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What Were Somalilands Key Achievements from the London Conference.

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Shirka London: Somaliland Oo Ay U Soo Hoydeen Guulo Siyaasadeed Oo Fure U Ah Aqoonsiga Somaliland

London- Shirkii lagaga hadlayay xal u helida dhibaatada dalka Soomaaliya ee lagu qabtay xarunta Lancaster House ee Magaalada London ayaa laga soo saaray go'aamo kala duwan oo ku saabsan habkii loo waajihi lahaa dhibaatadaas, hadaba war-murtiyeedkii ka soo baxay shirkaas ayaa waxaa ku jira qodobo aad muhiim u ah oo albaab cusub u furay Jamhuuriyada Somaliland, furena u noqon doona Aqoonsi buuxa oo ay Somaliland hesho, waxaa kale oo shirkani uu meesha ka saaray Qodob aad muhiim u ah oo caqabad weyn ku ahaa in Somaliland la aqoonasado, kaasoo tilmaan u ah in dunidu ay imika garawsatay in Jiritaanka Somaliland uu yahay mid dhab ah oo aan ka noqosho lahayn, taasoo dunidu ay ku qanacday in dhabada loo xaadho sidii ay Somaliland ku heli lahayd Aqoonsi Buuxa.


A. Qodobkii Somaliland Caqabada ku ahaa ee Meesha Ka Baxay


Shir kasta oo la mid ahaa ama ku dhawaa kan London ee Soomaalida hore ay dunidu ugu qaban jirtay waxaa lagu bilaabi jiray laguna adkayn jiray in Midnimada, Qaranimada Xuduudaha Soomaaliyeed ay Muqaddas tahay oo ay tahay lama taabtaan. Haseyeeshee War-muriyeedka iyo go'aamada shirkan London ka soo baxay kuma jiro qodobkaasi, waxaana lagu bedalay in mustaqbalka siyaasadeed ee Soomaalidu uu yahay mid dadka Soomaalida ahi ay iska leeyihiin, Waxa uu u dhigan yahay qodobka Saddexaad ee shirka London ka soo baxay sidan hoos ku qoran:


3. Go’aanka ku saabsan mustaqbalka Soomaaliya waxaa leh dadka Soomaalida ah. Hoggaanka siyaasadda ee Soomaaliya waa in ay ahaadaan kuwo ay la xisaabtamaan dadkooda. Kaalinta bulshada caalamka u furan waa in ay fududeeyaan horumarka iyo koboca: xooggeenu waxaa uu ku jiraa midnimo iyo taageero isku dubaridan oo aan siinno Soomaaliya. Waxaa markii la qabanqaabinayey shirkan aan aqoonsanney muhiimadda ay leedahay in aan dhegeysanno oo aan la shaqeyno dadka Soomaaliyeed ee jooga gudaha iyo dibadda Soomaaliya, waxaana aan ku soo dhoweynney la kulankooda ka hor shirkan.


B. Waxaa sidoo kale shirkani uu si weyn u Aqoonsaday in Somaliland aanay ka mid ahayn Soomaaliya ee ay ka madax banaan tahay, waxaana shirkan London loo aqoonsaday in Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya ay kala duwan yihiin, iyada oo Soomaaliya loo aqoonsaday intii saxeexday heshiisyadii Garoowe iyo Kambaala kuwaas oo kala ah, Dawlada Ku Meel Gaadhka ah, Puntland, Gal-mudug iyo Culimada loo yaqaan Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamaaca, waxaana shirka ka soo baxay qodob aqoonsiga Somaliland fure u noqon kara kaas oo ah qodobka lixaad ee go'aanka ka soo baxay shirka London, una dhigan sidan

6. Shirku waxaa uu aqoonsadey baahida loo qabo in bulshada caalamku ay taageerto wada-hadal kasta ee Somaliland iyo TFG-da ama ciddii beddesha ay ku heshiiyaan in ay yeeshaan si loo caddeeyo xiriirkooda mustaqbalka.


