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Kenya: Nairobi Travellors

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Hey all,


Has anyone been to Nairobi lately and what is the situation like there. Is it ok for somali travellors from abroad to visit nairobi and mombasa for the summer holiday? or is it dangerous and are somalis being targetted.


I know that kenya has alot of corruption and bribery and that somalis face alot of it but they are usually somali refugees how do the somalis from europe-america fair over there.


No sheeko sheeko guys because im planning on taking a vacation to Africa this summer for the holidays to take a relaxing break. I want both a modern city with alot of buuq for 2 weeks like nairobi and 2 weeks relaxation on an island like mombasa. Any advice would be appreciated from people who have been there lately and can explain th situation and what the life is like, is things cheap, how not to get robbed by doubled up market prices, taxi fares, etc.

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It is dangerous when every word u utter is Puntland this Puntland that . I can see u saying that you want a Puntland TAXI fair ;) And the Kenyan Waweh Mujinga toka hapa !

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Sharmarke have you been? I heard somalis are detained regurly and bribed. It wont be much of a holiday if all i will be doing is paying bribes which should be dedicated for shopping. All i plan to do is alot of shopping in nairobi, safaris, visiting mt kilamanjaro and just getting a feel of the life in the down-town.


In Mombasa my plan is to relax on the beach under palm trees. Visit some of the old historical areas, restaurants, etc. I am going there for relaxation and doing the touristy thing.

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Dr Osman beware of my cousin Xaaji Dhool in eastleigh if he sees you and see that your from the west he'll send the police to you and take your passport away from you and then other skinnies will buy your passport.. Just saying

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So many years pushing the greatness and beauty of Puntland, and where does Dr Osman go on vacation? Anywhere but Puntland! Somalis have no principles, they will measure their tuulos against one another, but none want to make it a better place and actually live there. The concept of going to any part of Africa before Somalia is alien to me, if I go it will be to the motherland.


Son, I am disappoint!


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One tip for the ladies, if you here "taka taka chafu", it means I really admire you. "Mujinga sana" means when and where. Follow these tips and you'll do fine with the ladies my friend. :D

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Apohis they say addis ababa is the safest country in the africa which is good. But it lacks any beaches which what I need. Plus the hotels arent anything like kenyas with its resorts and stuff. Do you think more fun is to be had at addis or nairobi? I wont be on a car but on foot, taxi, and buses.


If I do go to Kenya I intend to do the following;


1. Safari for 3 days

2. Mount kilamanjaro

3. Down-town shopping in nairobi

4. Visiting Restaurants of all kind

5. Nightclubs occasionally

6. Mombasa beach


If in Addis

1. Historical sites around ethiopia like all the churches, castles, and history

2. Omo river

3. Downtown shopping in addis

4. Nightclubs


I have a feeling nairobi will be more fun because it is more modern and has alot of tourists for a good reason. But I am worried about safety issues cause I will be on foot mostly where-as the safety issue in addis is non-existence but then im worried I'll get bored because it is very conservative over there from what I read.

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