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How to grow a beard in 30 days!

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:D When I was a 14 year old boy I saw a fluff of hair on my chin and an almost invisible moustache. It was a profound shock and since then I have shaved it every day, living life as a babyface, but for the last two weeks now I did not shave and to my horror I can't grow a proper beard!!


I'm like this now;



A tragedy!!


I'm going to shave it today lol

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It's not happening Aaliyah, I tried and failed. My male relatives all are capable of growing thick beards, but I was left out in the genetic pool of facial hair I guess, or I have to wait until I'm in my thirties. The beard would make less pretty and more manly lol.


Alpha, I intended to jump you in London looking like this:



That would have send you running back to Jay-Z with a perpetual heartattack!

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lol I dont know much about growing beards but ask around maybe there is a way..and if you have to wait then wait lol..and as for your comment abt beard making u less pretty and more manly? thats a good thing right? why would you wanna be a pretty man? lool



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They say men who can't grow a beard are genetically inferior, which is strange because I'm good at sports and well build.(I'm advertising myself today it seems,! lol) Having a beard can be a good thing, it's gives you a rough look and that's the point I want to look more masculine because some people still think I'm 19, when I'm 25. I resemble my mother more than my father.

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looooooooool@ thats fine you are expressing yourself. You are entitled and it is rubbish that men without a beard are genetically inferior dont listen to that. You can still look manly without a beard. But, it is better to have a beard and it is the sunnah of the prophet csw so try to have one...even if its not as full as you want shouldnt have a clean face thats probably why you look 19 althou you are 25.(I am turning 25 soon. how does it feel being quarter a century??..I think its giving me a depressing feeling it is like im hitting middle age crisis cant put it to words lool)

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Ayeeyo juxa can't stand unkept gar or shaarbo or both


Clean shaven or neatly arranged gar kugu ogahay..

Ps: very sweet you both rubac qarni now

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I have the same problem.

My beard never gets full.


I tried everything like rubbing my beard with lemon, olive oil and canjeelo.

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I've got the opposite problem, leave my beard for a week and people wont recognise me. So my solution is to have a permanent groomed size 2 beard all the way around. much easier to keep tabs on. I don't think there is way you can induce facial hair growth. I do love a warm wet shave at the barbers. One of life's pleasures i tell you. But yeah having a beard is cool i wouldn't have it another way. I also tried growing a large moustache, Indian style but soon gave that up when people at work said i began to resemble a pedo. Apparently pedo's have large taches.


For those that dont know this is what a pedo-tache looks like.



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Archy if you still looking your dream shaqo I suggest neat gar and polished shoes


At interviews you will be judged

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Juxa, mahadsanid!


Aaliyyah;811097 wrote:
looooooooool@ thats fine you are expressing yourself. You are entitled and it is rubbish that men without a beard are genetically inferior dont listen to that. You can still look manly without a beard. But, it is better to have a beard and it is the sunnah of the prophet csw so try to have one...even if its not as full as you want shouldnt have a clean face thats probably why you look 19 althou you are 25.(I am turning 25 soon. how does it feel being quarter a century??..
I think its giving me a depressing feeling it is like im hitting middle age crisis cant put it to words lool

lmao, walahi me too, its like my life is about to end, I didn't even acknowledge my birthday, I still pretend I'm 24 lol. We are still young by any standards though, only now I can never enjoy the bumper cars at the fun-fair unless I take a niece or nephew by my side lol:



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Juxa;811233 wrote:
Archy if you still looking your dream shaqo I suggest neat gar and polished shoes


At interviews you will be judged

Juxa i shave it all off for interviews. I don't chance it. Its no problem as literally in 6 days its back to its former glory anyway.

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