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Somali Anarchists Declaration SAD

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I am laughing my teeth off ( they are hanging loose after the fight in the Somali parliament in Nairobi Hotel ).



You write: We demand a fully organized and interrelated entity to provide any service to us. We understand that you (Somalis) are segmented society that lacks the art of creative destruction



Somali Anarchists provide a bumper to bumper destructive services, since we have destroyed two major cities, Hargeisa and Mogadishu, we have learned how to be our own enemy, you see President, we need not fear the Ethiopians for destrying Somalia, no one can destroy Somalia better than somalis, if you dont belive me, why not allow Ethiopian peace keepers come to Somalia, we will rob them and turn them to Anarchists, and when they go back to Ethipia, they will infest Ethipia with their new Anarchist skills, and from Ethiopia we will march to spread anarchy in all of Africa, then we will board ships from Morocco to land of opportunity, America, and you will find our anarchists hanging on your windows at the whitehouse.


About our Namdic oratory culture, you see Mr. President, the reason we have so many interclan disputes is because nobody bothers to write any agreement, if we do, nobody will read, if we read, nobody will understand and if we understand, no one is willing to obey clauses against the interest of their clan. When we appear that we are obeying the law, its a mock tactic for buying time for next round of cheating.


About our newly elected Presidents national tour in five provinces, it shows how our people love anarchists, rich Somalis fled to USA, and poor ones are enjoying what is left behind plus the foreign aid, the new President is a man who admitted that he fired the first bullet in our civil war, and offered that if we do not ellect him, there will be no more anarchy, how can we survive without Anarchy? our parliament is the only non elected parliament of Anarchism in the world, I am sure that you have seen how we set a great example for our people the other night when I lost four of my front teeth, i dont know how to smile anymore, i have nothing to smile with or to smile for :D .



Cag Bakayle


Nairobi, Kenya

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Ina Kaadhi Najaasle


Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool @ To the record, Mr. Cak Bakeyle’s front teeth are gone for he drafted letters to you without the full knowledge of Anarchists leadership


The reason that there are so many Kaadhi Najaasle members in the Anarchist Somali parliament is because every clan believes that a wadaad will not be able to stand for the other Ina najaasle, so we have a parliament by the Ina najaaslayaal, for the Ina Najaalayaal, to the Ina najaaalayaal.


Will come back with more analyses


Cag Bakayle



2005 Somaliaonline e Magazine


The light side of the heavy stuff

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Some lucrative spill-over effects of combating Islam, not taking Christianity, Zionism, financial sector, dictators and other “coalition of the killing†and rebellious enemies of Allah into account!!


You Somali amateurs put us to disgrace by associating our objectives with your primitive “spectacle of savageness†un-witnessed since the building of Noah’s arc



When Peace Is The Enemy


Ten Deadly Enemies of Humanity in America


By Dr. Charles Mercieca


06/09/05 "ICH" - - Every dictionary describes enemy as “one hostile to another; one who hates another; a foe; an adversary; an antagonist; a hostile force, army, fleet, or the like.†The enemy’s goal is to destroy anything that comes in the enemy’s way that would prevent such an enemy from the achievement of set goals and purposes. Hence, any person or group that performs actions that are detrimental to our environment, to our very own life may be viewed as our deadly enemy.


Destructive Intent of American Corporations


Regardless as to whether or not Americans as a whole perceive it, we may single out the ten deadly enemies of the American people and of all people of all nations as a matter of fact. These are ten American largest corporations whose product is virtually lethal. They put in danger not only the people who work for such industries but also those who are directly or indirectly affected by their deadly products. They are all linked to wars and they all view peace as their outright enemy since peace would eventually render their product obsolete.


This means, they would not cease embracing their Satanic God, known as the never-ending-accumulation of wealth and money. These top deadly enemies make billions of dollars annually on the premise that the end justifies the means. To this end, they employ psychologists to study the mood of the people and to come with advertisement proposals so as to present their product deceitfully to the people. They want the American people either to accept it by all means or, at least, to remain indifferent about it. There is only one thing they do not want absolutely, namely, to see people openly critical against their deadly product.


