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From Kali-talisnimo to Kali-federalismo

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In Somalia we had Kali-talisnimo(dictatorial rule) and nowadays we see new forms of rule by so callled clan states, who's objective it is to rule and dominate the national goverment by clan federalism, or Kali-federalismo. The form is diffrent but the objective is the same, absolute power and absolute rule

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Adeer Xaaji, kuwaasi isku diin maba aha. laakinse kuwaan ku leh ani kaliyaa federaal ah isku diin, dabeecad iyo dhaqan ayaanu nahay/.

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Carafaat dadka qaar wadaniyadi ba ka dhimatay why limit you're self in a village hadaad dalka oo dhan isku furi kartiid, Kuwan dhako laxooxa eeh jaarkeena ah wa dad kala du duwan oday yar oo lugu ga gaaban ba u taliya. Carafaadow adeer waxa la gaadhay heer xita gobolki hiiraan laba la yidhi halo qeybiyo.

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Carafaat;836201 wrote:
Xaajiyoow hadaa tariikhdi iyo so jireenti la badaliyo, gabaygii Hadrawi wexe ka dhigi doonaan
Bariga Beletweyn



It is all part of our destined Evolution, 15 years ago it was Beesha reer hebel, Now it is Maamulka Meel-heblaayo, In the future I would expect Aqoonyahanada Caafimaadka etc...the nature is taking it is course in harnessing the Somalis to the new world order, after all we are neophyte to the contemporary form of politics....

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Coofle interesting theorie there.


Indeed we Somali are a breed recently introduced in to new terrestrial area/era. We are going through the same phases as the archaeophyte, but in a much faster turpo speed. the question is can this be done in a cautious way to prevent fatal errors others before us made?

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Carafaat;836246 wrote:
Coofle interesting theorie there.


Indeed we Somali are a breed recently introduced in to new terrestrial area/era. We are going through the same phases as the archaeophyte, but in a much faster turpo speed. the question is can this be done in a cautious way to prevent fatal errors others before us made?

History rewinds its self...That is true as long as the people don't know about the History...Unfortantely somalis are people of "Iminka maxaa jira" iyo "Hadal baa ka danbayn" totally no insight for future or past...

Good example is, the late 80s and early 90s were a period of volatile history making for Somalis everyplace, Those in somalia, somaliland, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Even the Diaspora...Something should have been written about it properly not only politically but also socially and culturally, "Qax, Dhoof, is-xambaar etc" are all new concepts to the somali people...

I recall once a somali writer was asked, Maxaad Taariikhda soomaalida wax uga qori wayday? his answer was

That he tried to write something about the Italian-British war in Somaliland during the Second world war, he went to many villages and towns in Somaliland hunting for surviving war veterans. each one of them gave a different version of the story revolving around "Hebel iyo Hebel oo aan isku reer ahayn ayaa sidaa iyo sidaa yeelay oo cadawga jabshay"....Personally I believe he was wrong for abandoning his quest for such reason, ,,,

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But again...In the 1940's Cabdi sinimoo said "Wixii la qoraa, Quruumo hadhee, Muxuu hadal qiimo leeyahay" we are in an era that only those who write history will shape the future...

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Xaaji Xunjuf;836188 wrote:
Carafaat dadka qaar wadaniyadi ba ka dhimatay why limit you're self in a village hadaad dalka oo dhan isku furi kartiid, Kuwan dhako laxooxa eeh jaarkeena ah wa dad kala du duwan oday yar oo lugu ga gaaban ba u taliya.

I call this kind of statement Tongue-in-cheek, a secessionist talking about the benefits of unity, horta xaaji waxaan ku weydiiyaya Ma munaafaqad bay kaa tahay mise waxbaa si kaa ah.



Carafaat;836188 wrote:

In Somalia we had Kali-talisnimo(dictatorial rule) and nowadays we see new forms of rule by so callled clan states, who's objective it is to rule and dominate the national goverment by clan federalism, or Kali-federalismo. The form is diffrent but the objective is the same, absolute power and absolute rule

Carafaadow charity starts from home, intaadan afaaraha koonfurta faraha la galin horta ilma adeertaa ku hadaaqaya waanu go'nay kasoo dhaadhici waxan aad ka hadleysaa, one wonders why federalism is bothering you to this extent when SL being the biggest clan state and its objective being to rule and dominate other clans in the area.

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Moonlight this thread is about the issue of dictatorial clan federalism(kali-federalismo), aniga federal state ah oo dadka xukumiya in Somalia. Maybe you want to shed your light on this worrying trend if you care about Somalia.


Mise waxa leedahay qof qabiil x ahi kama hadli karo arimaha Somalia quseeya? Hadaad saas leedihid adiguna maxa uga hadli weydey? :D

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Carafaat;836394 wrote:
Moonlight this thread is about the issue of dictatorial clan federalism(kali-federalismo), aniga federal state ah oo dadka xukumiya in Somalia. Maybe you want to shed your light on this worrying trend if you care about Somalia.


Mise waxa leedahay qof qabiil x ahi kama hadli karo arimaha Somalia quseeya? Hadaad saas leedihid adiguna maxa uga hadli weydey?

Federalism is in our constitution, RAB AMA HA RABIN, every 2 or more regions can form a state and manage their internal affairs, while I support this, there might be legitimate questions about the current situation and the chaotic clannish land grabbing fake states fiasco, but in general the idea is not bad if implemented correctly, and four large states would be acceptable while Xamar becomes under the jurisdiction of the central governmen., But to say we are bringing back Somalia to the centralized system it was in before will not make many people especially in the NE & NW of somalia happy as they will see it as an excuse to power and resource grabbing, and that will be another recipe for suspicions & wars.

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Moonlight, come on. You can do better then that, federalism vs centralized state and using Somaliland as excus justification. Repeating the same lines as kingofkings is an insult of your intellectual capacity. Who wrote this script I wonder? :D

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