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confused...halal food (bacon crisp=suitable for vegetarians) wtf?

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whats going on with all these food manufacturers? the other day i saw a bacon flavoured crisp packet that says 'suitable for vegetarians', i never touched it. same with the beef and chicken crisps.. if its artificial flavouring then how do they get the exact taste?


same with noodles, chicken and beef noodles have 'suitable for vegetarian' written on the packets. i gave the beef flavoured one a go, i was told they use soy beans, but wallahi they tase like meat to me. how the hell do they get the flavours right, is it halal? can we eat that as muslims?


:confused: confused :confused:

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It is suitable for the vegetarian and hence for the muslims. Is just for those people who prohibited themselves for some strange reason from eating animals but still hunger for the delicious taste of having meat & chicken.


Hence the bacon or chicken are just artificial flavourings. The beauty of the 21st century, you can taste bacon or least a near-like taste and yet still be a muslim.

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• means salted or smoked meat from the back or sides of a pig.


Someone asked


.. how the hell do they get the flavours right, is it halal? can we eat that as muslims?

am confused

and you replied...

Originally posted by Fathia:

It is suitable for the vegetarian and hence for the muslims. Is just for those people who prohibited themselves for some strange reason from eating animals but still hunger for the delicious taste of having meat & chicken.Hence the bacon or chicken are just artificial flavourings. The beauty of the 21st century, you can taste bacon or least a near-like taste and yet still be a muslim.


Can someone please help us remove Threads of this..Fathia as this one is Misleading Muslims in the name of

The beauty of the 21st century,

walahil cadhiim..This is just Bloody shit.He/she may not know the word itself or just think to know some other words like Flavours..


Am just asking :mad: :mad: ..Why can't you advise the Concerned Honest Muslim That he/she avoids anything with ..even.. the Slightest suspicion..Instead of bragging the american way ..You are in The 21st century..Aduunka Jaahil badanaaaaaa? ..You pretend to enjoy..and someone has just asked a simple Islamic question.. :mad: :mad:

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Chill Flipmode.


Which part of VEGETARIAN don't you understand. It is a crime to provide misleading information on food packages. Vegetarian are considered not to eat meat including bacon. Hence the taste is derived from artificial flavourings. In case you didn't know there are food tasters employed to acquire the Bacon test.


I am not misleading my muslims brothers and sisters and if I am it is completely unintentional.

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I was confused like you the other day when my relative wanted to buy a pack of crips. I guess you lie in the UK and are talking about Walker's crips.


They originally had cheese&onion, vinegar and plain crips. Blue, Green and red but now they have added brown and other colours and flavours which they accidently call beacon, chicken and beef and I was disgusted when I saw that. I chose to stay away and not to purchase it and going for the usual Walker crips who were suitable for vegetarians.


I don't trust this manufactures the slightes like some of my friends drink a lot of ginger-beer, which I find horrible because you see lots of white and afro-carribean mainly drinking it but somehow they say that it's halaal and that isn't real "beer".


They just want us to confuse us further in order to make us eat that dirty pork of their's because if you today buy beacon crips tommorrow you'll purchase beacon-meat from your local british butcher.


So beware! Don't touch it.

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Ok so I would not be enticed to sample Bacon crisps just been aware of the words Bacon inscribed on the packaging is a turn off. However ginger beer is different, it tastes fine and is completely alcohol-Free. So what if many caribbeans took a liking to it what does your point prove? If a white collar co-asian advertised Ginger beer will you change your tune? What not try it you might actually enjoy it.

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Originally posted by Yoonis_Cadue:


>>>I don't trust this manufactures the slightes like some of my friends drink a lot of ginger-beer, which I find horrible because you see lots of white and afro-carribean mainly drinking it but somehow they say that it's halaal and that isn't real "beer".


They just want us to confuse us further in order to make us eat that dirty pork of their's because if you today buy beacon crips tommorrow you'll purchase beacon-meat from your local british butcher.


So beware! Don't touch it.

A good advise But the One




So you are advising Muslim Brothers and sisters to Just TASTE the 21st Century a trend you were talking about coz you think you are more learned than some of us in Secular and Islamic World and matters..u think u are more westernized Tasting a bacon flavoured crisps while where you came from people are dying daily of Hunger and diseases.


Just because a certain christian Agency By the name of World Church council has sponsored you to seek an asylum as a refugee in the western World..U think you can advise the muslims to start TASTING bacon flavoured Bacon and Ginger Beer..

This is what we call Reer Baadiyo Nimo...

You are taken for safety By a Christian agency in the name of assisting a refugee..then you go ..

Taste the 21st Century...

Jaahil please naga aamus.. You are Irritating some of us who know and In the 21st century :mad: :mad: :mad:


Yaa naga qabto kan... Muelezeni huyu kafala...

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That was a crude remark Flipmode. I do not consider myself more learned or well versed on the teaching of Islam for that matter. I am only stating the facts, commercially manufactured Ginger beer are no more alcoholic than the ordinary grape juice found on the supermarkets shelves.


Please refrain from been biased on your advice. It is one thing to promote Islam and another to provide falsehood information.


I am a Muslim and I hope a devout follower of the teaching of our Prophet Mohamed (PBUH). I am no more sponsored by a secret Christian society than you are. Perhaps you should make more use of the Internet to become aufeu with the actual ingredients of commercial Ginger Beer.



For every thousand hacking at the leaves of evil, there is one striking at the root- Thoreau

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In case you didn't know there are food tasters employed to acquire the Bacon test.

Subhan'Allah! If "pork" itself is haraam, why in the world would you want to taste something that has its flavor? Some things never stop to amaze us.

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I agree with Modesty but the point is: Are Bacon crisp for vegetarian contain bacon? The answer is No. Hence is it Haram for me to have Beef crisp again with vegetarian mark? The answer is Yes.

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Personally I wouldnt go near it. Why pork is Haram, as is alcohol so ginger root beer or bacon flavoured vegetarian crisps as they bear the name "Beer" and "Bacon" are automatically struck off my shopping list.


We maybe in the 21st century but thats doesnt make it halal coz its just a flavouring. As long it imitates the original thing it should be considered as haram. Same reason a muslim doesnt buy his kid a plastic pig.


This is but another consumer gig, they want vegetarians to get a hook on it. Then slowly they can change their ways and start consuming meat or bacon. Why? coz it doesnt taste bad after all ;) Clever move. So dear Muslim/ah beware of these type of entrapments.


Originally posted by The Flipmode..:

Muelezeni huyu kafala...

I think that was harsh and uncalled for. You may differ in opinion but you shouldnt make such a call. We are all muslims and nobodies perfect. Advice from our Prophet SAW address/ call to each other with kind words.


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Originally posted by Warrior of Light:

[QB] Salaam,


The main points


Personally I wouldnt go near it. Why pork is Haram, as is alcohol so ginger root beer or bacon flavoured vegetarian crisps as they bear the name "Beer" and "Bacon" are automatically struck off my shopping list.

what is Fat hia shopping list?


We maybe in the 21st century but thats doesnt make it halal coz its just a flavouring. As long it imitates the original thing it should be considered as haram. Same reason a muslim doesnt buy his kid a plastic pig.

Kumbe hujui wameendelea..


So dear Muslim/ah beware of these type of entrapments.

I agree with Both WOL and Modesty..Both are modest. smile.gifsmile.gif



Same reason a muslim doesnt buy his kid a plastic pig.

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I believe that if it says Ok for vegetarians, then it doesn't contain meat and is therefore xalaal. But just to be on the safe side, I'll stay away from it anyways.

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