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Xaaji Xunjuf

President Hassan&Press Ismail hold a brief meeting in Djibouti Pirates terrified

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Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh iyo Madaxweyne Geelle oo Jabuuti uga arinsanaya beentii iyo borobogaankii ay ka iibin lahaayeen Madaxweyne Obama

xasan sheikh iyo geele

Madaxweynaha Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan shiekh ayaa maanta ka dhoofey Magaalada Muqdisho isagoo kusii jeeda kulan wada tashi ah oo Jabuuti ku dhexmari doona isaga iyo Madaxweyne Geele.

Sida ay sheegtey Wasaarada Arimaha Dibada Mareykanku Madaxweyne Barack Obama ayaa 5 may wuxuu Aqalka Cad ee Maraykanka uu ku qaabili doonaa Madaxweynaha Jabuuti Ismaaciil Cumar Geele.

Wararka Dublamaasiyadeed oo soo gaaraya Puntlandi ayaa sheegaya in safarka Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh uu salka ku hayo booqashada Madaxweyne Geele uu ka tagayo Washington bisha soo socota, wararku waxay intaas ku darayaan in labada Madaxweyne ay ka arinsanayaan Shirqool siyaasadeed oo indha sarcaad iyo maaweelo ah oo ay doonayaan iney ku khaldaan Madaxweynaha Mareykanka .

Wararku waxay intaa ku darayaan in labada Madaxweyne ay hada culeyska saarayaan sidii Bulshada caalamka iyo Dowlada Maeykanka looga dhaadhicin lahaa in Qorshaha Roadmap-ka siyaasadeed ee Soomaaliya uu wadanka u keenayo Colaad iyo Dagaalo hor leh, labada Madaxweyne ayaa culeyska saari doona sidii Madaxweyne Obama iyo Wasaaradiisa Arimaha dibada loogu qancin lahaa in Nidaamka Federaalka ahi uu soo celinayo colaadii sokeeye ee Dalka ka jirtey, iyo sidii qiil loogu raadin lahaa wax ka badelkii sharci darada ahaa ee xukumada Xasan Sheekh ku sameysay Dastuurka dalka, taas oo ay aad ugu canbareyeen shacbiga somaliyaaed iyo bulshada caalamkuba dawlada Xasan Sheekh

Dhinaca kalena Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh wuxuu wataa dacwad ka dhan ah wadamada safka hore qaar ka mid ah sida Kenya iyo Maamul Goboleedka Soomaaliyeed ee Jubaland, iyadoo lawada ogsoon yahay in Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Jabuuti Idiris Cali uu si cad usheegey sanadkii hore in aysan Dowlada Jabuuti ay kasoo hor jeedo Maamul Goboleedk Jubaland.

Madaxweynaha Jabuuti ayaa lagasoo bilaabo sanadkii 2000 wuxuu hadafkiisa siyaasadeed ee arimaha dibada ee wadankiisa wuxuu sal uga dhigtey dilaalka iyo ka macaashka Arimaha murugsan ee Soomaaliya.

Dowlada Jabuuti iyo Madaxweyneheeda Ayaan marnaba dhexdhexaad ka noqonin colaadaha iyo degaan la’aanta ka jira Soomaaliya, iyagoo marwalba siiya gacan siyaasadeed, dhaqaale iyo mid Ciidanba kooxaha Qabqablayaasha Muqdisho ee wadanku ka dagi la’yahay, taaso Jabuuti usahasha mar walba iney dhaqaale badan ay caalamka kaga urursadaan Barnamijyo wajiyo badan oo ay kamid yihiin abaabulida Shirar dib u sheshiisiin oo aan waxba kasoo bixin, tababaro ciidan, iyo Barnaamijyo aan lasoo koobi karin.

Iskusoo duuboo waxaad moodaa in maamulada Puntland iyo Jubaland , Aqoonyahanada, Jaaliyadaha iyo Shacbiga Soomaaliyeed ay ka hurdaan shirqooladaas iyo dhagarta siyaasadeed ee lagu maleegayo Jabuuti.

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Xaaji xunjuf how do you see this going about, will somalia eventually have a federalism or will President Hassan succeeds in stopping federalisation and bring back centralisation system??



I hope both President of Somalia and Djibouti succeed in convincing USA of its political interest in Somalia.


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The Federalist will try to push clan federalism as a way to govern Somalia but its difficult to sell to the vast majority of Somalis , the strategy of President hassan is to show the international community that clan federalism is a farce and that it cant be sustained in the long term and that it will diminish Somalias status as a nation.


