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Evolutionary Steps for nationhood

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Carafaat;762695 wrote:
Positive, I disagree with your statement and it completely contradicts with your theory abowe. That people progress through certain phases in order to create a nation state(individual, family, group, etc). .

Difference of Opinion is healthy and you might be right in this but in my view the governance system we made 1950 which was facilitated by the United Nations Trusteeship Council especially in the South is still in place. Weakened yes but we reached a social evolution of nationhood by becoming independent in 1960 and by then created modern governance system of a state in a national level with functioning national institutions. Since then we have been a nation state and that is why Somalia is a member of the United Nations today.


Well the old structures were top-down organized and Somali's never progressed nor went throught the diffrent stages, we thought we could pass those stages and tried to enforce structure and governance upon the people. This collapsed because the process was not organised through a bottem-up approach like your theory here suggest, we were individuals with family linkages who though we could create group consciousness, structure and governance from above.


One can claim that the coming and introduction among other things governance systems by the colonial powers have had quickening effect on Somali social evolution to nationhood. Our present governance system was artificially inseminated to our culture by the colonial powers. It was imposed on us like all other colonized peoples on the world and we have not genuinely participated in its formation nor its forward evolution.But still without this intervention we would probable have stayed lower social evolution to nationhood.


On the other hand lacking a better alternative in the middle of the 20th. Century we opted to call this imposed system as ours; this was done knowingly and with the willing participation of all the different group consciousnesses in our country at that time.Thus a bottom-up approach was crowned by us and consequently whatever above structures which formed came on our own will and pleasing.


we did not regress, because there was no progression in the first place. I would say a correction took place and we are back to square one and now we can learn from our mistakes and do it right this time.

Back to square one? I doubt but I agree that we are not still out of the woods. We just slipped psychologically two steps from our social evolution to nationhood and those steps and more ground can be covered as quickly as we mend our difference.




The Awakener2

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D) Organization


We have reached the 4th leg, the organization, in our topic :Social Evolution to Nationhood.


It is worth to mention that man himself is on a journey to become more capable during his long sojourn on earth. Since his arrival on this planet man has been going through experiences of difficult times (ages) of lack and scarcity complemented by ages of abundance and enlightenment.


In the ages of abundance the individual is relatively free as nature provides him for his basic needs; he has better access to his higher faculties of being and thus is more enlightened; in relative terms he is also more honest, generous and virtuoso; he walks upright with dignity. Communities contribute selflessly to one another in service without expecting reward and people have little need for governance systems for the individual is inward directed and self responsible.


Furthermore in the golden ages the individual has higher ethical and moral observance. Thus group consciousnesses hardly need to evolve to nation states as there is no feeling of excluding any one and no need to distribute wealth or security to keep; but instead there are social or spiritual groups who endeavor to bring certain socially beneficial goals into fruition.


Conversely in the ages of scarcity everything is the opposite. Relatively speaking the individual has low moral and ethical observance, he is outside directed, honest is a scarce community, there is rampant social strive more in times than in other times; the individual becomes ego-centered or the group group-centered; the environment and other life forms become dispensable things and are carelessly used and exploited. Security becomes a real issue; conflicting interest groups are formed, lands curved and wars fought over resources.


In short this is a time for total devolution of the character of the individual. Consequently communities choose to have nation states in order to keep security, redistribute the wealth to the people and pool human and material resources supposedly for the common good of the people.


The age of scarcity is called Iron Age; our age is an iron age, we are in it. Therefore the remedy is to cultivate the positive aspects of the human behavior like, spirituality, honest, serving for the others, compassion and kindness, forgiveness; and conversely refrain from the negative aspects like: materialistic outlook of life, harming others, discrimination and hatred; dishonest, careless exploitation of the environment etc.


In an age which nation states are the norm of the day to remain in an unorganized group consciousnesses in perpetual conflicts could be a destructive choice! It may be better to move to nationhood and form a governing system which serves its entire people.


Honest, not necessarily educated, leaders who serve (not rule) the people is what we should look for.


The Awakener2

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(Last part of Warhayes dictation )



E) Action Teams



The fifth unit of social structures is Action Teams without which societies function blind and usually without direction, plan or vision. Such teams compose mostly of selfless individuals who by and large are ahead of the masses in their time and therefore have to come together to work as teams in order to improve the living condition of their respective communities, nation or even families.


They neither seek fame nor recognition for they realize that those who are gifted with noble character or are ingenious in other way have responsibility to serve the others. Such Action Teams establish education centers of spiritual or materialistic art, government systems, pioneer projects; they create social councils for reconciliation and mediation, appoint forward looking visionary units and strive to achieve goals of social importance; their main preoccupation as a rule is to solve challenges in their respective communities and nations by proposing solutions to prevalent difficult and/or eventual problems in the horizon. They are truely vechiles for renovation and without them societies may become stuck to unproductive cultural norms which are many times hindrance to their social evolution.


