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Sirdoonka Imaaraadka Carabta oo Xabsiga dhigay Boqor Cismaan Buur-madow

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Sirdoonka Imaaraadka Carabta oo Xabsiga dhigay Boqor Cismaan Buur-madow


“Boqorka ilaa hada ma ogin meesha lagu xidhay, waxa la qabtay isagoo ka soo degay Madaarka Dubai, kana soo laabtay Xajka” Maxamed Maxamuud

Dubai(Waaheen)-Ciidamada Sirdoonka ee Dalka Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa la sheegay inay Xabsiga u taxaabeen laba maalmood ka hor Boqor Cismaan Maxamuud Buur-madow oo ka mida Madax-dhaqameedka waaweyn ee Somaliland.

Boqor Cismaan Buur-madow oo markii la xidhay la sheegay in laga qabtay Madaarka Diyaaradaha ee Magaalada Dubai isagoo ka soo laabtay wadanka Sucuudiga oo uu u tegay Gudashada Waajibaadka Xajka ayaan la ogayn ilaa hada meesha lagu xidhay iyo sababta loo xidhay toona sida uu sheegay Maxamed Maxamuud oo Boqorka Cismaan Buur-madow ay Walaalo yihiin, kaasoo xalay u waramay TV-ga Horn Cable.

Oday Maxamed Maxamuud ayaa cadeeyay in Walaalkii Boqor Cismaan Buur-madow ay qabteen Sirdoonka Imaaraadka xili uu ka soo laabtay Xajka, isla markaana aanay ilaa hada ka war qabin sabab loo xidhay iyo cida xadhigiisa ka dambeysa toona, waxaanu yidhi “anigoo ah Maxamed Maxamuud oo ah Boqor Cismaan Maxamuud Buurv Madow Walaalkii waxaan cadaynayaa in la Xidhay Boqor Cismaan Maxamuud Buur-madow, waxaana xidhay sida naloo sheegay Ciidamada Sirdoonka ee dawlada Imaaraadka, iyadoo xukuumadda Somaliladna la sheegay inay lug ku leedahay Xadhigiisa, laakiin waxa kaliya oo aan cadaynayaa in Boqor Cismaan Buur-madow la xidhay ilaa hadana meel uu ku xidhanyahay aan war loo hayn, saldhigyada Magaalada Abu-dubai oo aanu ka baadhnayna waanu ka waynay, markaa meel ay ku xidheen ama geyeen lama garanayo” ayuu yidhi.

sidoo kale waxa sheegay Maxamed Maxamuud “Boqorka waxa laga qabtay Doraad Madaarka Diyaaradaha ee Magaalada Dubai, isagoo ka laabtay gudashadiisii Xajka ilaa hadana lama garanayo sababta loo xidhay iyo meesha lagu xidhay toona, inuu nool yahay inuu dhintayna war uma hayno, Xaaskiisiina waxay ku jirtaa Koomo tan iyo markii naloo sheegay in la xidhay”ayuu yidhi.

si rasmiya looma oga Xadhiga Boqor Cismaan Maxamuud Buur-madow iyo ujeedada ka dambeysa ilaa hada, hase yeeshee Boqorka ayaa degenaa Dalka Imaaraadka mudo sanad iyo dheeraad ah,waxaanu maalintii khamiista ee todobaadkii hore Waraysi siiyay Laanta Afka Somaliga ee BBC-da, isagoo ka waramayay Doorkii uu Siyaasada Liibiya ku lahaa Wiilkii uu dhalay Madaxweynihii la Dilay ee Libiya Mu’camar al Qadaafi ee Sayf Qadaafi.

sidoo kale Boqor Cismaan Buur-madow ayaa ka mid ah Madaxdhaqameedyada reer Somaliland ee sida weyn u dhaliila Xukuumadda Madaxweyne Siilaanyo, taasoo uu dhawr jeer Saxaafada ku dhaliilay.

