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Turning screws on Somalis will force them reveal attacks

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By Kwamchetsi Makokha

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Arresting 657 Somalis in Eastleigh, holding them in cages at Kasarani Stadium, and taxing them for illegal presence in Kenya should teach terrorists a lesson.


The deaths and injuries from recent terrorist tragedies must be avenged on the relations of those who relish the prospect of Kenyans’ tears. Since 2011 when the Kenya Defence Forces went into Somalia to rescue foreign tourists kidnapped by the terrorist Al-Shabaab, 84 explosions have gone off around the country, killing and maiming Christians in bars, cafes, churches, public buses and shopping malls.


Invariably, the intelligence services have traced each improvised explosive device to a Somali. Still, the government has allowed these relatives of al-Shabaab to invest in the country, constructing tall buildings, trading and practising their religion oblivious of the poor pay the police receive. The time to atone for their stinginess is now.


Kenya has continued to host thousands of Somalis in camps, where, overfed on rations, they plot how to harm their hosts. After infiltrating every state department, they have pledged their loyalty to their kin by issuing identity documents and passports, thus turning Kenya into a major transit point and recruiting ground for terrorists.


It is their offer of comfort to their ethnic relations that has created thousands of terrorist sleeper cells.


Stemming from the royal treatment extended to Somalis, they have invented great grandparents, parents and families in order to acquire Kenyan IDs and passports.


Some have even acquired primary and secondary school certificates and university degrees to give the fiction of their Kenyan nationality a veneer of believability, but they do not fool anybody about where their true loyalties lie.


Recall that since 1962, Somali have always wanted to leave Kenya and join the greater Somalia.




The suspicion that has been visited on them by the security services is at their own invitation. After years of living under the equatorial sun, their Cushitic features have not Kenyanised, their religion remains unchanged and they continue to roll in money despite not owning any land or cultivating any notable crops.


It is unfathomable that the Somali community would continue to be so wealthy without embracing agriculture, the backbone of our economy. Even in rural areas, their itinerant habitation of spaces betrays a pulsating instinct to hide.


Somalis have made scant effort to convert to the religion of the majority in Kenya. They have continued to wear their suspicious billowing robes and cover their women in inscrutable burqas. Any reasonable person must conclude that they must be hiding something under those loose fitting clothes.


Many Somalis have made little effort to learn any other Kenyan language besides Kiswahili, marry into the other populations or assimilate. And they have not volunteered information to police about what Al-Shabaab are doing in Somalia, what they are planning in Kenya and when they expect to strike.


This failure has resulted in security forces being caught by surprise every time there is a terrorist attack on Kenyan soil.


Turning the screw on Somalis will force them to send frantic messages back to Al-Shabaab to cease attacking Kenyans.


Instead of complaining about the legitimate security operation to flush out terrorists and their sympathisers from the midst of Kenyan society, the leadership of the Somali community should encourage its people to convert to Christianity, wear fewer clothes and line up at the border to be processed for re-entry into Kenya.


It is the only way the government can be certain that Kenya is indeed for Kenyans.

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^^^^ you are not a man of his word!This what you said last time we engaged couple months ago '' the best way to deal with me is to put me in your ignore list and it worked just fine for you''.I stayed away from you eva since.Just wondering your change of heart.


To answer your first question...what I meant in my bad English was Somalis or any otha country would have felt same way if so many come to their country & create those problems.Its not that all Somalis r guilty but Kenyans don't know who is who & treating thm same out of frustration.Just imagine one million Kenyans in Mogadishu and only a dozen creating havoc but neither gov't nor public know personalities behind this.Am sure majority would've called for their expulsion.Its just natural.

about my English...well it's not very good but am not ashamed of it and obvious that you haven't come down of your high horse yet.Keeping your nose up in the air is your trade mark.In any discussion you in, you'r the headmaster scolding his school children.

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Kenya is in Somalia and Alshabab are in Kenya. Kenya will remain in Somalia to fight Alshabab and Alshabab will remain in Kenya to fight Kenya.


Alshabab has ruined the Kenyan tourist market so they blame Somalis and lock them up in turn they will feel victimised and join Alshabab of be sympathetic therefore more attacks will happen in Kenya and further destroy the tourist sector.





Reactions and counter reactions both ruining Somalia and Kenya the biggest losers of this entire scenario.



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Burah, my change of heart was simply because I was so irritated when I read what you wrote and couldn't understand anything. You can speak proper English if you want to. I've read your other posts before.


And if the Kenyans are mad that Somalis are causing problems in their country, then maybe Kenya shouldn't be arming or sponsoring different warlords and playing them against each other? It's strange how Kenya's attempts to exploit Somalia ends up biting them in the ass, isn't it? Kenya and Ethiopia have a very obvious role in prolonging the Somali Civil War for the last 23 years.


So now when the poison starts spreading into their country, then they start complaining about it! You can't have your cake and eat it too. Their hypocrisy is overwhelming.

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<cite>@DoctorKenney said:</cite>


Kenya and Ethiopia have a very obvious role in prolonging the Somali Civil War for the last 23 years.



wouldn't be hard on thm.All invited by Somalis for various reasons chief among thm Shabab,but the mission deviated by Somalis for clannish reasons each eager to be on top of the otha.Certainly both Ethiopia and Kenya will make use of it and why not when Somali factions compete to be closer to thm inorder to get rid of each otha.Lot refugees won't be able or can't relocate to Mogadishu where they fled 20+ yrs ago & lost everything including lives cos they were the otha clan or even the administration in Mogadishu may not care that much.Back to square one!

Those that have otha big towns otha than Mogadishu likely to come back by necessity but a lot thm from smaller villages might have no choice for they can't live in shacks.That the state of Somalis as we speak.

Each should go back to their region & build,dont care about Somali unity & trek alone.

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