Qodobkani waxa uu dunida tusinayaa in Somaliland ay gaar ka tahay Soomaaliya, waxaana la xusay in caalamku uu taageero ka geysto sidii la isula meel dhigi lahaa aayaha labada dhinac ee Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya, talaabadan oo ah guul weyn oo usoo hoyatay reer Somaliland waxay dunida tustay in Somaliland ay arrinteedu gaar ka tahay soomaaliya, taasina waxay keenaysaa in wixii dhaqaale ah iyo wixii siyaasad ah ay dunidu Somaliland gaarkeeda ula xidhiidho wixii imika ka danbeeya, waxaa kale oo dariiqan cusub ee Somaliland loola dhaqmay, go'aanka shirkana loogu xusay uu la mid yahay dariiqii ay Aqoonsigooda u mareen dadweynaha Koonfurta Sudan iyo wadamo badan oo kale oo dalal kale ka go'ay oo habkan oo kale aqoonsigooda u maray.


C. Dhaqaalaha oo Somaliland Loo Madax-banaaneeyay


Iyada oo inta badan caawimooyinka dadka Soomaaliyeed loogu deeqo lagu soo hagaajin jiray dawlada ku meel gaadhka ah ee Soomaaliya, dhaqaalahaasna inta badan la musuq-maasuqi jiray, dawlada Muqdishona ay sida ay doonto u isticmaali jirtay ayaa imika waxii ka danbeeya waxaa dhaqaalaha Soomaaliya iyo Caawimada la siiyaba gacnta ku qaban doona qaban doona gudi madax banaan Joint Financial Management Board (JFMB) oo ay xubno ka yihiin Dalalka Denmark, Ingiriiska, Norway, Holland, iyo Imaaraadka, waxaanay hubin doonaan in dhaqaalaha Soomaaliya loogu talo galay aan la musuq-maasuqin si simana loogu qaybiyo guud ahaa dhulyowga Soomaalida, tani waxay soo afjaraysaa gacan ku hayntii dawlada ku meel gaadhka ahi ay dhaqaalaha iyo caawimada gacanta ku haysay. Waxaa taasi ay keenaysaa in Somaliland wixii dhaqaale ah ee aduunku uu Soomaalida siiyo ay kala xidhiidhi doonto dalalkaas aynu xusnay oo iyagu horeba intooda badani ay u caddeeyeen in Somaliland caawimadeeda toos ay u siin doonaan.


Dhinaca kale waxaa maalintii shalay ee taariikhdu ay ahayd 22nd – Feb-2012 ay dawlada Britain iyo Dawlada Somaliland ay wadajir u aasaaseen Somaliland Development Corporation oo ah Sanduuq ama barnaamuj loogu talo galay sidii Somaliland ay u heli lahayd maalgalin caalami ah oo toos ah oo lagu horumarinayo Somaliland, taas oo dunidu ay Somaliland si toos ah u caawin doonto wixii imika ka danbeeya, waxaana ay talaabadani hormuud ka noqonaysaa in Jamhuuriyada Somaliland ay caawimadeeda toos uga hesho dunida, halkii markii hore la soo marin jiray hay'adaha samofalka iyo kuwa caalamiga ah, waxaana isla shalay ay dawlada Britain ku dhawaaqday in lacag dhan Boqol iyo Shan Milyan oo u dhiganta $ 150 Milayn oo Dollar in ay Somaliland siin doonaan saddexda sanadood ee soo socda Dedaalkii Diplomaasiyeed ee Madaxweyne Siilaanyo


Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Mudane Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud Siilaanyo ayaa markii uu soo gaadhay London waxa uu markiiba bilaabay dedaal aan nasasho lahayn iyo kulamo tiro badan oo uu la yeeshay Madaxda u sarraysa dalkan Britain, waxaana Madaxweynaha iyo wafdigiisu ay si weyn ugu hawl galeen sidii shirka London ka dhacayay ee Soomaalida loo qatay uu u noqon lahaa mid waxtar u yeesha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland isna barbar taaga oo sii badhi taara degenaanshaha iyo horumarka ay Somaliland ku talaabstay, waxa uu Madaxweyne Siilaanyo intii aan shirku bilaabmin si adag ula dooday madaxda u sarraysa dalkan oo uu ka mid ahaa Wasiirka Arrimaha Debada, William Hague , Wasiirka Caawimada Dibada Andrew Mitchel iyo waliba madax kale oo badan oo ay isla meel dhigeen arrimaha shirka iyo inaanay marnaba ka soo bixin wax dhib ku ah Somaliland. Waxaa hubaal ah in Madaxweyne Siilaanyo uu guulo aad u balaadhan ka soo hooyay go’aankii geesinimada lahaa ee uu ku aqbalay in shirkan ay Somaliland ka soo qayb gasho. Waxa uu Madaxweynaha iyo Wafdigiisu ay qaranka Somaliland usoo hooyeen guulo siyaasadeed oo dhabada u xaadhaya habkii ay Somaliland dunida uga mid noqon lahayd , aqoonsina ay ku heli lahayd.


Waxaa kale oo xusid iyo amaan balaadhan mudan Jaaliyada Somaliland eek u dhaqan dalkan UK oo kaalin muhiim ah ka qaatay miisaanka siyaasadeed iyo guusha balaadhan ee Somaliland usoo hoyatay, waxaanan hambalyo kal iyo laab ah u dirayaa dhamaan Jaaliyada reer Somaliland ee UK ku nool ee qabawga iyo dhaxanta u taagnaa sidii ay Qarankooda u taageeri lahaayeen, si gaar ah waxaan usii amaanayaa Jaaliyadayda ree Bristol oo mar kasta billada koowaad qaata, dalkoodana aad u jecel. Waxaana hubaal ah in banaanbaxeenu uu kaalin muhiim ah ka qaatay guusha Somaliland ay ka heshay shirka.


Ugu danbayn dhirbaaxo qadhaadh ayaa ku dhacday cadawga Somaliland oo ay la yaab ku noqotay wadaniyada iyo isku duubina Shacbiga iyo Dawlada Somaliland. :cool:

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OdaySomali;794392 wrote:
Is Somaliland taking part in the Turkey conference too ?

No they wont be to the best of my knowledge but who knows, the Turks might make Somaliland another offer it can not refuse similar to the Brits. :D

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In which sadly, this foreign minister seemed to be given us, all the indication, that if it was up to him, he could come around and tell us, that, inter-regional conference of south east Asia is something we in Somaliland should take part in, indeed..

:D:D But i agree the law was good no need for a change on the other hand Somaliland is very political mature and we have come to that stage that Somaliland independence cannot be disputed in a conference things need to be clear though.Somaliland had a good status at the London conference but Somaliland made it clear we will discuss our future relations with Somalia when Somalia has a functioning government.

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^^^ Ooweyne


agreed, but lets give credit to where it is due. I have been Silanyo's staunches opponent. I have supported Dahir Riyal Kahin in all the elections and still hold the Kulmiye party in contempt. however the london conference was a success as seen from the array of achievements attained. of which both include the international communities exceptence that we are different from the rest of Somalia, of which also include finances and increased cooperation on development all in all a success. I must therefore give credit to where it is due, within the london conference we were different from Somalia, we never sat with them, we never ate with them, we spoke seperately and attended seperately. so all in all by our shere attendance we have achieved a significant monumental step forward.


I support the policy of non-interference and not attending Somali conferences regarding forming government or so called peace conferences, but these conference are arguably different as they deal with the entire region and international cooperation. Other conferences with the same level of leverage should be carefully decided and discussed with the host country in question. but if it advances our case we should not shy away from anything. countries who have recently been recognised have all participated in an international framework of negotiations and Somaliland is no different. Furthermore Somalia as we both know without a bottom up approach will not get anywhere anytime soon and this doesnt seem to be close so we have to continue and argue that we will not wait forever for a state that in my view will not attain long term stability in the next decade and we will not be hostage to its failures. We need to broaden our perspective and approach and this is the first step.