In this presentation, we are not going into details on the nature of the deadly product of such ten big corporations. We are simply going to pinpoint them and bring them into the open for everyone to see and comprehend. We hope that those who are interested in the preservation of our environment and life would investigate on their own the extent of irreversible damage these monsters of our earthly society are procuring.


We are going to enlist them briefly and to explain what they do with a brief comment on how their product leads to the destruction of our environment and of our life. Needless to say, the fact that they may produce good product should not be a justification of their continued existence the way they are.


1. Lockheed Martin Corporation, better known by many as Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company, is located in Forth Worth, Texas. This company chose to specialize in the manufacture of military aircrafts whose job is to devastate entire nations mercilessly in the name of national security, peace and world stability! It produces F-16 Fighting Falcon, the versatile air-lifter C-130J Super Hercules, the stealth fighter F-117 Nighthawk, and the next generation fighter F/A 22 Raptor. All these are meant to be used not by civilians for positive and constructive purposes, but by the military for negative and destructive activities.


This lethal company has been awarded contracts to build the multi-service and multi-mission F-35 Joint Strike Fighter! Lockheed Martin sells its products to any nation that gives the right price under the pretext that such nations have a right for self-defense! Like Retired US Admiral Gene La Rocque remarked in his videotapes: “Military product is manufactured primarily not for the defense of the USA or of any other country but merely for profit.â€


2. Boeing Company is viewed as the largest aerospace company in the world. It is commissioned to make commercial jets that it sells to any nation that wishes to purchase such a product. Although Boeing tries to stress the word “commercial†in its advertisements, it is also in the business of making military aircraft and missile in addition to phantom works. It tries to justify its product as an effective means for the United States to defend itself against the enemy. Here we need to ask: Who is the enemy? At one time the answer was: The Soviet Union. However, after the Soviet collapse they came out with another enemy known as the rogue states, which consist of a group of some five to six banana republics where people are starving and are having surmountable problems.


Like every other big industry, Boeing is primarily concerned with profit. To this end, it would not object to provide every single nation on earth with its product as long as involved nations would pay the right price. Confronted with such a reality, the concept of nationalism and patriotism for Americans becomes literally meaningless. And to distract the American people from the industry’s malicious intent, the stress on the concept of patriotism emerged to be popular. This explains why nowadays you see some of the top executives in these deadly corporations, along with top US government officials, wearing an American flag pin on their chest.


3. Northrop Grumman Corporation works under the guise of national security, civil and industrial needs by providing advanced information technology systems whose ultimate goal is to make American wars more devastating as to kill the maximum amount of people possible with the least effort. Among other devices, it has developed Kinetic Energy Interceptors Missile Defense Battle Management Capabilities. This company has made the waging of wars as its source of income. Behind the scenes it makes sure that wars are constantly taking place, even if it had to provide weaponry systems to potential enemies and then instigate them to use them via third parties. This would be needed to give them the excuse to start a devastating war where everyone, including Americans, would be a loser and no one a winner.


We need to keep in mind that in the United States both individuals and corporations have the freedom to make money the way they want. This policy has enabled the manufacturers of all kinds of weapons to develop into lucrative businesses no matter how much their product would prove to be detrimental to innocent people. After all, as we learned from the Iraqi war, the massacre of innocent Iraqis in tens of thousands has been referred by American politicians who support fully the weapons industry not as victims but merely as collateral damage, like people were a piece of discarded furniture.


4. General Dynamics Corporation is one of the major military contractors. Recently it was awarded $900 million contract for the production of 2.75 inch rockets from the US Army Aviation and Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. This corporation, like other similar ones, is in the business of air and water pollution and of hastening the road to Armageddon. Under the guise of peace, General Dynamics continues to fleece the US government of tens of millions of dollars, money that would have been used constructively to provide homes for the homeless, give our children adequate health care and education, and enable researchers to find remedies to such deadly maladies as cancer, heart disease, multiple sclerosis and epilepsy, among others.


