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Football analysis in the era of ‘highlight heroes’

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^^ Tuujiska, and you keep repeating the last sentence over and over again, war naga daa :D



Ngonge Mr Liibaro :D , mar dhaw niman rafaadsan ayaan la ciyaareenaa oo mushaar la'aan dishey, anagay nagu qaras-bixi rabaan, horta balaayada wada tabcaanka ah maxaa na daba dhigey, meel looga fakadana ma jirto, waa Wigantii wiifta laheed oo kale, illeen balaayo.



AT&T, I have seen the Dire Dawa stadium, and tried few times to bring some friends there and meet other ethiopians who could challenge us and play footie with us, I have even went as far as promoting our mini team so we could get a team that can play against us, it took us a month to find a team from Harar, Dire Dawa wey hoogtey, they were not even a full team, we had to donate 3 of our lads to them,


such is a place where football is not the main sport.



And Addis is much worse, everyone you see on the streets they are running wearin their hero shirt :D

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Tuujka xaaji waa ku sidee. Kolo Toure waa RUBBISH. When he sees a striker running towards him tuu cabsado ayuu isku da darsamaa. Who knows what he can do in a situation like that.


As for defenders, aren't we all forgetting Dani Alves or are we just talking about CBs.

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LoooL@ Ngonge, who can argue with your depth analysis. it seems all your predictions were out of line.


Best defender, well I haven't been watching other than EPL and the occasional La Liga & Seria A (due to bad timing in our region)

I have few in my list who at the moment - may have been injured or slightly out of form.


To me: they can be classed into three tiers

Tier 1





Tier 2

John Terry (despite of the all the crap that went on)

Skretl (I don't know but I find the guy tough and reliable)


will come back later to complete my list


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Haatu, all strikers hate Toure saaxiib the man is a bully..if he was such a rubbish player, Man city woudn't pay so much money for him..the man is solid at the back but he is not fancy as some CB like lucio...


Yes we are talking about CB kaliya..I think Dani Alves took RB defece to another level..he made it a lethal weapon is like he is another striker... I think he is the best RB in the world..



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Arsenal should consider themselves lucky not to have Mello in their team. The most over-rated player I have seen in years. Aweful tonight vs Fulham!

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

credulous Uncle Bob to take himself as a serious commentator of football merely because
happened to win half-of the Provincial championships in Somalia before the country collapsed.




Peace, Love & Unity.

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^^ We rate players and teams on their performances in entire seasons and not just one game, saaxib. Form is temporary and all that. :D

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Thats the 3rd mistake I have seen Ceasar make since A&T branded him best keeper in the world and the 2nd time Lucio has been caught out of position since you said he was the best.


Please say the same about the City and Spurs defenders :D

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^^^ loool waraa Walaahi I would still take them over Lucio! I like CB defender who stays back! lucio should move to Lb or Rb if he wants to attack... they guy weerar uu iska aadaa markaste kawaran and leaving his back exposed...



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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