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Boqorku Afkuu EEDAY! Afkiisi markan xageee la galay? Ma SL baa wax ka gudbisay? oo jaajuustay? Kii lahaa bogaba waa tii warqada laga gudbiyey?


lol@ dhakhda, JB, sanadkan ma Boqor/SUldaan aan is magcaabin baa jura, Waa wada BUG

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Eebe ha ka soo fur furi, BUUR Madow wax badan u ku fiicanyahay baa jirta, Dhib kasta ha lahaadee..:D


Nimankas cidii u gacan gasha, Khatarteeda bay leedahay, oo xitaa sidii reer QOOMU luud in ay u isticmalan, ka dibna cajil ja duubaan waa suurta gal, so it is not laughing matter!


Free BOQOR BUUR madow!

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Boqorka dhibtiisu ma yara, carabtii xitaa waa kuwaa intelligence agents daba dhigay, tolow dembi noocee ah baa lagu soo qabtay ma shyuukhduu caayey hadana;)

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Long overdue arrest! If someone ever lived on falsehood and bahaabahaa, Buur-madow was one!


A friend of mine wrote this about him some years back.


The Chief of Cheifs: The Man who matters in Somali Politics


With the crumble of time-honored traditional systems and state institutions, a new breed of leadership arises from the ashes. From Djibouti to Nairobi, the Somali-inhabited Horn of Africa has become the political grazing land of the blissful-looking His Highness the Chief of Chiefs. The Chief of Chiefs is becoming a household name which is simultaneously revered and dreaded. Politics and political gamesmanship are in his blood and the fates of many Somali political leaders are in the palm of his hand. Charismatic, controversial and loquacious, the Chief of Chiefs is a man to be reckoned with – a man of paramount exploits and of different stamp. Majored in the art of expedience, the Chief of Chiefs is extravagant and enjoys the trappings that come with celebrity-like popularity. With cohorts and fans across the Horn, the Chief of Chiefs is the foremost leader that Somalis would look up to when a matter of peace and death are being dealt with.


A self-made chieftain, a cheerleader, a clairvoyant, an emerging star pundit, a statesman of stature, a potentate of note in his realm; the Chief of Chiefs is undisputedly the most influential personality in the tumultuous politics of the beleaguered Horn of Africa region. From Asmara to Kampala, he is too cozy with those in powers who are often smarting from sagging popularity and are paralyzed by incompetence, corruption and dictatorship and with influence-peddling business elites, who mercilessly fleece and molest the less fortunate and are eternally wedded to the power usurpers. Intellectuals with glittering academic credentials are queuing and jostling at his doorstep simply to win his blessings and patronage. He is befitting to his alter ego described as one who “likes to feel that men are bricks to his trowel, to build with them what he likes; and they find a secret zest in being led by him”. Immaculately dressed, engaging and friendly and loved by women; the Chief of Chiefs is a trendsetter of a sort. Persuasive and articulate arguments are his inherent forte.


The Chief of Chiefs, an indefatigable genius, who has graduated from the school of a degenerating society, from the womb of an anguished nation, has effectively supplanted the natural traditional leaders, genuine politicians and intelligentsia. He is shrewd enough to grab every opportunity that comes his way. He may not necessarily tune to any melody, but orchestrates remarkable symphonies for others to dance to. He enjoys a flamboyant media presence and is outspoken on every issue. The Chief of Chiefs, an impresario of the highest order, can trigger enormous tremors in many shaky fiefdoms in the neighborhood and has the capacity to pull the rugs beneath sitting feeble presidents and prime ministers.


Born and bred in the sparsely populated, reddish, parched grazing lands of the Hawd – a much coveted dreamland for the mighty camels in the Somali peninsula, in a period of roiling instability, he commanded what seemed like a posse of bandits. In his formative years, he was a leader of a brutal clan brigand which took pride in raiding villages and settlements of nearby clans for the purpose of wresting the gorgeous beasts - the camel. His bravado and predatory habits enlisted both the fear and envy of his peers. He always carried a crucial item that no man who matters could do without – a rifle. Fickle and restless, unpredictability was deeply ingrained in his DNA.