General dynamics is headquartered in Falls Church, Virginia and it employs over 70,000 people worldwide. In 2004 it had revenue of over $19 billion dollars. Its lethal product is used for expeditionary combat systems, armaments and munitions as well as shipbuilding and marine systems among. This corporation is responsible for rockets that can be fired from a variety of rotary and fixed platforms that include, among others, US Army apache and US Marine Corps Cobra attack helicopters. One of the best sources to see what this corporation, along with other deadly ones mentioned in this presentation, is doing would be the internet.


5. Raytheon Company specializes in high technology with operations in commercial and defense electronics, engineering, construction, aviation, and major appliances. This company has embarked on advertisements that show the company’s concern for the “needs of the people†starting with giving assistance to families of US military men in Iraq. At the same time, this company supports the Ballistic Missile Defense System. Most of its war products are in testing today. In spite of its effort to establish a good image as being humanitarian and peaceful, Raytheon does nothing positive and constructive for peace in the sense that it works for the prevention of war rather than for the waging of war.


The idea that these deadly enemies in America of our earthly community would work for a genuine peace through the development of a program of international disarmament and arms control not only it does not exist in their agenda, but the very thought of it may be easily dismissed as craziness! This company, like the others enlisted in this presentation, has people trained in talking with top government officials by presenting them with videotapes showing how the development of more sophisticating and devastating weapons would enhance the national security of the United States. Unfortunately, most of the US government officials, mostly Republicans, fall easily into trap and concede to allot more and more money for more and more weapons and wars.


6. United Technologies Corporation claims to be a $37 billion company whose products include heating and cooling fire and security systems along with Pratt & Whitney aircraft engines, Sikorsky helicopters and UTC Power fuel cells, among others. As stated earlier, these deadly corporations are in the business of making money through the production mostly of devastating lethal products. Recently, Sikorsky S-92 helicopter won Korean Presidential competition. This type of helicopter is now sold to South Korea. United Technologies Corporation states that what it manufactures is merely for national defense and security of the United States and of all the other countries that purchase such products.


There is no war machinery whatsoever that is said to be manufactured for purpose of the destruction of the infrastructure of nations and the massacre of numerous innocent people. When this happens we already know what they would say relative to the horrendous crimes that are committed against innocent people in every way. It’s merely collateral damage! The best contribution that this company could do is to get out of the war business, the sooner the better. We need to develop an international program of disarmament and arms control. At the same time, we need to leave the job of international relations and peace in the hands for world-wide humanitarian organizations and out of the hands of the government’s officials.


7. Halliburton Company claims to be one of the world’s largest providers of products and services to the oil and gas industries. No wonder it moved so quickly to take hold of the oil in Iraq shortly after the American invasion and occupation. This company employs 100,000 people in over 120 countries. These people are primarily trained in drilling and formation evaluation, fluid systems, production optimization as well as digital and consulting solutions. Over the past several years, this company made it clear that it wants to be second to none in technological leadership, operational excellence as well as innovative business relationships, and dynamic workforce.


Three of the most dangerous and abusive companies in the USA are the trio corporations consisting of the weapons, oil and construction companies. They seem to work hand in hand. The weapons industry destroys the infrastructure of a nation such as it has been in Iraq, then the oil industry steps in to take charge of the existent oil of such nation and other rich natural resources when available, while the construction company steps in to rebuild what the weapons industry destroyed successfully. Needless to say, these three big corporations seem to work hand in hand like they were a mafia type of organization.


