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FIFA World Cup 2010

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It is inconsequential what you and I think of Lucio. And I wouldn't be so sure of myself as to doubt the judgement of so many experts about who did well in the World Cup. You have a point in that some nominations seem absurd. But I will not include Lucio in those catagory. I think he is a very very good defender.


As to Holland, I think it is you who is not watching the games. Holland is giving defence a big priority, something they are getting criticised for. After they scored against Slovakia, they were largely defending. But that is not the issue. The issue is not what they have been doing or what they are capable of doing. The issue is that they will concentrate on DEFENCE against Brazil. If they don't and I hope they don't, we will see a good game.

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Holland haven't had a real test as yet, and the game against Brazil will bring out their true colours. I doubt that Holland will go beyond the quarters. I am almost certainly sure that they will literally park the bus at the box in the hope of qualifying for the quarters in penalties. So, it is Portugal all over again.


I am also looking forward to Argies vs Germany match. This will be a test for both teams. Questions will be asked of Argentina's defence and their cohesiveness as a team. Germany will have to answer questions of general strength and depth and see if their quick high tempo pass and confidence can survive a probable early scare by the Argies (who probably have the most frightening strikers of any team in this tournament).


I think the winner of the tournament is going to come from one these (Argentina vs Germany, Brazil vs Holland, Spain vs Portugal - less emphasis on the Portuguese, I dont think they're well equipped).

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The current Holland does not have players who like to keep the ball and pass it around like they used to, the team is littered with dribblers and when you dribble there's evey chance that you might loose the ball which is what has been happening so far.



De Jong and his son-in-law do not combine well like Gilberto Silva & Melo and apart from Kuyt the Holland attackers do not like to track back as often which always gives the other teams the opportunity to attack with number and most importantly Holland does not have a target man upfront which is very very vital to their formation, Robin is not a target man and we can all see that it has limited him so far even if he's been getting chances to score.



Peace, Love & Unity.

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"Holland does not have a target man upfront "


What about Van Persie. He is up front and can play as a target man. I think he's the Netherlands target man and he is very good muscling his way into the box and may I add has a clinical finishing abilities.

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That's the reason Holland hasn't been able to get the best out of him's clear that he's struggling and I'm afraid he won't be any good against Brazil because I can already see Dunga planning to isolate him which is exactly what I would've done if I was a coach facing Holland.


There's a difference between playing and being...I can see Van Persie is playing as a target man but is he one?



I think Huntelaar can do a better job than him because we all know Robin likes to recieve the ball in his feet where he's most comfortable and most lethal but this current system is hindering him and everybody can see that except the man who matters most.



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Bob, hada waad soo dhawaatay hadaad leedahay Melo and Silva ayaa wax tara iyo Brazil are thight. To remind you, before the World Cup started, Brazil waa qashin iyo Gervinho ayaa ku dhoobaysan ayaad meeshan la taagneyd.


Diyaaradihii Dhoobley US ku garaacday in lagu la dhaco ayaad istaahishaa adigiyo adeerkaagii Anelka u ekaaba! :D

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^^ Bob views the world cup according to what Arsenal players are still left in it. So far, there are only two. One not playing much and the other not scoring. Bad world cup for Bob. :D

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I think Van Persie is good enough to play as a lone front man, but, and this is crucial, his main flaw is the fact that he shoots with only one foot (leftie). Everytime that he gets the ball, he will always move his body to get the strike on the left, and that can easily be defended most of the time. However, he really does have a good eye for goal and can finish it beautifully. Maybe, just maybe, if Holland can afford to partner him someone else up front, he will be useful against the Samba boys.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

Bob, hada waad soo dhawaatay hadaad leedahay Melo and Silva ayaa wax tara iyo Brazil are thight. To remind you, before the World Cup started, Brazil waa qashin iyo Gervinho ayaa ku dhoobaysan ayaad meeshan la taagneyd.


Diyaaradihii Dhoobley US ku garaacday in lagu la dhaco ayaad istaahishaa adigiyo adeerkaagii Anelka u ekaaba!

Unlike you I always give credit where its due and I never said Brazil Waa Qashin stop putting words into my mouth but I said what they are...a boring team with no flair and imagination a team that truly mirrors Dunga well because he was hard tackling man with no flair at all and I agree with the all the Brazilians who are disgusted with Dunga's team and their tactics and I am waiting to see what his excuse will be when they get knocked out...



Gervinho is talented and you know you want me to apologize for stating a fact? come on now Let's Play Fair but then again A&T fair waxba kama oga illaa waa galtigaa raba inuu kubad anaga nooga sheekeeyo isagoon weligiis arag meel lagu cayaaro. :D



NGONGE Are Liverpool players doing any better? :D What happened to El Nino or are we watching Ngong is disguise? :D



Peace, Love & Unity.

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^^ Two former Liverpool players are doing really well for Spain (if you can claim Gilberto Silva, I can claim Alonso). Torres is actually also doing well. So is Kuyt. The Argi captain is not doing too badly for his team. That's not to mention Babel & Reina who are both on standby for theirs. Naga daa dee. :D


Brazil have played well so far and turned on the style when they needed to. Their second and third goals yesterday were class.



They wont win the world cup though. Spain all the way.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:


Diyaaradihii Dhoobley US ku garaacday in lagu la dhaco ayaad istaahishaa adigiyo adeerkaagii Anelka u ekaaba!

How did I miss this? :D:D:D:D:D:D



Classic Absolutely Classic...I love It.



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ Two former Liverpool players are doing really well for Spain (if you can claim Gilberto Silva, I can claim Alonso). Torres is actually also doing well. So is Kuyt. The Argi captain is not doing too badly for his team. That's not to mention Babel & Reina who are both on standby for theirs. Naga daa dee.


Brazil have played well so far and turned on the style when they needed to. Their second and third goals yesterday were class.



They wont win the world cup though. Spain all the way.

Come on NGONGE be brave and admit that the reason why you support Spain is because of Torres, Alonso & Reina I know you love Mascherano but thought under Maradona Argentina won't get past the group stages but since you've already told every man and some girls on SOL that you will be rooting for Spian and Argentina are doing more than expected you are in dilema because you can't abandon Spain for Argentina...not this late and not now when they will finally be knocked out by the dirtiest team at the world cup...drum rolls please.....Portugal.



Naga daa dee NGONGE...waan is naqaanaa aniga iyo adiguye. :D



PS. I'm pro Prof. Norsfky. :D



Peace, Love & Unity.

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I'm amazed that Ronaldo did not cry.



in South Africa they joke Carlos Queiroz was not even good enough to coach Bafana Bafana (The Boys) but still chosen as Portuguese coach...what does that say about Portugal national team? Portugal team must be Banyana Banyana (The Girls) :D



PS. NGONGE see you in the semis. ;)



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Not this late and not now when they will finally be knocked out by the dirtiest team at the world cup...drum rolls please.....Portugal.

lol, what happened?


I think Germany will clench the victory of the Argentines purely because like in 2006 they have a more balanced team in Midfield and in strike as the communication between the two; you have sweinsteiger who replace Ballack in central position and new fresh additions such as Ozil who can play in versatile ways.

Though their defence is quite unorganized and has many weak spots as a team they still have world class players who can overcome this like Mertasacker and Lahm but lets hope for an entertaining match anyways.

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