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Che -Guevara

Ethiopians Murdering Somali Civilians in Beled Weyne

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Naxar Nugaaleed;779183 wrote:
Itobiya daris wanaag uun bey ka rabta

Hahahahah. Qosolka qarniga. 'Wanaagaas' ha kaga bilawdo reer Somali-Galbeed.

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;779196 wrote:
Darisnimadeeda intuu ka bilowdaa, kuna dhamaadaa? Xarar? Diradhabe?

been in aan isku maweelino waa laga ficanyahay, umad maanta itobiya kula gurgurtemi karta somali galbet manahen, Somalia iyada ba isku dhexyacsan ee bal maxay maanta ku dari karta Somali galbet? sheekadu ineyna galbet gareen, Somalia horta ha lesyku kabkabo lol

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Ee 'daris wanaaga' aad sheegeysid aawey marka. Waa kaas see walaalaheen Soomaaliyeed ee Soomaali Galbeed ula dhaqmeyso Xabashada.


Anaga iyo Xabashada daris iyo wax wanaag inay naga dhaxeyn doonto ma moodi as long as ay Xabashada dhulkaas haysato, walaalaheenana xasuuqdo, kufsato.

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Miskiinow, hade aan daris uu micneyset sida, jar ba naga tuureysa. itoobiyan iyo somali is dagashana cid fa'eedo ugma jirto. Somali dhexdooda ayuba khalif ka daman la yahay oo iyagaba isku mashqoolsan, ila inta laga baxayana su'aasha somali galbet waa in deb loo diga. marka uunba itobiya la gorgortami karna.


PS, excuse my Somali

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Qofna faa'ida uguma jirto waa ogahay, walaaloow. Laakiin Xabashada iyo wixii raacaba amaan hana siisaan, dhulkeenana faraha haka qaadaan. Soomaali dhulkooda sheeganeyso ma jirto, waa iyaga waxa na sheegto had iyo jeer.


Maanta Afsoomaali kuu baxooyo waa arkaa. Intaa SOL joogtay maanta intaa qortay ugu badan u maleynaa. 058.gif

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Injirley is in Beledweyn to help Somalis has as much as appeal as Che or Maadeey harboring genuine care for the plight of civilians in Beledweyne. Ethiopia, like all countries, is after its national interests. Countries rarely get militarily involved in the internal affairs of other countries for altruistic reasons unless there is pending genocide or war crimes or some such exigency. And even that isn't given as was amply demonstrated in Rwanda in 1994.


Ethiopia wants weak but capable central Somali government and failing that a capable regional governments in bodering regions. Weak central government because such government won't pose a challenge to its hegemonic ambitions in the Horn of Africa. To safeguard its borders and ensure no one is using Somalia as a launchpad to attack Ethiopa, it wants capable central or local administration.


The question for reer Hiiraan is this: should you fight Injirley on your own as no one else is with you on this "Jihad" and bear the brunt of casualties and destruction that will ensue or should you follow the lead of other Somalis in Somaliland, Puntland, Galmudug, Galguduud under Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jameeca, Bakool and Gedo under TFG by striking a deal with the Ethiopians thereby living to fight another day?

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Raamsade;779327 wrote:
Injirley is in Beledweyn to help Somalis has as much as appeal as Che or Maadeey harboring genuine care for the plight of civilians in Beledweyne. Ethiopia, like all countries, is after its national interests.

Nigga, my father was born in this city and my family has roots in the city:p


But really, the idea of foreign forces defeating AS hasn't and will not work and this is made more difficult that the fact Ethiopia finds AS presence useful in some ways, what better way to extort money from the West and say we are fighting terrorist. Only capable Somali army can defeatAS. It has to be Somali led and owned fight till then I will take AS over any foreign enemy who I know come to Somalia only to destroy even more.

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Che, cut the crap. Your father may have been born in that city but today you have no vested interest in the well being of Beledweyn and Hiiraan at large. No true blooded Hiraanian supports these Arab-owned donkeys Alshabaab who are as much the enemy of Somalia as Ethiopia. Tell us what's the difference between AS and Ethiopia? At least Ethiopia doesn't amputate petty suuq thieves for theft while turning blind eye to the wholesale theft of Somalia's precious wood resources by charcoal exporters or stone lactating mothers or force Somalis to shun their language, culture, customs and history and replace it imported bowdo gaab asiatic ones.


And what are you on about no foreign forces defeating Alshabaab. AMISOM defeated AS as has Ethiopia in Hiiraan, Galguduud, Bakool and Gedo. Even if Alshabaab was defeated by All-Somali group you'll accuse them of being lackeys of Ethiopia or Israeli or America or all three.


You're simply out of touch with modern developments. Today Ethiopia has choices. It doesn't need the West for funds, it can just go to China who will happily provide it in exchange for favorable trade terms and resource concessions.

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*And you are true blooded son...right Beledweyne which only month ago a peaceful town I am sure has benefited from Ethiopian occupation much like Xamar did in 2006. Spare me duqa, you have no more vested interest in Beledweyne than I do and AS are no more violent than your average TGF soldier that robs and kills people but unlike the TFG they provide peace and security which is more than you could say about any group in Somalia.


And if you sincerely prefer Ethiopians over AS then good riddance. Perhaps, you should visit Beled Weyne to protect your vested interest under Ethiopian flag.

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Che, do I sense a tinge of anger in your response? Did I get under your skin? If I did, don't fret about it. It is a credit to your Somali bona fides as we Somalis are easily provoked and fly off handle at the slightest annoyance.


You say AS brought peace to Beledweyne. This is peculiar argument considering that you are one of the most vehement anti-Somaliland SOLers and to a lesser degree anti-Puntland. And yet both of these regions have delivered peace and order to more Somalis for longer time than AS ever will. What gives?

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The Zack   

Raamsade;779888 wrote:

You say AS brought peace to Beledweyne. This is peculiar argument considering that you are one of the most vehement anti-Somaliland SOLers and to a lesser degree anti-Puntland. And yet both of these regions have delivered peace and order to more Somalis for longer time than AS ever will. What gives?

Simple! Because Foreigners keep attacking Shabaab. Kenya attacks them, Ethiopia attacks them, America attacks them.

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Raamsade....I oppose northern administrations merely on their institutionalization of tribal politics and in the case of one administration, secession. And I have never advocated violence in those regions, if anything people running these are creating an atmosphere of uncertainty with tussling in Sool.

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Zack, AS is being attacked by foreigners because it declared war on them. Duh! Didn't Alshabaab declare Jihad on neighbouring countries like Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and threaten to go as far as Alaska and Solomon Islands? To demonstrate its resolve Alshabaab orchestrated the massacre in Kampala, promptly following it with a gleeful claim. Didn't they align themselves with international terrorist organizations like Al-Qaacida and called on all "Muslims" to come join them including international fugitives like the Lebanese dude that was killed by an American drone? Like all religious morons AS miscalculated and as a result invited these attacks against it. Rest assured if Alshabaab opens a new franchise in Hargeysa or Garowe those regions will be bombed into smithereens in no time.


Che, AS are the biggest qabiilists in Somalia today. There is not a single Looma Oyaan (unarmed clans) in a leadership position in AS. Every single one of Alshabaab's excutions and stonings is from a minority clan. What's more, Alshabaab exploits and manipulates existing clan feuds, arming one clan to subdue and control another. In recent times AS droped all pretense by openly petitioning support from clans. Nothing of this nature exists in Puntland or Somaliland.

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