8. General Electric Company seems to be one of the most astute companies in the world when it comes to the advertisement of its product. It focuses on products that are mostly used by the general public, like bulbs and refrigerators. When it comes to the products that are harmful to people, it tends to play it cool and hardly makes any public advertisements. This company has some $500 billion dollars in assets and has business in 47 nations around the world. It has been heavily involved in nuclear weapons emitting toxic wastes that made countless thousands of people have numerous health problems many of whom died prematurely. A videotape report was made to illustrate this reality entitled: Deadly Deception.


This videotape report was produced by a concerned private humanitarian organization known as Corporate Accountability International, and could be contacted at 46 Plympton Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02118. This organization has been very active in protecting the life of ordinary citizens whose air has been dangerously polluted by big corporations that included lately the giant oil corporations of Exxon/Mobil, and Chevron/Texaco. It also got after other big corporations like Coca-Cola, which has been draining all of the pure water they can get hold on, and tobacco giants like Phillip Morris whose structured deceitful advertisements about their lethal product has hooked millions on nicotine most of whom were sent to their grave already. General Electric Company remains a very dangerous company because of its involvement in nuclear weapons.


9. Science Applications International Corporation is the largest employee-owned research and engineering company in the United States. Like the other mentioned big corporations, this corporation is also involved in military ventures. Just recently it signed a contract with the US Air Force to provide system engineering and integration support for the Joint Mission Planning system (JMPS) for a period of 12 years. The contract exceeds $200 million dollars. The ultimate purpose would be to make US military missions, as they are called, more effective. In plain words, the objective would be for the US Air Force to become more devastating in future wars on any regional or global scale.


Some of the work that is performed deals with health care, energy and telecommunication. Needless to say, each of these deadly companies do provide services that could be termed to be positive and beneficial but such services do not seem to be the focus of the company as a whole. Besides, this giant corporation is trying to work hand in had with military vehicles, homeland security as well as anything that goes under the titled of national security, whatever that may mean since such a phrase has been so much misused and abused in the past. Some of its major clients may be enlisted as criminal justice, space ventures, which may include control of weapons in space, and effective transportation in addition to others.


10. Computer Sciences Corporation provides mostly consulting, systems integration and design, and software for industries and for governmental requirements. Although this corporation is also involved with health services, its focus seems to be on aerospace and defense dealing with weapons and military equipment for purpose of waging of endless wars. The US government spent billions of dollars on this industry at the expense of the American people’s health care and education. Such money could have been used to improve Americans’ quality life through the elimination of hunger, the provision of homes for the homeless, and the cure of diseases that are killing Americans unnecessarily.


According to the United Nations report on the children’s state of health in every country, one out of five children in the USA suffers from malnutrition and hunger. As stated by retired top military commanders of the US Center for Defense Information in Washington, DC, these big military corporations are not primarily concerned with the defense of the American nation, nor of any other nation as a matter of fact. Their primary and only concern is profit as stated eaerlier. When the Soviet Union collapsed the United States was given the opportunity to bring about a permanent world peace through the development of an international program of disarmament and arms control. After all, this has been a major goal of the United Nations since its establishment in 1945.


We are submitting a list of names and addresses of main offices of these top ten deadly enemies of humanity in America in the order of billions of dollars that were made out of the manufacture and sales of military ammunitions and weapons of mass destruction during the year 2004.


1. Lockheed Martin Corporation, 6901 Rockledge Drive, Bethesda, Maryland 20917, USA, Phone: 301-897-6000, Fax: 301-897-6704


2. Boeing Company, 100 North Riversides, Chicago, Illinois 60606, USA, Phone: 312-544-2000,


3. Northrop Grumman Corporation, 1840 Century Part East, Los Angeles, California 90067, USA, Phone: 310-553-6262, Fax: 310-553-2076


4. General Dynamics Corporation, 13880 Del Sur Street, San Fernando, California 91340, USA, Phone: 818-897-111, Fax: 818-899-4045


