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For MMA Xiin-Faniin - A Guide to the Pearl of the Indian Ocean

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Alot of interesting stuff in there such as maps, images, some well known others rare. This guide is a treasure of information, I never knew there were restaurants called Ming Sing or La Bamba in down town Mogadishu, very cosmopolitan. I also never knew there was such a massive motel complex called Rughta Taleex.


Lots of advertisement by Somali hotels, and companies, many no longer extant.

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Chimera;843013 wrote:

Waa Hoteel Taleex. The picture was taken right after it was completed, I think. Later the surrounding area waala dhisaa too. It was by far best hotel in Xamar, second to none, especially against Curuba. It was small interconnected high-end motels, doted by swimming pools, tennis courts, soft grass of lawns and shaded by exotic palm trees with one huge gated entrance.


It was located in xaafadda Taleex of Hodan district (xaafadda was named after hoteelka). It faced Carwada exhibition, a yearly cultural exhibition and fair that was shown everything the country produced along with kid's playgrounds. On its right was Warshada Kookada. The other side Tarbuunka national park.


Hoteel Taleex wasn't far from our home, either, so we ciyaal xaafad kids used to pass it every other Friday on our way to Tarbuunka to play banooni. I remember we used to climb some trees to look inside of the hotel sometimes. Foreign people tanning and lying on the swimming pools ayaa ka arki jirnay. The first time I entered was in early '91, after the fall of Siyaad Barre. It was looted completely, but its beauty still remained. It really looked a place out of Soomaaliya. I wished I had entered when it was functioning as a hotel.




Dankis, Daa'uud for the reminisces.

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Why is Xamar threads only for MMA, Xiinfaniin or Somalina? Does Xamar not belong to all Somalis or is another Qardho?



p.s. in future Taleex Hotel/Motel or even Xaafada Taleex - anything about them should be directed to me for the name sake alone if not anything else. kapish?

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Sayid*Somal;843326 wrote:
Why is Xamar threads only for MMA, Xiinfaniin or Somalina? Does Xamar not belong to all Somalis or is another Qardho?

To tell you the truth the majority of the KPP, Taleex and African Village residents used to be people from Woqooyi Galbeed, reer Bari and SSC.



Chimera;843013 wrote:

Behand Hotel Taleex, right where that tex: "Motel Taleh" is, was the place that we use play Soccer when I was growing up. Hotel Taleex use to have a sprinkler system, I remember we use to jumb over the fence and drink water after a football game.

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Sayid*Somal;843326 wrote:
Why is Xamar threads only for MMA, Xiinfaniin or Somalina? Does Xamar not belong to all Somalis or is another Qardho?

Xiin dedicated a topic for me, MMA is the most laid-back dude on SOL with the best memories, and Somalina's Mogadishu series are unequaled.


p.s. in future Taleex Hotel/Motel or even Xaafada Taleex - anything about them should be directed to me for the name sake alone if not anything else. kapish?

No wonder there is no "Via Qardho" on that map lol.

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