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Grand RRA conference:Federal state for Bay, Bakool, Middle Juba, Lower Shabeele,Gedo to start in Feb

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;912230 wrote:
Horta ma aaminsani wax la yiraahdo iskutag (federalism), Soomaaliyana kama dhaqangali karo. Soomaali micnaha 'federalism' ayaaba ka maqan fahankeeda, iskaba dhaaf inay ku dhaqanto.


Laakiin waxaa la yaabay kuwa buun buuniyo 'Jubbaland' haddana la yaabaayo shirkaan camal oo lix gobol la isku daro la rabo. Dadkaas la baxay 'Jubbaland' oo isleh waxaa wadatiin magacii Ingiriiska ugu wici jiray meelahaas, wax ayaa ka qaldan. Why?


Because haddee jirtaba dhul la isku dhihi jiray 'Jubbaland' tan hadda la rabo in loogu wanqalo ma'aha. Haddee Jubbaland jiri jirtayna Jubbada Hoose kaliya ayee ahayd. Laakiin
Alta Jubba
ayaa jiri jirtay oo Talyaaniga dhoob dhoobay, kana koobneyd Gedo, Bakool, Jubbada Dhexe iyo Baay. Gobolkaas ayaana jiray until dowladii Kacaanka u kala qeybisay gobollada hadda jiro ee Jubbada Dhexe, Baay, Bakool iyo Gedo.


Dowladihii Cabdullaahi Ciise hoggaamin jiray, tii Aaden Cadde iyo tii C/rashiid Cali Sharmaarkeba halkaas gobol ayaa xildhibaanada laga soo dooran jiray.




Degmooyinkii Alta Jubba (aka Upper Jubba) ka koobnaan jirtay oo meeshaan ku qoran, with their current gobolo ku jiraan degmooyinkaan in brackets:


Baydhabo (Baay)

Buurhakaba (Baay)

Baardheera (Gedo)

Dajuuma (Jubbada Dhexe)

Saakoow (Jubbada Dhexe)

Diinsoor (Baay)

Qansaxdheere (Baay)

Luuq (Gedo)

Dooloow (Gedo)

Ceelwaaq (Gedo)

Xuddur (Bakool)

Tiyeegloow (Bakool)

Waajid (Bakool)


You can clearly see Jubbada Hoose (Lower Jubba) was always separate.

Diinsoor and Baardhere had the same number of MP's. No wonder some Kacaan folks

dont like democracy. :D

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;912230 wrote:
Horta ma aaminsani wax la yiraahdo iskutag (federalism), Soomaaliyana kama dhaqangali karo. Soomaali micnaha 'federalism' ayaaba ka maqan fahankeeda, iskaba dhaaf inay ku dhaqanto.


Laakiin waxaa la yaabay kuwa buun buuniyo 'Jubbaland' haddana la yaabaayo shirkaan camal oo lix gobol la isku daro la rabo. Dadkaas la baxay 'Jubbaland' oo isleh waxaa wadatiin magacii Ingiriiska ugu wici jiray meelahaas, wax ayaa ka qaldan. Why?


Because haddee jirtaba dhul la isku dhihi jiray 'Jubbaland' tan hadda la rabo in loogu wanqalo ma'aha. Haddee Jubbaland jiri jirtayna Jubbada Hoose kaliya ayee ahayd. Laakiin
Alta Jubba
ayaa jiri jirtay oo Talyaaniga dhoob dhoobay, kana koobneyd Gedo, Bakool, Jubbada Dhexe iyo Baay. Gobolkaas ayaana jiray until dowladii Kacaanka u kala qeybisay gobollada hadda jiro ee Jubbada Dhexe, Baay, Bakool iyo Gedo.


Dowladihii Cabdullaahi Ciise hoggaamin jiray, tii Aaden Cadde iyo tii C/rashiid Cali Sharmaarkeba halkaas gobol ayaa xildhibaanada laga soo dooran jiray.




Degmooyinkii Alta Jubba (aka Upper Jubba) ka koobnaan jirtay oo meeshaan ku qoran, with their current gobolo ku jiraan degmooyinkaan in brackets:


Baydhabo (Baay)

Buurhakaba (Baay)

Baardheera (Gedo)

Dajuuma (Jubbada Dhexe)

Saakoow (Jubbada Dhexe)

Diinsoor (Baay)

Qansaxdheere (Baay)

Luuq (Gedo)

Dooloow (Gedo)

Ceelwaaq (Gedo)

Xuddur (Bakool)

Tiyeegloow (Bakool)

Waajid (Bakool)


You can clearly see Jubbada Hoose (Lower Jubba) was always separate.