5. Raytheon Company, 870 Winter Street, Waltham, Massachusetts 02451, USA, Phone: 781-522-3000, Fax: 781-522-3001


6. United Technologies Corporation, 275 Westminster Street, Suite 400, Providence, Rhode Island 02903, USA, Phone: 401-521-5700, Fax: 401-521-3332, Fax: 401-521-3332


7. Halliburton Company, 5 Houston Center, 1401 McKinney, Suite 240 C, Houston, Texas 77020, USA, Phone: 710-759-2600, Fax: 710-759-2605


8. General Electric Company, 1717 East Interstate Avenue, Bismarck, North Dakota 58503, USA, Phone: 701-223-0441, Fax: 701-224-5336


9. Science Applications International Corporation, 10260 Campus Point Drive, San Diego, California 92121, USA, Phone: 858-826-6000, Fax: 858-826-6800


10. Computer Sciences Corporation, 2100 East Grand Avenue, El Segundo, California 90245, USA, Phone: 310-615-0011, Fax: 310-322-9769


In conclusion, the American people have the sacrosanct duty to bring these ten deadly enemies of humanity in America under control by refusing to manufacture weapons and deadly military equipment and to insist with such corporations to replace without delay their lethal products with constructive items that would be beneficial to all people without exception.


Dr. Charles Mercieca. President of International Association of Educators for World Peace NGO, United Nations (ECOSOC), UNDPI, UNICEF, UNCED & UNESCO Professor Emeritus of Alabama A&M University


Copyright: Dr. Charles Mercieca.

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whoa very interesting stuff. mind marinating.


so who speaks for the sleeping giants? where is the HisbuDaahir?


All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing!

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Bashi bro.



Cag Bakayle was not present when you guys drafted this procedure ( Was talking to the kikuyu lady ) :


procedure SAD-05-3425 Revision 6, section IV states in part , please elaborate on it some more, Cag Bakayle does nopt trust English speakers, but will exception in your case!



Xiinfaniin bro.


When can you start? you qualify for 7 positions, specially the more technical oriented departments of the anarchist committee, for curiosity though , do you know how to use chairs as a weapon during Anarchist meetings in Nairobi?




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Nur you have got cleverly witty political analyses, although many of the people or political situations in which you illustrate seem unrealistic.


A Somali political humorist, who writes entirely in English, its really rare. Have you read or heard of O’Rourke, P.J?

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Animal farm


In addition to the Rememberance of Allah, Dhiker sessions, writing these pieces on the Somali scene is my leisurely way of coping with the frustrations our people have endured for the past two decades, in addition, I find it to be a refreshing way in telling it as it is, subliminally, that is, stretching it to extremes at times, to show the fallacies, to see the picture, sometimes, we need to magnify it, just like when you see your face against one of those funny magnified mirrors, you laugh, because it is you, its us Somalis, the Arabs say, " The worst of disasters make you laugh"


O'Rourke? Nope! its the first time ever hear this writer, but you have indeed ignited my interest to google up the guy.




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American children grow up to be valuable citizens. Bangladeshi children grow up to be part of the world population problem.

O'Rourke, P.J. (1994),


"Imagine a weight-loss program at the end of which, instead of better health, good looks, and hot romantic prospects, you die. Somalia had become just this kind of spa. - O'Rourke, P.J. (1994), All the trouble in the world. The lighter side of famine, pestilence, destruction and death. Sydney (Picador), 65



You can find more of his other quotes on this website.

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Animal Farm


That was inspirational, here is a piece I dedicated to the appoinment of the new Speaker of the Somali Parliament in Nairobi.



The Nairobi Report



Now that a Speaker of ther House has been officially elected ( he is a direct decendent of the Prophet SAWS, I am not suggesting that the original Islamic Caliphate is back on track in Somalia until he assumes the highest office ), The office of the President of Somalia and the Prime Minsister is up for graps, the funny thing is as the role and value of these offices are changing these rascals who dont even read the fine print dont realize that Somalia is heading to be a United Nations Protectorate fro the next 20 years, just like the one we had prior to Independence in 1960.


