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End the Transition, Pass the Constitution

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Maqaal culus oo micno leh hadii cid wax garan jirto!


"Recent public discourse about the draft constitution has not been encouraging. Instead of objective critique and measured appraisal, draft constitution has been subjected to a deliberate demagoguery and rabble-rousing intended to mislead and misinform the general masses. This is partly the result of TFG’s lack of coordinated effort to disseminate information pertaining to the draft constitution. But it is also clear that politicians and previous warlords who participated in the utter destruction of Somalia and its people are beginning to reappear in different clothes, dwelling on generalities to dismiss the draft constitution as the work of ‘non-Somalis’. We must understand the intent of these politicians is to derail the process, and delay the transition in the hope that more opportune time will come to boost their chances to grab political ‘power’ again.


The cost Somali people will incur as the result of their political calculation and scheming does not matter to these politicians. There are also those with genuine concerns about both the legitimacy and process through which the draft constitution is produced. Their inputs and suggestions need be voiced and incorporated during the constituent assembly deliberations. But

one thing must be understood: if the draft constitution is a critical component of the process to

end the current transitional status, as I think it is, we must do everything possible to have the soon-to-be selected constituent assembly debate it, amend the clauses that need amendment, and adopt it in time to meet the deadlines of the imposed political calendar. We must do so just in time to select parliamentarian members, so a non-transitional government can be formed by August 2012.


Some do, and will, have misgivings on the draft constitution. But our national priority should be to get out of the transitional status. We must also remember that come 2016 this draft constitution will be up for ratification."

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Professor Abtigiis, end the transition indeed.



today Sheekh Sharif found the courage to say the right thing with the respect to the constitution making process. No 'Isbaaro' will be allowed to prevent Somalia from transitioning from current status qou.


General Indhacadde and Professor Yalaxow cannot be allowed to hold Mogadishu, and the rest of Somalia hostage.

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But I cannot help but ask the question: is Sharif a calculating insider, or is he angry, stone-throwing outsider to the constitution making process?

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Shirka Ansixinta Dastuurka cusub ee Soomaaliya oo lagu wado inuu berri si rasmi ah uga furmo Magaalada Muqisho


Jimco, May 04, 2012 (HOL) — Shirka ansixinta dastuurka cusub ee Soomaaliya ayaa lagu wadaa in berri oo Sabti ah uu ka furmo magaalaad Muqdisho, sida madaxweyne Sheekh Shariif u sheegay warbaahinta.


Madaxweyne Shariif ayaa sheegay in shirkan uu yahay mid qayb ka ah dadaallada ay dowladda KMG ah ugu jirto sidii looga bixi lahaa xilliga KMG ah, howlaha harsanna loogu dhameystiri lahaa muddada yar ee u harsan dowladda hadda shaqeynaysa.


"Waxaan ku rajo-weynnahay in shirku uu furmo maalinta Sabtid ah, waxaa dhici karta inuu dib u dhaco illaa maalinta Axadda ah, balse rajadeennu waa inuu furmo berri," ayuu yiri madaxweyne Sheekh Shariif.


Sidoo kale, madaxweynuhu wuxuu sheegay in la diyaariyay goobihii ay uu shirku ka dhici lahaa oo kala ah sida uu sheegay xarunta gaadiidka booliiska iyo iskool bulusiyo, wuxuuna xusay in si aad ah loo adkeyn doono ammaanka goobahaas iyo magaalada oo dhan.


Xukuumadda Soomaaliya ayaa toddobaadyadii ugu dambeeyay waxay gobollada dalka ka keenaysay odayaashii shirkan ka qaybgeli lahaa, iyadoo intooda badan keentay, waxaana ka go'an dowladda inay dhameystirto howlaha u harsan illaa laga gaarayo bisha Ogoosto ee sannadkan oo xilligeedu ku eg-yahay.


Ugu dambeyn, madaxweynaha Soomaaliya wuxuu sheegay in isla goobahan lagu qbaan doono kulanka lagu soo xulay xildhibaannada cusub ee baarlamaanka si la isugu diyaariyo in la doorto madaxda dowladda marka la gaaro bisha Ogoosto ee sannadkan.


Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online

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Shiriif: ” waa inay meesha ka baxdo Dastuur ma dooneyno”


Dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa sheegtay inaysan aqbli doonin in la is hor taago ansixinta Dastuurka.


Madaxweynaha dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Sheekh Shiriif Sheekh Axmed oo shalay Saxaafadda la hadlay ayaa warkan sheegay.


Wuxuun intaas ku daray in dowladdu ay soo dhoweyneyso cidii fikirkeeda ku biirineysa Dastuurka si wixii ka khaldan looga bedelo.


Haseyeeshee aysan suurtagal noqon doonin islamarkaana aan la ogolaan karin in ansixinta Dastuurka la carqaladeeyo.


Madaxweyne Shiriif oo arintaas tilmaamaya waxaa hadladiisii kamid ahaa: ” waa inay meesha ka baxdo Dastuur ma dooneyno”.


Wuxuuna intaas raciyey: ” qofkii fikir hayaa waa in uu fikradiisa soo gubiyo”.


Hadalka madaxweyne Shiriif ayaa imaanaya xilli todobaadyadii u danbeeyey ay magaalada Muqdisho ka dhacayeen kulamo looga soo horjeedo Dastuurka.