As a conceited, young rogue cameleer with short-temper and swift hand for brawl, he was always quarrelsome and spoiling for a fight. He was inured to bloodshed from childhood, passionately vindictive and audacious in attack often on trifling issues. Boastful of his lineage and their prowess, he proved a highly dreaded bird of prey.


As a glutton of the delectable camel milk, the mainstay of the men of the Hawd, a herd of milk camels were always at hand to quench his insatiable cravings for the nutritious staple. Bending his left leg, he will stand on the right, squeezing the teats with his right hand and squirting a flow of milk from the udder to a vessel in his left hand and at times directly into his mouth, guzzling at the rate of about half a liter a minute.


Young and culturally untrained, like many of his generation of cameleers, he migrated first to the city of Hargeisa and then to Mogadishu in his late twenties, with virtually no practical skills to prepare him for the shift to the urban life. Apart from crude masculinity and inherent audacity, he was ill-equipped to weather the dynamics of the rough and tumble of city life.


A sinner turned a saint; the city life has altered the Chief of Chiefs in a big way. Within short span of time, he transformed himself from a dreaded cameleer brigand to a respected city suave – an influential powerbroker, a kingmaker, an enterprising magnetic personality with unparalleled political clout and patronizing smile. With no compunction and little contemplation of his past, he continues to conquer and explore the world of immense opportunities with vengeance. He peppers a much-needed spice to the often convoluted and murky politics of the region. His expertise in conflict resolution is sought after by governments, warlords and rival clans. Astute in playing his cards and with unusual knack for realpolitik and machinations, he evinces an aura of confidence, wielding wide-ranging political and social leverages, and patronizes trendy restaurants and cozy middle class Qat salons such as the Maan-hadal.


The Chief of Chiefs bears a truly regional distinction. With multiple veiled identities, his diplomatic tentacles are wide-reaching. He travels with Ethiopian, Djiboutian, Kenyan and Somali passports, to name a few. He is accredited to have miraculously succeeded in resolving some of the recent political gridlocks in the Horn. Among other things, he has allegedly persuaded Meles to dump the ill-famed former Prime minister of Somalia, Ali Geddi, and Rayaale to set free the incarcerated leaders of the Qaran political party. He is now eyeing the crisis in Kenya where his dexterous hands may be solicited.


The Chief of Chiefs is an altogether changed man but the cause for the change of his persona can neither be analytically quantified nor elucidated rationally. His rise to the commanding heights of social and political glory remains one of the inexplicable phenomenons of this century. Experts are unable to decipher into the mysteries as to how he has been catapulted to such pinnacles, but the fact remains that he is calling the shots. Is this the kind of leadership that can steer Somalis out of the quagmire in which they are helplessly trapped in?


It is somewhat baffling, if not a mere display of poetic justice, that Somalis, from all walks of life, remain pawns of cunning self-made characters such His Highness the Chief of Chiefs.

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Xaaskiisiina waxay ku jirtaa Koomo tan iyo markii naloo sheegay in la xidhay

:D looooooooool! maxay ogtahay tolow oo comma geliyey? Which one by the way? Boqorku mid uun malaha koleeye?

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I hope he didn't try to travel with a Hargeysa passport!


Boqor Osman Buur-Madow is a man of peace and great influence. He has solved many conflicts before they turned into bloodshed.


His influence and respect transcends the complex tribal society that is found with in Somalia's borders with Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya.


Insha'Allah this news is false or is resolved quickly.

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His brother doesn't know why he has been arrested or where he is being held and has no information at all but for some reason he says:


iyadoo xukuumadda Somaliladna la sheegay inay lug ku leedahay Xadhigiisa


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Whatever some might think about the persona Boqor Buurmadoow's and his politics within Somaliland. He is regarded by many as the (un) official Ambassador of Somaliland and as a traditional elder of the Somali people. Therefor if the Somaliland goverment has anything to do with this arrest, I advise them to ask the Emirati authorities to let him go asap. Otherwise this could serieusly damage the image of the goverment.

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