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The next President of Somaliland: Muuse Biixi

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Muuse biixi is just a stick Siilaanyo using to limp..He don't have either the patience or political wittiness to lead a nation,,for an army in a war , yes he got all what it takes..


For some strange reason, Xirsi is the only man I think is capable of leading the nation and already he is ahead of biixi by many moons...

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Gaadhigii Muuse Biixi oo la burburiyey iyo Saylaci oo Nabadgelyadiisa Ciidamo gurmada u dalbaday


Written by Qarannews

Dec 31, 2012 at 03:02 AM

Gaadhigii Muuse Biixi oo la burburiyey iyo Saylaci oo Nabadgelyadiisa Ciidamo gurmada u dalbaday


Hargeisa-(Qaran-news)-Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Kulmiye Muuse Biixi Cabdi ayaa ka mid ahaa xubnaha wefti uu hogaaminaayey Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Somaliland Saylaci oo shalay gabal-dhacii gaadhay Boorama halkaasoo dadweynaha reer Boorama kala hor yimaadeen shiid,rabshad iyo mudaharaad xoog badan oo khasaare dhimasho iyo dhaawacba keenay ka dib markii ciidamadii gelbinaayey Madaxweyne ku xigeenka salbabakheen, jiho kastana rasaas aan loo miidaan deyin u fureen halkaasna ku dileen hal Ruux, Daraasiin dadoo kalena ku dhaawaceen.Dhinaca kale mudaharadayaasha ayaa burburiyey dhawr gaadhi oo ka mid ahaa Kolonyadii Madaxweyne ku xigeenka la socotay oo uu ku jiro Gaadhigii Muuse Biixi inkastoo isagu ka badbaadey.


Mudaharadayaasha ayaa sida ilo xogogaal ahi u sheegeen Qarannews markii ay ******** in xubnaha weftiga Saylaci uu ku jiro ama la socdo Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Kulmiye Muuse Biixi ayey mudaharaadkii xoojiyeen,iskuna xeereen Hotelka Rays oo weftigu galeen, waxayna qaar ka mid ah mudaharadayaashu ku tiraabeen,dalbadeena in Muuse Biixi debeda loo soo tuuro oo loo soo gacangeliyo,taasina waxay weftiga Saylaci ku abuurtay fawdo iyo khalkhal hore leh.


Yeelkeede Madaxweyne ku xigeenka ayaa degdeg u dalbadey ciidamo dheeraada si nabadgelyada Muuse Biixi loo sugo, taasina waxay suurtogelisay in isla xalay gelinkii horeba ciidamo badan oo Milateriya iyo Ciidamao gurmada oo nooca RRU-da loo yaqaano laga diray Hargeisa si ay Muuse Biixi u samata-bixiyaan hadii arintu murugto.


Dhinaca kale Goob-joogayaal u waramay Qarannews ayaa sheegay in Baabuurtii weftiga Saylaci ee Xalay la burburiyey uu ku jiro Gaadhigii Muuse biixi oo yaalay ilaa xalay isagoo burbursan agaagaarka Harawo Hotel.


Isku soo wada duuboo weftigii uu hogaaminaayey Saylaci ayaa dhiriq lugaha la galay maadabay wajaheen ama la kulmeen mudaharaad xoog badan oo sababay khasaare dhimasho iyo dhaawacba leh ,ku darsoo Bulshoweynta Beesha Samaroona si weyn uga soo horjeedo qorshayaasha saylaci xanbaarsan yahay.





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Muse is a good guy and a SNM hero , but Somaliland needs a person with a long term vision some one who can lead this country and lead it towards modernity some one with all the right leadership skills and diplomatic skills. We need a real administrator and politician. Thats why the likes of Muse and others of his caliber are not fit to lead Somaliland.



PS I heard president Siilaanyo 2 years bu ku darsanaya elections in 2017 :D

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This "SNM hero" stuff is outdated, and doesn't make him or anyone a politician. I want someone from his side to be the President next, and I say Jamal, his from the US after all.

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Ciiro has a better chance than Jamaal in the next elections i would prefer Dr Axmed xasan cigaal to run for president for wadani

But i dont think ciiro will let him.

As for the SNM stuff its part of the history and people have respect for that the likes of xassan ciise jamac dhagoweyne Biixi have that history even president Siilanyo. How many times did president Siilaanyo say i fought for this country so they are considered hero's

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^^I respect Ciiro the man, but I don't see him as a President.It'll be better if he was not the front man, but what can we do? All Somalilanders respect the SNM vets, but they don't always make great politicians do they? just look at Sillanyo today.

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Coofle;842539 wrote:
Muuse biixi is just a stick Siilaanyo using to limp..He don't have either the patience or political wittiness to lead a nation,,for an army in a war , yes he got all what it takes..


For some strange reason, Xirsi is the only man I think is capable of leading the nation and already he is ahead of biixi by many moons...

Xirsi for sure has a bright future in Somaliland politics the man has balls and he knows what it takes to be a leader.I will not be surpised that he wants to lead Somaliland in the future. People are already talking about him daily and he is now a mere chief cabinet imagine when he is the head of state. Xirsi is young in his mid 40s so we might see him back the presidential palace of Hargeysa.

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I'm just curious to see in the future who leads: Somaliland Ministry of Water and Mineral Resources (Ministry), Agriculture, and Finance.

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Africaown give president siilaanyo a break he is leading a mental institute its not his fault people are clan driven. He said he would open up the parties he did he said he would change burcos currency he did. He said he would construct hargeysa's bridge he did. He said he would open up talks with the ssc rebels he did all the ssc rebels made peace with SL govt. He said he would open up talks with Somalia he did. He said he will rank the army personal that will happen in 2 weeks time. He said he would build Borama dila road he did. Afcourse there are many shortcommings but dont say President Siilaanyo is a bad leader, we could do better we can always do better but Sillanyo did well so far.

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