedu tahay iyadoo diiday Heshiiskii Garoowe1 iyo Garoowe2.

Heshiisyadaas waxaa ka mid ahaa in magaalada Gaalkacyo ay hoos timaado Maamulka Galmudug.

Diidmmada Puntland ay diiday heshiiskii Mudug iyo Gobolada dhexe loogu sameenayey Maamul goboleed waxay fursad siinaysaa Qabaa’ilada Soomaalida oo intooda badan Heshiiskii Garoowe1 iyo Garoowe2 diidanaa.

Sideed iyo toban-ka gobol ee aasaaska looga dhigay maamul goboleedyada ayaa markii horeba cadaalada daro laga tirsanaayey, taasoo hadaad eegtid ahaa mid qabaa’ilo gaar ah loo samaeeyey,

Iyadoo aan loo eegin,wax soo saar ahaan,tirada bulshada degan iyo masaafada degaanka.

Maamulka KMG Juba ayaa gacanta loo galiyey Axmed Madoobe, iyadoo la hareer maray Beelaha gobolkaa dega sida; Jareer Weyn, Digil iyo Mirifle, Gaaljecel,Mariixaan, Carmalo,Biimaal, Shiikhaal,Dir,Baajuun iyo Giirgiir.

Puntland waxay tiraa Kismaayo waa magaalo Soomaaliyeed, cid walba oo sheegata Soomaali ayaa ku maamulkeeda xaq u leh.

Dawlada federaalka waxay ku mashquushay inay had iyo jeer raali galiso Puntland oo ay ka hormariso ummadda Soomaaliyeed inteeda kale. Dawlada Federaalka waxay kala tashatay dib u eegista Dastuurka maamulka Puntland oo keliya, iyadoo aan beelaha kale ee Soomaaliyeed lagu wargalin waxa socda.

Soomalida waxay tiraahda xaq feeraha yuu ka dilaacaa. Labadii xaqdaro ku heshiisa, xalaal kuma heshiiso.

Waa Ilaahay mahadii haddii Dawlada federaalka iyo Puntland ay isku dhaceen. Labada waxay masuul ka yihiin qaska iyo jahwareerka ka taagan Soomaaliya maanta.

Isku soo wada duub: Diidmada Puntland ay diiday heshiiskii Mudug iyo Gobolada dhexe loogu sameenayey Maamul Goboleedka waxay keenaysaa in nidaamki Federaalka ahaa uu hawada ka baxo iyo in beel walba ay degaankeeda ay maamul u sameesato.

Beelaha Digil iyo Mirif,Hawiiye, Jareer Weyn iyo Mareexaan ay Qaadacaan Maamulka KMG Juba.

Qore: Axmed Cabdi Osmaan

Afeef: Aragtida qoraalkan waxa ay ku gaar tahay qofka ku saxiixan, kamana tarjumeyso tan


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when people become so delusional, they turn into comedians. keep living the phantom dream niyoow. you obviously haven't learned anything from somali politics of the last 3 decades. haye waa ku kaas. sii wad sheekada. lol.


Lol. is that the best you contribute on this important topic.


I expect Elpunto and other fair minded Puntlanders to address this complicated scenario, not the one and only the General Maxamed Sacid Saxaf of Garowe :)

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malistar stop it niyoow. don't make me laugh. the HAG are working overtime to come up with anything to explain why their own HAG people reject the phantom state.

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Lol. is that the best you contribute on this important topic.


I expect Elpunto and other fair minded Puntlanders to address this complicated scenario, not the one and only the General Maxamed Sacid Saxaf of Garowe


haha. now you are becoming unhinged niyoow. relax niyoow. all I said was keep living the phantom HAG dream because obviously you are neither a student of history nor a keen observer of somali politics. shekada HAG shaha ku caban ee nafaqada mesha hala iman niyoow. mesha rag waweyn ayaa jooga.



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Yoniz, if Central state was a functioning federal state since 1998 and suddenly a nascent federal government said that they have to give up a crucial block of their region to a fractious region divided by militias and multiple self declared states in Puntland then you'll get the same outrage. It doesn't make any sense, and to add more to the confusion the people in that region are contradicting everything the SFG is saying. It's clear that the SFG is not serious when they try to form any new federal state and they are doing it in the most haphazard manner that you can't help but think that they want it to fail.

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The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia (SRSG), Nicholas Kay, welcomed today’s agreement in principle to form a regional administration in central Somalia.



Under the leadership of the Federal Government, representatives from the region signed a document in which they stated that they would work together towards the establishment of a new administration in central Somalia. The signing was witnessed by Envoys and senior representatives of the African Union, the European Union, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and the United Nations.


“Though this is only the first step in a process of state formation in central Somalia, it is a sign of the country’s progress towards meeting the goals set out in Vision 2016 and the Provisional Federal Constitution,” SRSG Kay said. “The process of federalism is aimed at building a stronger, more united and peaceful Somalia.”


“Forming an inclusive administration in central Somalia will not be without its challenges, but these can only be resolved through consultation, dialogue and negotiation involving all parties,” he added. “I urge in particular the full participation of women in the process. It is also vital that the creation of a regional administration is done in a way that protects the interests of both emerging and existing administrations.”


“As a witness to today’s agreement, the United Nations is committed to supporting the Federal Government’s peace-building and state-building efforts,” Mr. Kay said.


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