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Civil Society Groups in Maakhir Region appeal to the International Community -Pics

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Ururada Bulshada rayadka ah ee gobolada Haylaan iyo Sanaag ayaa baaq ay ka soo saareeen Magaalada Badhan wuxu u qornaa sidan :


kadib markii aan isugu nimid in ka badan 50 xubnood oo ururada bulshada rayadka ah isugu jira kana kooban Cuqaasha , Guurtida, Ururada Haweenka , Ururada dhallinyarada , ururada bareyaasha , aqoonyahanada, dalladda saxaafadda , qurbejoogta , ururada dadka laga tirada badanyahay, ganacsatada iyo culimada diinta dhibaatooyinka horumar la’aaneed ee goboladan haysta , dhibaatooyinkaas oo u muuqda kuwo dad samay ah , kadib markii hay’adaha caalamiga ah iyo deeq bixiyeyaasha loo sheegay warar siyaasadaysan oo been abuur ah , kuwaas oo sheegaya inaan goboladani amni ahayn.


Sidaa darted haddii aannu nahay : Ururada Bulshada rayadka ah ee kala duwan isuguna jira dhamaan noocyada kala duwan ee bulshada ee gobladda haylaan iyo sanaag waxan hay’adaha iyo deeq bixiyeyaasha iyo Dawlada puntland ugu baaqaynaa




Sidaa darted haddii aannu nahay : Ururada Bulshada rayadka ah ee kala duwan isuguna jira dhamaan noocyada kala duwan ee bulshada ee gobladda haylaan iyo sanaag waxan hay’adaha iyo deeq bixiyeyaasha iyo Dawlada puntland ugu baaqaynaa :


Dawladda Puntland waxan ugu baaqaynaa :


1) Inaaney ka gaabin u caddaalad samaynta gobolada PL.


2) In gobolada Haylaan iyo Sanaag ay nabad yihiin , una baahan yihiin horumar la mid ah kan gobolada kale ee PL.


3) In hay’adaha lagu amro iney ka hawl galaan goboladan , anaguna aanu ku garab taaganahay dawladda iney gudato waajibaadkeeda amni sugid iyo kala danbayn.


Hay’adaha waxan ugu baaqaynaa :


1) In goboladani nabad yihiin lagana shaqayn karo.


2) In goboladani helaan xuquuqda gargaar iyo horumarineed ee muddo 20 sano ah aaney helin


3) Inaanu ballan qaadayno hawl fududaynta iyo la shaqaynta hay’adaha iyo iney si nabad ah hawlahooda u qabsadaan.


4) Iney ogaadaan inaan goboladayada…….. la isku haysan .


Xaalada gobolka


1. In ay goboladani ahaayeen kuwa ugu yar tacadiyada xuquul insaanka, 2. Dilalka oo qorshaysn oo aan weligeed ka dhicin 3. Dhaca hantida dadwaynahay iyo hay’adahaba ugu yar marka loo eego gobolada puntland .


Dhinacyada laga hagraday in waxlaga qabto mid maamul iyo mid hayadeedba :


Horumarinta waxbarashada iyo kaabayaasheega Caafimaadka Wadooyinka Biyaha Dhismayaasha amaanka sida jeelasha iyo xabsiyada Barakacayaasha


Galgalanews , Daawo Sawiro

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Somalina, Cali Ciid is Neo Garaad and he fits well PL's political campaign of divide and rule. He is there to misrepresent his community and retard their development initiatives.

But this issue of international and UN agencies' small activities in the region is much bigger than that and the main culprit is SL, not PL.


It is SL that covets land it does not control and threatens the international agencies from going there without its consent.

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Xildhibaanadii Hargeysa idin fadhiyey mee? aawey the elders of Eastern Ceerigaabo? reerka 3 baarlamaan ayey ku jiraan ee waa maxay sidan?


Isa soo sharax, si qeylidaada hal baarlamaan loogu dhex maqlo. Waraaqo la qor qoro meelna idinma geynaayaan.

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Somalina;803456 wrote:
Xildhibaanadii Hargeysa idin fadhiyey mee? aawey the elders of Eastern Ceerigaabo? reerka 3 baarlamaan ayey ku jiraan ee waa maxay sidan?


Isa soo sharax, si qeylidaada hal baarlamaan loogu dhex maqlo. Waraaqo la qor qoro meelna idinma geynaayaan.

Somalina, aniga ma qorin warqadaas. Like I said , the federal MPs don't hurt their constituents and their regions. It's the failed "SL" project that is the biggest culprit.


But that's quite improving as we build more local district governments. We just have to raise awareness of the issue and shed more light into .

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NASSIR;803387 wrote:


waxan ugu baaqaynaa :


1) Inaaney ka gaabin u caddaalad samaynta gobolada PL.


2) In gobolada Haylaan iyo Sanaag ay nabad yihiin , una baahan yihiin horumar la mid ah kan gobolada kale ee PL.


3) In hay’adaha lagu amro iney ka hawl galaan goboladan , anaguna aanu ku garab taaganahay dawladda iney gudato waajibaadkeeda amni sugid iyo kala danbayn.

Xaggee SL ka soo gashaa qoraalkan? dadkani maamulkooda ayey baaq u dirooyaan, maamulkooda kor ayey ku xuseen, wax mugdi miyaa kugu jira markaa oo aad SL u soo hadal qaadey?.


Badhan is part of PL, is it not? reread the appeal letter if you have any doubt.

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Somalina;803456 wrote:
Xildhibaanadii Hargeysa idin fadhiyey mee? aawey the elders of Eastern Ceerigaabo? reerka 3 baarlamaan ayey ku jiraan ee waa maxay sidan?


Isa soo sharax, si qeylidaada hal baarlamaan loogu dhex maqlo. Waraaqo la qor qoro meelna idinma geynaayaan.



their problem is they don't wana face facts.What they keep repeating is "this mine,that mine...which doesn't belong to thm" and only for the sole purpose of making the unsuspecting people think they have quite a chunk of land.But how will that help thm even if people get along with it? Reality is on the ground and no one will get what doesn't belong to him & no one will give an inch of his land.Truth is if they wana go they would stick to what's theirs, but by the fact that's not the case,all they looking for is a fight they can't sustain thmslvs but involve otha somalis and the result will be they lose the little that's their own.

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nacnac iga dheh


Maakhir has some lessons to learn from Khaatumo phenomena. They don't need to reinvent the wheel. Khaatumo paid dearly/handsomely juggling between PL and SL. Self-rule is the only way forward for the great people of Makhirites. In order to achieve that self awareness campaigns should be carried out where self reliance, trust within community and reconciliation are promoted. Rome wasn't built in a day.

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Taleexi;803686 wrote:
iga dheh


Maakhir has some lessons to learn from Khaatumo phenomena. They don't need to reinvent the wheel. Khaatumo paid dearly/handsomely juggling between PL and SL. Self-rule is the only way forward for the great people of Makhirites. In order to achieve that self awareness campaigns should be carried out
where self reliance, trust within community and reconciliation
are promoted. Rome wasn't built in a day.


Well said Abti.

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