In the Golden ages they are prophets, shamans, councils of chieftains and more; in all subsequent ages they exist in many forms and act as real stewards who facilitate social emancipation and act as caretakers for all Life. In the Iron Age, they may be leading figures in the academia, learned religious scholars, the business community, social elites and even important personalities in their nation.


The harsh reality of Iron ages and inherent devolution of social values makes the role of the Action Teams even more decisive in our time; naturally it becomes easier to form such teams when and where there is social awareness for the need for such teams as society then could draw from its otherwise unorganized human resource of gifted people and let them fill beneficial social roles; the dawning of this awareness is important for in order to become lasting and sustainable the teams need to have the backing of their society!


Action Teams whose members think and act in national levels is what we should look for!


( the last peiece: conclusion by Awakener follows)



The Awakener2

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You may think that these questions and themes are extensive and you do not have neither time nor want to make thinking in your leisure time in this forum but here are they any way! I just listed thoughts mainly mine but they can be yours also so let us go through them together; shall we?


Contemplation themes and questions


1)Group consciousnesses in Somalia, their lack/will of cooperation.

- Why?

- Theoretically how could their co-operation be enhanced?


2) I trust and need only my group consciousness.

- Why?

- If evey group mistrusts the other and will not compromise how could life emprove for all?

- How about the next generaiton don't they have right to inherit favorable living condition?


3) my group is the right one (ideologically) therefore the others must be wrong.

- How and why?

- How can you be so sure that only the others are wrong?


4)The lack of trust between group consciousnesses in Somalia.

- How to solve it ?


5) Action teams in national level and there role.

- Where are they now?

- given that they exist what could they contribute in terms of solutions or otherwise ?

- Why their role is not more evident now when they are needed most?


6) the individual and society.

- What is their relationship?



Thanks for reading.


The Awakener2

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Positive, thanks for the interesting thoughts. It really made me think and really inspired me to think further about a way forward for our people. your conclusion here relates very much with your other thread on the Tooisye scale, me thinks.


I would say that indeed such form of an (cultural, tradtional) organisation or platform like a Somali wide Guurti could really contribute to solve the issue's described in your conclusion and would set the actions team free(who are now cought in the own little group thinking) to think, work, contribute and cooperate for a common good transendng groups consciousnesses, it could even de-politize and contribute to the future structure of the Somali State.


Positive, lets get down from the abstract level to the more concrete level of the Somali case. What would your agenda be for the Somali case/cause at the moment? Maybe you could open this in a new thread? Starting point would be where you have ended in your Toosiye thread and where you concluded in this thread on Evolutionary steps to nation hood.


P.S. For more feedback and input from many more SOL members for a such thread, I would advise to post it under the Political section.

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previously posted by Positive


1)Group consciousnesses in Somalia (
the traditionalist
s, those who
think in the western way
and those who prefer
the islamic way of Life
, their lack/will of cooperation.

- Why?

- Theoretically how could their co-operation be enhanced?


2) I trust and need only my group consciousness.

- Why?

- If evey group mistrusts the other and will not compromise how could life emprove for all?

- How about the next generaiton don't they have right to inherit favorable living condition?


3) my group is the right one (ideologically) therefore the others must be wrong.

- How and why?

- How can you be
so sure
that only
the others


4)The lack of trust between group consciousnesses in Somalia.

- How to solve it ?


5) Action teams in national level and their role.

- Where are they now?

- given that they exist what could they contribute in terms of solutions or otherwise ?

- Why their role is not more evident now when they are needed most?


6) the individual and society.

- What is their relationship?



Thanks for reading.


The Awakener2

I don't like to go to the political section but since you frequent there you could begin your thread and ask feedback preferable by using the above contemplation themes and questions as base for discussion. That may give more feedback to me also.


Besides have you read the thread The real roots of the somali conflict? The practical steps and practical solutions are contained in that thread!


PS.You may ask one theme and accompanying questions at a time, or as you please.


The Awakener2

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I will do right that, it might stirr some things up in the political section. Thanks for the suggestion.


P.S. As we have both have menioned Europe(Yurub) as location in our avatar, might I ask where in Europe you

are located? You can also send your reply through a PM.

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Thanks Carafaat.

Action Teams in Somalia

A quote from Margret Mead, the anthropologist:

Never doubt that
a small group of
thoughtful committed
citizens can change the world.
Indeed it
is the
only thing that ever has

End quote.

It is ultimately in an environment of peace that religious revival, justice and progress, freedom and every other socially constructive endeavour can grow. Action Teams in Somalia could contribute to those ends.

The Awakener2

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