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Somaliland:UCID party Chair Rejects Future Unification Between Somaliland Somalia

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Hargeisa(Qarannews):- The chair of UCID, Eng. Faisal Ali Warabe has rejected the possibility of future unification between Somaliland and Somalia.


Eng. Faisal who had been part of the delegation to Turkey to participate in the talks with the provisional government of Somalia which resulted in the Ankara Accords and has poured scorn on rumours of future unification between the two former members of the defunct “Somali Republic”.


Speaking to the VOA Somali Service, Eng Faisal stated “Somaliland is a sovereign country which has all the political and social institutions of a functioning nation. However, the administration of Somaliland now includes new elements which have caused the people of Somaliland to fear for the nation’s sovereignty and independence. But, Somaliland has been a sovereign nation for over 21 years, and we have a new generation, over 75%, who have known nothing but Somaliland! So to ask them to jettison their country for another mirage will not happen”


UCID chair Eng. Faisal Ali Warabe concluded his comments by stating ” We don’t see the talks with the provisional government in Somalia as a waste of time, but we must speak with a single voice. There are those who are ambiguous in their comments regarding the talks. I am plain speaking person, we will talk with Somalia, we will find a way to cooperate and co-exist as two nations, but, there will never be another union. This is not hate speech, this is fact and it is reality on the ground. Somaliland’s sovereignty is not for sale. Unfortunately, some people cannot be as clear as that, because, they either have another agenda or are not being honest with both the peoples of Somaliland and Somalia”.



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xiinfaniin;939660 wrote:
Sultan Faysal is not the decider. He is useful to Siilaanyo as he can easily be enticed to come along.

How is Siilanyo able to dictate him like this? Where do you think his power is coming from? Is Siilanyo a man with deep pockets? comes from a strong influential clan? What makes you say what you say Xiin?

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AfricaOwn;939661 wrote:
Eng. Faisal message needs to be consistent and I hope that he takes a strong stance against the London conference.

Indeed Ucid and wadani stance should be no to the London conference and they should prepare organize the masses in SL.


The hell with AID and the beggar mentality, Somaliland status as an independent state is much more valuable than any AID.

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AfricaOwn;939662 wrote:
How is Siilanyo able to dictate him like this? Where do you think his power is coming from? Is Siilanyo a man with deep pockets?
comes from a strong influential clan?
What makes you say what you say Xiin?


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^^ Its a conference on Somalia, carafaat are you a flipflopper in the other thread you said i dont get what Somaliland benefits from the conference and now you are saying the 2 conferences are the same. Maybe you dont know but this upcoming conference is chaired by hassan culusow and david Cameron. There is no room for Somaliland do you think Somaliland will gain anything if it attends a conference for Somalia led by Somalia.

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AfricaOwn, Siilaanyo is a man with deep pockets, and he comes from a strong clan but that is not what enables him to silence Faysal's useless noise. As we said many times, Siilaanyo has the support of IC, and Faysal and many other politicians will get in line when the bush comes to shove. The only thing Siilaanyo should be concern with is how to procure the excuse of attending the London Conference to the consumption of the average man/woman in the street. The old man did well on Ankara meeting with pictures and all. But the Youtube that was aired about his meeting with Cameron may not do the trick this time :D

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Xaaji, maanta sonkortii ayaa kugu kacday. Where did I say Somaliland doesn't gain anything from Londen Conference? I said this Conference is just like the previous Somalia Conferences Somaliland attended. Remember the UN SC meeting in NY, the one in Nairobi, the previous Instanbul Conference and the Londen Conference of feb 2012. You don't loose anything by attending another meeting.


Reer Somaliland dhiiga ayee bilaash iskugu kiciniyaan.

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Oodweyne;939678 wrote:


Put your thinking cap on and then you will see the difference between the two conferences.

The only diffrence I see is that this conference is co-chaired by President Culusoow, which is a minor technical detail.

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