Furthermore i dont really see any problem with the current legislation as it clearly states no Somaliland government can part take in conference that act contrary to Somalilands existence and soverignty so all in all its the same law with abit more leverage. Furthermore they also need approval from both houses. so the people ultimately control the process.

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This conference was about Britain and British interests. Plain and simple. Managing/eradicating piracy, preventing potential blowback of British-Somali terrorism (especially with the London Olympics approaching), and minimizing the humanitarian disaster/famines in Somalia (in order to minimize the cost to the British taxpayer).


As a secondary objective - to streamline the actions of the outside(non-Somali) stakeholders on the Somali issue into a unified, coordinated approach. This second part will prove extremely delicate...

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Oodweyne;794430 wrote:


I agree with you almost 90% in here. But, still, we must choose with care as to what sort of conference we should attend. And, with that, it means, you must "trust" judgement of those who will decide in here. And, sadly, I lost my trust in this particular foreign minister (for he seemed to be a good hard-worker, but, tragically he lack elemental political judgement in here).


Hence, it's best for President Silanyo to shuffled him off to a side-line; so that way, he shan't make monumental cock-up in here. If however, president Silanyo is reluctant to relieve this minister of his heavy duty responsibility, then, I fear, the only recourse that is open to us, to say, then, the parliament (particularly the upper house) should insist that old law will be return in the statute book with vengeance, indeed...


In other words, either this minster should go, and perhaps, Dr. Sacad Cali Shire at the planning ministry, should replace him; or else, then, the parliament should "revoke" the benefit of the doubt that they have extended to this government, and re-enact that old law, afresh, indeed..

I agree with you the news coming from the foreign ministers office is not good, no one is impressed,he should be removed as foreign minister but let this not take the lime light from our President whose idea and strategy this process is. But i see what your saying, we need a safe reliable pair of hands and the man lacks that, agreed entirely. :D

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Guru Oodweyne,


From our previous postings, the outcome of this Conference was easy to predict for both you and I. As recently as three days ago, I foretold to one of our young 'unionists' here the conclusion to this photo-op event:


Mintid Farayar;792157 wrote:


You're out of touch with the Conference's objectives. The Somalis (all of them) are just window dressing. The Conference is for outside stake-holders to come to a unified plan/compromise on how to deal with the Somali situation (piracy, terrorism, endemic famines, etc.,).


Somalis will be allowed to give 2 to 3 speeches(maybe, if the British are generous) and then handed a pre-agreed resolution to sign or follow.


We'll see how it turns out in a few days...


As for how the outcome impacted Somaliland, I see one key concession made to Somaliland in this new 'international blueprint' created for Somalis:


6.*** The Conference recognised the need for the international community to support any dialogue that Somaliland and the TFG or its replacement may agree to establish in order to clarify their future relations.


This is a cementing of the original position taken by successive Somaliland administrations that they will only talk to a legitimate gov't for all of the former Italian Somalia instead of being one among many 'pseudo regional administrations' as so many political actors within the former Somalia had hoped for in their 'Federalism' project. It also dashed the hopes of some for the dismemberment of Somaliland into a Khaatumo, Awdal, etc., enclaves. This statement implicitly recognized Somaliland's dominion over the territories of the former British Somaliland. You'll soon see disaffected members of the 'Khaatumo' project slowly reach out in order to come to some accommodation within the 'Somaliland political' umbrella.


This doesn't mean that all is 'roses' for the Somaliland case, given that our legitimate aspirations are being held hostage to the disfunctionality of our brothers down South. However, the key to escaping this 'Catch-22' has eluded Somaliland administrations for the last 20-plus years. Your comments regarding the current Foreign Minister ......... I'll sidestep internal house matters :D

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Oodweyne;794448 wrote:
Dear Mintid


In so far as the kernel of a political break-through for Somaliland which was buried in
"Point Six"
of the communique is concern; one can say, it's true, we have broken the said
"catch 22"
(once and for all) as you and
have amply explained in here. Hence, on that point (which is the most important outcome for Somaliland in that conference) is essentially the sort of a break-through that one could be forgiven if one is incline to
with it at the nearest roof-top, indeed...