Somalia will have a government by the UN, executed by the Tribe, for the Rich businessmen, an ideal Democracy, the Annan-Bush edition.


The Presidential hopefulls who are buying delegate votes are paying $1000 up front and $4000-5000 in escrow account to guarantee that delegates deliver the winning vote for the Presidential hopefuls. From a purely business perspetive, ROE, return on equity which is a measure of the sustainability of the Anarchist Government of Somalia is defined as the net bribe earnings per MP Votes divided by the book value of the Somali Government which is broke, usually a ROE of 20% and higher is considered healthy for any business, but in the case of Somalia, business is so good, the ROE approaches infinity, for just few thousand dollars, the Presidential hopefulls are buying votes to steal public money in the form of foreign aid, but are they?


Not quite


These smart politicians who dont even read the fine Print of my friends plans ( That is Cofee Anaans guidelines for Governance ), the new Somali government will be a municipality, no financial mandate will be in their hands, the next Somali Prime Minister will share power with Kofee Annan, the Ministers will share power with respective UNDP officials ( Fisheries, Aggriculture, Civil service etc) so, writing checks will not be as fun as it used to be, unless?



Unless what?


Well unless the UNDP officials ( the most corrupt organization on earth ) and the Somali Cabinet Ministers agree to steal the public wealth together, but how


Thats easy, because they will write the checks together, they will agree to give contracts to XYZ Company who will be indirectly owned by the third cousin of the Minister's second wife.


But that is better than outright theft of public coffers for which these politicians are paying thousands to buy votes.



Miss Piggy Reporting

For the Anarchist Magazine


2004 e-Nuri Political Satires

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Bashi and Xiinfaniin


Whats happening in Mogadishu? I am indeed prod of President Bush's support of the Anarchists in Somalia, these islamic courts can make peace in Somalia, then What/ Next thing is they will try war criminals? thats scary?




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Somali Anarchists Final Report



The Fall of Mogadishu To The Islamic Courts?


The end of Anarchy in Somalia


The popular Support of Somalis for the courts


The fleeing of the Anarchist Warlords


The TNG dilemma: Acceptance of peace brought by Islamists, or Risking a popular anger.



Coming soon, the eNuri analyses of the aftermath of the Mogadishu Law and Order looming against the interests of Americas allies and warlords.



eNuri reports from Mogadisu



Coming soon

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The TNG dilemma: Acceptance of peace brought by Islamists, or Risking a popular anger.


^^Allaylehe ishaad ka ridday..the choice is clear and its theirs. I look forward to reading your take on the Islamic Court’s triumph in Mogadishu.

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If one can be so hungry of somebody's take on some issues, it will be me, for I believe Sh. Nur is a highly trained truth-teller who have the interests of Muslim people at heart.


May Allah protect him and reward him Jannah al Firdows, aamiin.

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Dear President Bush


I am writing from Baidoa, as your regional warlord, like the Anarchist Chalabi in Iraq and Karzai in Afghanistan, even with all the money I got from the CIA to keep Anarchy alive in Somalia, I have problem maintaining Anarchy in Somalia as your Proxy, to keep Anarchy going, we need more money for my fighters to buy Qaat ( Local Drug) to keep them high, and also to pay the Ethiopian girls in Addis Night clubs, we have even set up regional Anarchist government in Galkayo ( rer Qansax side) to protect Anarchy, but without your help, (or even with your help at times), Anarchy's days seem numbered, the Mullahs in Somalia are bringing law and order to Somalia and it is spreading like wild fire, we need new ideas to prolong Anarchy, please send some more money to Shibraalley, we will show you how the Central Intelligence Agency failed big in Somalia, and by mistake created a new monster called the new CIA, the Council on Islamic Alternative, locally known as the Islamic Courts Union


Ina Kaadhi Najaasle

Assistant Anarchist Government Chairman

Ethiopian Military Baracks



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