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World Bank saboteurs at it again.

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The World bank along with the IMF were the international institutions that destroyed Somalia's agricultural industry. Today they released an outdated report specifically to harm Somalia's prospects at getting foreign direct investment from multiple countries, and funds for reconstruction at the Istanbul Conference, this is not a coincidence


This is the same organisation that for the last 20 years kept its mouth shut about the widespread donor corruption rampant in Nairobi, where billions in the name of Somalia went missing, yet now the World Bank wants to demonise the new Somali administration (with its anti-corruption committee) for mistakes a previous administration made. The Turks changed the game, and all these organisations collecting money in the name of Somalia are feeling the heat. Erdogan has demanded them to relocate to Mogadishu, and I believe the sudden propaganda based on 2009-2010 data by the World-Bank is a form of retaliation.


This is why Somalia under no circumstance should take loans from the World Bank or the IMF, because these are predatory organisations doing more harm than good.

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Shame on the world bank and IMF


I think that they need to understand that the party is OVER for their cronies based in Nairobi.


Somalia's civil war is at its end.

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Chimera, you may have a point and this conspiracy theory of yours may be correct but, the money is still missing and the finger of blame should be pointed at a government that can’t account for such vast amounts of missing funds. As for the timing, I believe it to be perfect. What better time to reveal such news than when the Somalis are sitting down and planning how the next stage in Somalia’s development should look like!

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NGONGE;837192 wrote:
Chimera, you
have a point and this conspiracy theory of yours
be correct but, the money is still missing and the finger of blame should be pointed at a government that can’t account for such vast amounts of missing funds. As for the timing, I believe it to be perfect. What better time to reveal such news than when the Somalis are sitting down and planning how the next stage in Somalia’s development should look like!

Idioot, your screaming about a few million missing from 2009-2010.


What about the tens of billions of dollars gone missing by cronies based in Nairobi for the past fifteen years?

Can you SEE the bigger picture?


This is why they chased Farmjoo because he tried to hold them into account.

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NGONGE;837192 wrote:
Chimera, you
have a point and this conspiracy theory of yours
be correct but, the money is still missing and the finger of blame should be pointed at a government that can’t account for such vast amounts of missing funds. As for the timing, I believe it to be perfect. What better time to reveal such news than when the Somalis are sitting down and planning how the next stage in Somalia’s development should look like!

No I will not blame the government of 2011-2012 for something a different administration did in 2009-2010. There is an anti-corruption committee in place for two successive cabinets now. Secondly Somalia is steadily rebuilding its institutions, its pretty disgusting to see such a global organisation nitpicking about scraps when they were and are blissfully ignorant about the billions that went missing in Nairobi.


The conference is important, for this will affect our infrastructure on multiple levels for the next two decades. Think of roads and highways, think of power-plants, think of reconstruction of the capital, think of funds for Somali institutions like the army and navy, think of investment in the economy, healthcare and education, think of upgrades of Somali ports. The World bank is trying to sabotage of all of this, because ultimately they want to be the ones to loan Somalia all that reconstruction money with poisonous funds.

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NGONGE;837192 wrote:
Chimera, you
have a point and this conspiracy theory of yours
be correct but, the money is still missing and the
finger of blame should be pointed at a government
that can’t account for such vast amounts of missing funds. As for the timing, I believe it to be perfect. What better time to reveal such news than when the Somalis are sitting down and planning how the next stage in Somalia’s development should look like!

Already done:

, a former
public finance official in Somalia
, reported last year there was evidence that officials in Mogadishu had mismanaged funds.


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Unfortunately a number of elements of the current govt were around at the time this alleged corruption was taking place. The current administration is not blameless much less the parliament that is supposed to hold it accountable.

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Mario B   

^ We need competent institutions, period. Otherwise this type of mud slinging will always be with us, just cos the rest of Africa is corrupt doesn't mean we should tolerate it in our country. We should be a beacon to others, now that we are starting from the scratch in building our institutions, it's good time to do it.

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Chimera;837201 wrote:
No I will not blame the government of 2011-2012 for something a different administration did in 2009-2010. There is an anti-corruption committee in place for two successive cabinets now. Secondly Somalia is steadily rebuilding its institutions, its pretty disgusting to see such a global organisation nitpicking about scraps when they were and are blissfully ignorant about the billions that went missing in Nairobi.


The conference is important, for this will affect our infrastructure on multiple levels for the next two decades. Think of roads and highways, think of power-plants, think of reconstruction of the capital, think of funds for Somali institutions like the army and navy, think of investment in the economy, healthcare and education, think of upgrades of Somali ports. The World bank is trying to sabotage of all of this, because ultimately they want to be the ones to loan Somalia all that reconstruction money with poisonous funds.

Put that microphone down, saaxib. Audits are normally done for previous peroids (regardless of who is in charge at this moment in time). Your ignorant (with respect of course) logic of saying that "this is not the problem of the current management, it's the fault of those before us" is neither here nor there. Audits, after all, are about ensuring BEST PRACTICE and giving recommendations about the way forward (along with agreeing to the reliability of the accounts, which in this case they didn't).


This actually works to Somalia's advantage (in the current climate of hope). For the TFG could show that it has taken steps (since that period) to tighten controls and make the accounting process more transparant. Those that you see as sabatours in your passionate haste are actually doing you a favour. After all, the TFG will have to reply to the points raised in this audit and can (If we go by your words) show that it has improved the quality of its systems and plugged all the previous loopholes. This would have strengthened its case in the Istanbul conference, not weakned it. WAX FAHAN and don't be a loox like galia. :D

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quality of its systems

Ngonge, Give this kids a lesson or two on audits, checks and balances and quality of systems to stay in 'control'. And maybe they will understand the issue is far bigger then 'who' is 'rightous' and who is a 'thief' or Farmaajo vs Sheick Shariif.



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NGONGE, you're taking the piss, and are arguing for the sake of arguing. I have relatives that run businesses sxb, I have seen their paper work and their audits are done annually, and never back-dated further than that unless its actually necessary. In the case of the TFG, the recent report is old news, and is being recycled by the World Bank, because they are well aware of the fact that the original discovery was made by the Somali Anti-Corruption Committee, not an international organisation, and that this same anti-corruption committee has tackled the issue.


Secondly with regards to foreign donations, that issue has also already been delt with through a joint-financial board, where the donor-countries will be in control of where their funds go to on the ground. Therefore the World Bank is clutching at straws and whipping a dead horse of an issue.

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