Now, in so far as the other side-issue such as Khatumo and Awdal is concern, theirs was never something that ought to have troubled us, if only that is, we had maintained the old politics of
President Rayale
in dealing with this region.


Which means,
, with a boiling of a frog, gradually, being the
"operative analogy"
we deal with this issue. But, sadly, our current
President Silanyo
decided to get clever in here and
that old snake's oils salesman call
Prof. Galeydh
in here, and the end result is what we see today.


Hence, call me harsh in here, but, I put the blame, squarely, on the shoulders of the current government where this debacle of Khatumo-seeg nonsense is concern. And, that we dodge the bullet where they are concern in the London Conference is not something that come out of us playing a blinder in here.


But, on the contrary, it's the Brits who have decided that if they heap too much humiliation on the shoulders of President Silanyo by inviting this Khaatumo-seeg folks to their conference, then, perhaps, president Silanyo may not even survive impeachment when he returns home.


So that is that.


But, still, even, if one didn't worked for it, one can say, that the Brits decided to put
"Point Six"
into the final resolution, could in a way
(as you hold) our legal right to rule this Khaatumo-seeg communities. And, hence, provided we have
on the ground affirming our right to rule these disputed areas (by militarily ruling it, that is), then, one can think of it, that international community had politically and legally
our right to these regions and therefore they have assented to the
"territorial continuity"
of Somaliland (including these areas) as described in that communique.


And, that of course, will be so much of a
on the cake in here. Which means, effectively, these areas are not for the
or for that matter
to get their silly minds involved in, from here on out indeed.


As for the internal house-keeping is concern, I do understand the volume in which your side-stepping this issue speak in here. Hence, lets hope those political elites in back-home will regroup in here and take advantage in this lull of a period of the half-time sort, by way of
the tired full-court-attack-team (using basketball analogy in here), particularly, before the August and the beginning of the proper second half of the game between Somaliland and whoever ruling Somalia at that time, begins in earnest, indeed.


Which means, this indefatigable minister of the foreign affairs, really need to warm the bench for a while henceforth, and he must not be brought into the second half at all, indeed...


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Mario B   

What Were Somalilands Key Achievements from the London Conference.? In this Conferencem "SL" was told to go and build prisons to hold pirates from South and East Somalia and that any if they wanted to get recognition as an "Independent Republic" then the road to independence goes through.... Mogadishu. :cool:


So next time "SL" runs to the "International community" and asks for recognition, they will be directed to Xamar, where the representive of Buuhodle will be @ :rolleyes:Now the "enclave crew" will come here and say the sky is black for all they like, but we know what the reality is. :D

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Mario B   

Freedom;794552 wrote:
Somaliland hate syndrome lool luv it

It's more Pity than hate!! Pity on people who leave in a "Bizarro World" ...where they can't tell the different between reality and fiction.

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The conference was a big success...salute to the president for the effort..another step forward for Somaliland and believe me the neo-siadist lot are running scared these days...seriously scared. :cool:


- We are 23 miles from the neo-siadist capital of Garowe and can bomb the hell out if we want. The so called consititution has been rejected by both the south and the north, the only signaturies are piratland, galmudug, ahlul wal jamaca and the tfg with a term of 6-7 months left

- Somaliland has secured financial support to the tune of 150 million and been excepted as seperate from the rest of Somalia via international concensus

- the TFG has been told its over as of 6-7 months

- AU and Ethiopian presence will not change the situation as it is only temporary, as alshabab still wages a calculated gurilla war

- Pirateland has been divided into three pieces, las caysr, west puntland and now atm is just outside bosaso as alshabab.

- buhoodle has been accepted as part of somaliland via international concensus.


desperate times for our enemies. :cool:

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