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Show your Somalinimo - Support Hiil-Qaran (financially)

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Well, It is one thing to wish Somalia good. It is quite another to do your bit. You can make a difference. Hiil-Qaran is an all-inclusive political party whose vision is to revive a new wave of somalinimo. It is not a party led by dreamers; It is a party led by capable men and women whose calibre is proven beyond any doubt.


Solers who are satisfied with Hiil-Qaran's vision and political programme must contribute to the party. Those who want to be part of it, can fill the membership form and pay membership fee of $60 Dollar (monthly) the first 6 months and $ 20 after the first six . Those who want to remain supporters but not active members can still contribute by sending money to the accounts provided below.


I appeal to all Somali nationalists to act and make a difference.


Pledge your contributions here and fulfill your promise by sending the money to Hill-Qaran account. The various options for sending money is explained in the party's website.


Haye, let us shame the doubters. Barbarkay ka baxdaa, ....


The esteemed Professor Abdi is here in Nairobi and I had the priviledge of meeting him for a while today. Have already managed to mobilise few friends to support this cause. I personally appeal to SOLers who share the same vision to show their patriotism in action.

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This is not about me. This is about you. If we go by your cyber pronouncements, this is your party. And you are at the top of the people I am appealing to. If you are a puntlander first, and then a somali second (like General Duke), then this is not your priority.


Those who subscribe to regional politics may not find this party attractive.


Leadership'ka ururka ciddina kaama xigto, kaagamana aqoon badna. Markaa seek it through the proper channels. But you cannot start with the top, first become a member. You have my support if you contest for leadership.


At least you can be useful in packing yet another Hiil-Qaran caravan! :D :D

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Hadda looooooool iyo Excellent wax tari maayaane, si dhab ah oo daacadnimo ah intii ku qanacsan barnaamjika ururkan ficil ha ku muujiyaan taageeradooda.

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The Samatar brothers maybe a tinge example of an exemplary dissident public intellectual that have rolled up their sleeves to salvage their country, but sometimes it is hard to have FAITH in their caravan.It will take more than their dream team to change the course of Somali political contours.No scholar or otherwise serious and informed person will believe that Somalia is at a stage of building a democratic institution.There is a lot of forgiveness and healing that needs to pass.The country is still reeling from the wounds of the civil war.A country which its citizens are ever seemingly driven to foreclose dialogue and create polarization will be hard to take it serious.I'm sure the good professors understand the parallel of Somali tragedy more than any other scholars and as a secessionist we will wait and see if they can pull off this one....Goodluck!

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Professor Abtigis,


Perhaps Hiil Qaran leadership needs to market what they stand for and reach out. Abdirizak H speaks highly of them, and that is very much all I know about this party. The Samatar brothers produced great academic papers but I am sure they understand that Somalia needs more than learned men. I just happen to live in the same state with them and I have yet to hear a single gathering promoting this thing. And that says a lot ...


That I am Somali and want Somalia to come back proud and strong, there is no doubt. We need however a credible leadership

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Well, Dear old Xinny, that is pretty clear. A puntlander must tell you if some party or individual is good or not. The past actions and contributions to advancing the Somali cause, their proven academic grit (a pre-requisite for sound political nouse) is not enough. A close uncle you trust must sign on it for you to take it seriously. And this is coming from one of the most reasonable people from SOL. Indeed, Somalia is in deep crisis.


Second, the syntactical construction of your words are nothing more than excuses and pretexts for inaction. Why don't you make use of the proximity of the Professors to go and give the advise you volunteer here? Why do you wait for the Professor to do all the job? Afterall, this thing is still in its infancy!


Third, this false dichotomy between acadamician and politician must stop. What constitute a good politician? Abdiweli barely expresses himself but is doing fine as PM. Sharif Sakiin is a misfit but is doing the politics. Sheikh Sharif's forte is homilies and reciting Xadiiths, but is the President of Somalia! If Hiil-Qaran has won the support of prominent Somali politicians ( and the good ones that include Abdirisaq), isn't that a sign of good politics?


If the line of thinking of people like Xinn persist, we may be forced to send 'tolka' members of the Hiil-Qaran to talk to their tol. Ultimately, that is part of the plan, but I thought people like Xinn will not need that.


Dear Uchi,


Adigu, inaad wax mucaarado iyo pessimism and negatvity mooye, when are you going to contribute to the revival of the somali qaranimo you so dearly talk about everyday? Pessimism and cynicism are a safe bet, it is the only view of life one cannot get disappointed in!

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Oh! lool...yo homie quit with the scams! this definitely a scam!! 60 dollars per a nomad!! i can freaking raise that on a god damn village with freaking 100 camels that will kick your behind!!


Hey ppl..stay away from this kind of bs! freedom fighting for our land should be free....all we have to offer is our commitment and believe in it. Not shagging our hard earned $ for so called freedom fighters party money!! So true.

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Dear Rudy,


You can do a little cut back on the non-essential expenditures: move to cheaper condemns, and date your girls once every week (not twice) and you can raise the $60 per month. :D


Seriously, the idea of contributing money is in order to have a party fully financed by Somalis.Xisbiyo dawladda shisheeye ama hay'addo shisheeye fund gareeyaan waa waxa dadka dib ula hadhay.


$60 is not much. If you can't, then pay what you can. even $10. You got to trust someone at the end of the day.

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For the live of me, i cant comprehend why an african hommie will pride around with the avatar of a white dude! Thats just unacceptable to me! Secondly, the world just went thru a memorable experience called the AUR... Arab Up-rising, if u r not aware of it!! U might ask how was this accomplished! Well...its done via online!! No cash was involved. Pple saw the cause they believe in and followed their logical sense!! That must beforeign to u, since u probably believe in expensive hotels, n tricking keens ppl from the get go and now u upgrading to shaking all somali ppl to cover your african-hollywood live styles.


If u wanna fight for the freedom of your country, offer yourself and not some cash!! thats how freedom fighters win & not by donation cash!! Lemme ask u a qs? In the history of this world, have u ever seen a country that was freed by cash donations!!


I dont think so!!


PS: U probably is that can of a person who will charge for a plate of Bariis when freedom fighters come to your house, while I would offer it to them on the house!! Its all comes from the true heart homie!! N definitely not from a fake heart!! Power to Somalinimo!!


This become my fav somali song when i visited somalia in my teens & still is: here is a snap of it!!


maxaan shimbraha wa reeystey u diiby waraaq dhabolan......waayeel dado in waalen ahy duni weer jiro walikeed jirto wacd jiro... duni weer sito..walaalkey nin aan u heesto muxoo wado ii fadistey!!

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Puntlanders oppose hiilqaran for one reason only the samatar brothers are against clan federalism. Xiin will never openly support hiil qaran eventhough he says he wants to see a better somalia in the future.

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