+1000 these settlers dont know the difference

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Xaaji Xunjuf;912582 wrote:
Ilma may may should run for the presidency of Jubbaland nothing will stop them

Even a place like Xudur used to have more MP's then Kismayo. MMA should really consider to candidate himself. :D

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There isn't a single district in Gedo with a majority other than "rer Gedo." There isn't a single district in Gedo with a district commissioner other than "rer Gedo." Such talk is futile and is inconsequential. Even in the midst of civil war, there has not been any political and military wrangling resulting from such friction when one would assume it would rear its head. An RRA claim of this nature neither has political nor military grounds and if this is an attempt at civil war resurgence RRA should be leary of making such claims. It wasn't possible then and it isn't possible today. The response to Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan's overtures when he was in Baydhabo and sent emissaries to Gedo Defense Force's headquarters in Dollow the past year should set an example. The majority will lead the way for the three southern most regions with consideration to the rights of those that do live with them.

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The Zack   

^Really? How about Ceelwaaq? There was a major fight between "Gedo" folks and the Ceelwaaq clan in Ceelwaaq in early 2000's. I am sure that war was all about who should control the town. Last I checked there wasn't any debate the fact that town is shared and Ceelwaaq folks are the majority. On the other hand, aren't both Baardheere and Luuq shared as well? I am just saying....


That being said, Sharif Sakiin and his clan aren't majority in Gedo, that is just a talk! Shariif Sakiin and his clan can dream all they want but dream is not reality, it never was. It never will be.

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Your comprehension is quite poor Zack. I never said non-"Gedo clan" are absent from the region. I do not like to use the legitimate term "minorities" because of the stigma it holds in the Somali psyche but I strictly said others than the majority do settle in the regions and their rights should be respected.


The Ceel-waaq war was not a Gedo issue at all although events did lead to reprisals against one clan by the "Gedo" clan. Most of it did not even take place in Ceel-waaq, Somalia but in nearby Ceelwaaq, Kenya more popularly known as Boruhache and collequally as Ceel-qaaloow. Two NFD clans fought in Mandera district and a Gedo sub-subclan supported one sub-clan (M). The opposing clan (G) attacked Gedo imterests kn Mandera town. As a result, their interests in Ceel-waaq, Somalia was attacked extended into Ceel-qaaloow. The fight did not start as a land dispute in Gedo region. The present district commissioner is Ibrahim Guuleed of the "Gedo" clan.


But more importantly, none of what I have said implies the region is totally homogeneous. I have only pointed there is a clear majority who will decide the future of the region inside of the region.

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The Zack   

I think your comprehension is poorer than mine. Let me try to say it differently, Maybe you will get it this time. Based on very reliable sources, G clan is the majority in Ceelwaaq and not your folks, do you disagree with that? The war I am talking about took place in Ceelwaaq, Somalia. Some reer Gedo folks even claimed that Abdullahi Yusuf was behind it. I remember it very well.

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I do not wish to engage in sensationalized theatrics and a young man's hubris. For a study guide, please reference this cable from US embassy Kenya to fill the blanks in my post:




But of course, I have always heard the best defense is the best offense. When Gedo boys are today freely in Jannay Cabdalle, and Beerxaani, and Orgiyoow an effort of worthy must be mustered by the likes of Zack even with all the folly it displays.

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The Zack   

That reference is no good, yaa Gabbal. Just like Baardheere is not mine, Ceelwaaq is not yours. Admit it for once. History is not the current. Remember when your folks were in Dhuuso Mareeb and mine were in Caabduwaaq? As for your folks being Beerxaani, that is just a talk. Few nomads under another name don't represent the mighty M. And for your information, Jubbada Hoose that your folks dream of has 5 districts, Kismayo, Badhaadhe, Jamaame, Xagar, and Afmadow. None of those happen to belong to Gedo folks. My advice to the Gedo clan is don't be greedy and try to take over other people's land. Say Alhamdulilah for your beautiful Gedo and half Galgaduud.


P.s. What you posted about the Ceelwaaq doesn't tell me anything. quotes with no references are no good. As a academic, you should know that. The war I am referring was specifically in Ceelwaaq, Somalia.


Good night!

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Gabbal, the numbers of the last democratic held elections in Somalia prove you wrong. There is no 'reer Gedo' majority'

as you like to claim. I wonder even if those 2 Baardhere MP seats are from your clan. :D

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