Waxaa sidoo kale maalmaha soo socda magaalada Muqdisho ka furmi doona shirweynaha ansixinta Dastuurka dowladda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya.




Horseed Media

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Isimada Puntland ee shirka dasturka oo Muqdisho tagey

4 May 4, 2012 - 8:24:33 AM


Garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Gaowe ayaa maanta 04,May 2012 waxa ka anbabaxay isimada Puntland qaaar kamid kuna sii jeedey magaalada Muqdisho ,waxana ay ka qaybgalayaan shirka odayaal dhaqameedyada Soomaaliyeed uga furmaya Muqdisho dhowaan.


Isimada Mudisho u dhoofey ayaa matalaya dhamaan shacabka iyo qaybaha kala duwan ee degta Puntland,waxana qayb ka yihiin ergada odayaal dhaqamedyada oo guud ahaan taradoodu dhantahay 135 oday.


Taliyaha ciidamada difaaca Puntland Gen.Siciid Maxamed Xirsi Siciid Dheere iyo Agaasimaha guud ee madaxtoyada Puntland Dr.Jaamac Warsame ayaa sidoo kale qayb ka ahaa wafdigan u anbaxay Muqdisho.


Suldaan Siciid Maxamed Garaase oo u hadlay odayaasha ayaa ka warbixiyey ujeedka safarka iyo wafigan si uu yahay.


‘’Waxaa halkan ka baxaya isimada Puntland oo raba inay ka qaybagalaan nabadeynta Somalia shirka ka dhacay xamar iyo sidii looga bixi lahaa KMGnimada’’ ayuu sheegey Suldaan Siciid Maxamed Garaase.


Wasiiro xukuumadda ka tirsan sida Maaliayada Faraax Cali Shire,Hawlaha guud Eng.Daahir Xaaji Khaliif iyo weli Duulista hawada iyo garoomada Puntland Gamuute ayaa sii dhaweyey wafdigan Muqdisho u aadey shirka odayaasha dhaqanka.


Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxa dhowanahan ku sii qulqulayey ergada ka qaybgalaysa shirka odayasha dhaqanka oo soo xulaya iyagu xubnaha ansixinaya dastuurka Somalia 15,May hawshiisu bilaabmeyso,sidoo kalena looga fadhiyo inay keenan xubnihii u matali lahaa kuraasta aqalka sharci dejinta Somalia sanadaha afarta ee soo socda.

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U.S. Welcomes AU/IGAD/UN Statement on Spoilers


Somalia Political Process



For Immediate Release

Friday, May 04, 2012


Less than four months remain for Somali leaders to complete the steps they agreed to in the Roadmap to End the Transition, which lays out the steps for replacing Somalia’s transitional government with a more representative governance structure that will bring Somalia closer to the security and political stability for which Somalis have waited for too long. The United States is encouraged by the progress made so far, however, several steps remain to be completed: selection of delegates to a constituent assembly; approval of a new constitution, selection of a new and smaller parliament, and the indirect election of a new speaker and president.

Secretary Clinton made clear the position of the United States during her remarks at the London Conference on Somalia in February when she stated, "Attempts to obstruct progress and maintain the broken status quo will not be tolerated. We will encourage the international community to impose further sanctions, including travel bans and asset freezes, on people inside and outside [somalia’s] Transitional Federal Government who seek to undermine Somalia’s peace and security or to delay or even prevent the political transition."


The United States supports the open letter issued on May 1 by the special representatives of the United Nations, African Union, and Intergovernmental Authority on Development that puts on notice all individuals and entities who seek to undermine Somalia's political transition that the international community will not tolerate such action. The United States is following the lead of its African partners and working to help Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government and other Somali leaders seize the current opportunity to make progress toward greater security and political stability.

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Steps required to end the Transtion:


1 -selection of delegates to a constituent assembly

2- approval of a new constitution

3- selection of a new and smaller parliament

4- the indirect election of a new speaker and president

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Not only will there be a smaller parliament, but one with educated MPs as its members. The trashy warlords will be thrown out so will be the old and the illiterate that occupy there. This is a new dawn for Somalia and hope we will not waste this golden opportunity this time.

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This is it, that is the only hope left, if it gets spoiled, then they need to be executed for good

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^^Yes Nuune, the fake General, former warlord Indhacadde and Yalaxow cannot and will not be allowed to halt Somalia's wheels of progress.



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Gheelle.T;826696 wrote:
Not only will there be a smaller parliament, but one with educated MPs as its members. The trashy warlords will be thrown out so will be the old and the illiterate that occupy there. This is a new dawn for Somalia and hope we will not waste this golden opportunity this time.

not as long as oday dhaqameed are selecting the MPs.

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^^Giving the elders the role to select both the constituent assembly and the new parliamentarian members was the result of Galkacyo compromise. The initial plan proposed a shared responsibility between regional admins, intellectuals, religious leaders and elders. Since regional leaders are active politicians with ambition for higher office through the parliament, it was agreed to give this role to the traditional elders. I thought it was a good compromise that injected a sense of legitimacy to the process. I heard, there is also a criterion upon which selected members will be subjected and approved by a third party committee ...


Insha Allah as the country comes back to normalcy, this will be improved.

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