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The reer-Hebel fight-back against Sayid Mohamed: It could have been a poem, but it is a book

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Abtigiis, waa halkaan ku waday bal maxaa boodhka iyo ciida isugu kicinayzaa. ;) You haven't read any of my comments on the Sayid, period!


LOL NG. Maxaan inoo qaadaa?

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NGONGE;873449 wrote:
^^ Which brings us back to my original question; have you read the book and saw what conclusions the man drew?


As for those that read the book, one would hope that they would have less prejudice than you and (at least) try to view it with an open mind (as with any similar book). Sheeko maqaaxida ka bax ninyaho (Kenya has been bad to you).

the title said everyhting, "sheekh mise shaydaan" that said all, both talent of author and the content.


this is the first gobay of sayid mohamed, most talented peot ever



Rabaa deeq leh roobaa qabow,raaxo nabad baa leh


Janaa ruga Raxmaan baa barya leh,raacis Nabi baa leh


Wardaa ridis leh wali baa riya leh,rabid shareecaa leh


Run baa fiican been baa rufucan,raran cadaab baa leh

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What about his vulgar poems Waxano kale yaa ku gabyaa ma Sheikh ba afkisa waxa so marin kara.


Waxay ugu saftaan sidi horweyn kaalin loo simaye

Soddon dowlis is baa lagu shuba saacad iyo leyle

ilko suruqa bay leedhiyo foolal saawirahe

Sanbab weeye ceedhin afki suuliga ahaaye

Sullankeed la naar wa maxay sabuhu dhuuqaane

waxa saarta Soomaalidi saaruqa ahayde

Sarkaaliyo subeydaarada iyo sow jarka kuda eh

Maxaan ceeb Qadhmuun kala hadlaa waba saaniyade

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Xaaji, not that I expect you to know this, but where is the context to this poem? Still, it doesn't prove he wasn't a shiekh as he is denouncing what he sees as Zaaniyad!!


There are worse poems he composed but what is acceptable today is very different to what was acceptable in his days. Do you agree Xaaji?

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Xaaji Xunjuf;873504 wrote:
What about his vulgar poems Waxano kale yaa ku gabyaa ma Sheikh ba afkisa waxa so marin kara.


Waxay ugu saftaan sidi horweyn kaalin loo simaye

Soddon dowlis is baa lagu shuba saacad iyo leyle

ilko suruqa bay leedhiyo foolal saawirahe

Sanbab weeye ceedhin afki suuliga ahaaye

Sullankeed la naar wa maxay sabuhu dhuuqaane

waxa saarta Soomaalidi saaruqa ahayde

Sarkaaliyo subeydaarada iyo sow jarka kuda eh

Maxaan ceeb Qadhmuun kala hadlaa waba saaniyade

Adeer Gabaygna waxbaa ka khaldan, sax maaha

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Duufaan;873502 wrote:
the title said everyhting, "sheekh mise shaydaan" that said all, both talent of author and the content.


this is the first gobay of sayid mohamed, most talented peot ever



Rabaa deeq leh roobaa qabow,raaxo nabad baa leh


Janaa ruga Raxmaan baa barya leh,raacis Nabi baa leh


Wardaa ridis leh wali baa riya leh,rabid shareecaa leh


Run baa fiican been baa rufucan,raran cadaab baa leh

I don't think the word "shaydaan" was used in the title. Are you sure it did? :D



Was there a reason you felt you had to post a poem, saaxib?

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Gabayga wuxu u tiriye ustaadku marki loo diiday Gabadhi u dhalay Suldaan Cali yusuf keenadiid for unknown reasons the gabay is not complete its one part of the poem inta kale wa to much.


Abtigiis a sheikh religious leader Imam a Mullah or like the Arab Sheikhs clubbing at Jumaro Beach what kind of Sheikh do you want him to be? Also this man lived in the begin 20th century this was unethical back than and its unethical for today standards.

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It would be fair if we put historical, controversial figures into context, in their time and space. I wouldn't advice in shaqsi duriyadda ahi u keli noqdo qorida taariikh nololeedkii Seyidka. Waxa uu soo butaacay Qoraa Barwaaqo iyo waxyaabo kale oo ka daran baa loo tegayaa.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;873521 wrote:
Abtigiis you can figure out the mise part after you read the book its for you to fill it in after you read the book.

Wallee Xaaji baan gar qaadan.

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waa jiraa gobaygaas iyo arinta gabadhuba, balse waxbaa ka hkaldan gobaygan, ma isku toos toosna, waxbaa ka khaldan. waxaa jira dad sida sooyaal oo kale gobayo uu sayid tirin dhaha, waxaa tiriyey sayidka. sida gobaygii


"wab markaan kasiiyaa indhaha wahab kaduulaaye"

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Taleexi no one had problems when Xaaji Muuse galaal wrote about the Mullah even collected all his poems and did a 10 year research to source the authenticity of these poems not everything is about Qabiil.

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Taleexi;873527 wrote:
It would be fair if we put historical, controversial figures into context, in their time and space. I wouldn't advice in shaqsi duriyadda ahi u keli noqdo qorida taariikh nololeedkii Seyidka. Waxa uu soo butaacay Qoraa Barwaaqo iyo waxyaabo kale oo ka daran baa loo tegayaa.

Heh. That's not the way things are done. :D


The more books written about a historical figure the more significance they assume. People are (to this day) still writing about Hitler, Stalin, Gandhi and Mandela. Not every book that is written is one of praise either.


Check this show about Abraham Lincoln (whilst noting the title)!

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