Thats why he allows both the six state and 3 state to be in the air not choosing one side. I dont think Hassan wants pure centralism like in the times of siad bare adan cadde and sharmarke. The old Somali republic,but a decentralized Somali state governed from Mogadishu with one central command with a strong structure with both a strong navy and a strong army to protect the Sovereignty of Somalia.


And that the regions will be allowed to have governors that can maintain the daily needs of the public like water immigration health sectors and schooling systems to be done in the regions a more decentralized formula. But still with strong institutions in the capital, i believe that's the objective of Xassan Maxamud.


On Foreign policy i believe President hassan is a few steps ahead when it comes to the clan federalists garowe and Kismayo , he has the backing of the international community and the current constitution needs to be voted on by the people in order to be permanent constitutions i believe some where in the near future people will be forced to vote for the constitution nickolas kay made this clear to, Hassan has allot of cards to play.


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As usual rhe dr is here to set the record straighr with this faile project of irirism, who are breathing their last gasp of air as they are removed from somalia politics altogether.


Federalism is going very well and we know full well hassan sheikh is trying to stop it by confusing the baidoa conference but we will stop it because were hosting the rra folks in garowe to settle their sfg staged dispute and propose how this system is in their interest also and only losing party are the duo of division and destruction.


PL and JL has accepted federalism and once baydhabo does it's game set and match. The spoilers will be seen as irir who are refusing the federal system that all somalis have accepted, not a good image at all to have infront of the world. We have already disturbed the north with soldiers in buhodle, 30 kilometer south of las anod at tukaraq and were all in sanaag up to erigavo. We are also going to make sure awdal spoils the day for the 300k terrorists who also share this central policy since it will be hargeisa and hamar managing both regions.


The days of centralism are over, no somali will accept it and irir I urge you to give up on this doomed project. Pls ask yourself as a HAG what has HAG left behind for somalia? destruction, looting, warlords, jeeb ku ridis pōiticians, their nothing tangible I can point to and say 'hey thats what hag left for somalis' quite a shame if you ask me. What has the 300k terrorists left behind? living in morgan home, attacking lands thats not yours, division of our country. Is there anything that you can point to and say 'damn snm left something that all somalis can use today' you won't find it, your a duo of destruction and division and your the most useless clans in Somalia.


I asked Xunjuf the other day, what have your ppl done for somalia ever in history or today that we can be proud of? you know what he said? I built hargeisa, I laughed and said well I built galkayo, garowe, bosaso anyone build help their clan, I said what have u left behind for all somalis, he said nothing. So I told him he was going to be like egal and silanyo who when they die they only be buried and rememberrd by their clan since they left nothing for anyone else to remember them by. Thats where the big differencd lies between sahal and irir, we leave something all, they leave nothing for anyone.


Even in Abdillahi yusuf time, he left behind the somali flag raised high in villa somalia and federalism which all somalis today enjoy and are building administrations, farole even left behind a constitution for all somalis that we all use and settle our dispute through, gaas even in his short time finished the roadmap and got the sfg recognition which today muqdishu is progressing on. Forgrt about the things Sayid, Darwish, SYL, Revolution, Flag, Anthem, and what our fathers leave behind. We simply are not the same ppl, you irir attack ppl land like moryans, we dont. You irir live in sahal property we dont, you irir leave nothing good behind but we do. I realized we not the same, irir are the same animal very short sighted.


Just remember when i die i aim to be buried by all somalis, so I must leave behind something in order for that to occur, but when you guys die, you will be buried by your clan and forgotten in history book as insignificant. Two very different mindsets and thats the truth.

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for Qoslaaye, desperate times call for desperate measures,running around like headless chicken. why he is wasting the poor Somalis money when he can make a phone call? someone tell him the truth Gheele won't make difference to USA foreign policy regarding Somalia, they know better.

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As powerless as Qoslaaye is, the President of Djibouti is even more powerless lol. What a ridiculous waste of Somali money and time. This trip was a waste


Do they have internet connection in Villa Somalia? Is Qoslaye capable of using Skype and calling the Djiboutian President from his office??


If Qoslaaye truly believes in what he's promoting, then maybe he should tour the Somali cities, raising awareness, giving speeches in cities like Beledweyne, and gathering support. But instead he's like a headless chicken, going from country to country.

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