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Why my family get one bedroom flat somalis mansion?

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what juvenile argument? the real juvenile is the narratives written by the Sun and the fox news of this side of the pond, and others with their daily rituals of portraying immigrants as free loaders by spinning such stories to their base - so folks like Ms. Claire are left to be pre-occupied and clueless of the real culprits of their economic sorrows which are unregulated banks and their elites in establishments, as the masses struggle with their daily bread and butter issues.


So, I made irrefutable single statement, and with it a giant leap from affordable housing to Britain's profits on the backs of past slavery. the theme of the Sun piece is not just their daily attempts to increase their circulation or viewership but, to ignite Breivik's of the world or half dozen states into drafting racist legislation to the verge of kindling race wars, its also, to deny contributions made by these 'foreigners' or their ancestors thru the gains of grievous afflictions.





Dim your excitement, in your attempt to spark a debate on a single statement I made, your arguments have spiraled off into a sort of tedious netherworld logic of taxed items and on specific products, and oft repeated questions, looping endlessly. . So, all your huff & buff is due to a single stat I referenced with regards to a date on early part of slavery's gains for UK? really? a single stat, which is a conservative figure despite all the facade of democracy, the economic neo-colonialism is alive and well to this day, even decades of ending forced slavery.


instead of ideas which I am keen to hear, your lame laments are shrouded with 'gotcha' slogs of ' mess you are in', 'opening can of worms', 'can't get away with this' or 'explain yourself'. Couldn't you overwhelmed me with you superior arguments instead of sounding a mother gobsmacking her little boy after he spilled flavor-filled soup on his brand new shirt in the kitchen . Perhaps not with a malicious intent, but the object of you debating is to be better perceived as winning and “owning” people online or to merely escape your daily boredom.


On the Core issue, that The Sun chose to highlight - how many of these, Yahoo (Somalis) as you put it, live on these posh mansions, a door step away from ex PM's residence at the expense of broken housing system? to no fault of their own the majority of Somalis live squalid in the Ghettos, overcrowding , crime and poverty ridden sections of many major towns with little or no amenities, usually with unbearable conditions. They have to start from somewhere, and for most Ghetto is the only available option - the neo conservative media outlets like the Sun does its best to skew the facts for their constituency (the Sun produced similar story only once or twice - very small Yahoo's live ritzy subsidized apartments ). Most do their best to work hard & move out of these Ghettos or try to outlast these places and their harsh elements with their dignity still intact. every occur to you as to why the Sun conveniently avoids these Ghetto dwellers and their blight.


On your flawed argument of trying to make the illogical re-assuring by spewing no one can refute or argue any significant exploitation of EU on African economies,. Again with your nursing motherly tone, disappointed with her toddler, - you asked how significant is Africa's exploitation?. No need to list litany of past exploitations, today, EU and American farmers are subsidized, a form of social welfare for their farmers and to unfairly block out foreign competition. Western consumers gain cheap access to rich African commodity crops of corn, Cocoa, coffee..... with little or no market value to the African farmer. a Major sticking point at every Doha conference. when they raised hell few years back in Durban, those foolish African leaders got arm-twisted with Aid packages, more assistances and other offers. that is modern exploitation, with duplicity of African leaders, instead of feeding the world Africa is left begging.


So, put-aside stats and numbers, which you claim to be suspicious off, or specifics of ill gotten wealth by UK versus Portugal at the expense of Africa's economic woes. My assertion was simple, I referenced those grievances, against nitpicking sensationalist media, to make the point, that there is a trend in the western media at a time of economic uncertainty to shine spot light on 'lazy' immigrant, and none whites of looting their system. whilst those 'foreigners' resources and labor contributed and helped advanced the wealth of allot of these countries enjoyed.

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