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God Bless Somaliland

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I realised that when I was having dinner with a minister at a restaurant in Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland. One of the waiters recognised my host and having delivered the food, decided to give the minister an earful. In most African countries the man would have been dragged off to jail - or worse. But not only did the minister have to listen, he got to his feet and argued back. This was an argument between equals.




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The UN now talks glibly about restoring the Somali state and holding elections. This is the way to continue the war, not end it.
Political parties in Somalia are little more than a cover for clans so an election simply elevates one clan over the others.
Allow the government in Mogadishu to run the city and port, perhaps the Benadir region, but no further.



Any attempt to create a powerful Somali state will ensure the civil wars will continue.


That is especially true of Somaliland where the feeling against the south is still very bitter. Reunification with the south is unanimously opposed. Not a single Somalilander I know wants reunification. Not a single Somali from the rest of the country wants Somaliland to stay independent
Unless we are very careful, peace in the south of Somalia will mean war in the north.

Probably the most ridiculous article I have ever read! So basically Somalia cannot have a centralized government based in Mogadishu or it will lead to war.


So the only option is to have dozens and dozens of mini-states.

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Jacaylbaro;752826 wrote:
God Bless Somaliland ....

Lol, exactly, you even know the ridiculousness of this article! You have nothing else to say!

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But seriously, I truly truly believe that these articles are not written by these individuals. They are so absurd and unbelievable that it must be an individual(s) pretending to be someone else. There is no doubt in my mind this person name was just placed in this article without his knowledge.


Just read the points and you'll know it is a fraud!


Shame on you JB for posting any garbage you find.

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Richard Dowden is another Matt Bryden and that Pham guy. This type of propaganda has been tried again and again, and it never worked. Secessionists need to re-invent their PR and come up with a different strategy.


Kuyeh "Not a single Somalilander I know wants reunification" Really, what a simpleton!

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Thankful;752829 wrote:
But seriously, I truly truly believe that these articles are not written by these individuals. They are so absurd and unbelievable that it must be an individual(s) pretending to be someone else. There is no doubt in my mind this person name was just placed in this article without his knowledge.


Just read the points and you'll know it is a fraud!


Shame on you JB for posting any garbage you find.

Idinkaa ka waalan oo akhriyey that garbage.. he is basically saying, "Go Bless s/l and no where else"..

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I agree with the author's input and take on this, at least for the most part. He's enforcing the notion of decentralization of Somalia - local bodies having the authority of their local affairs as opposed to waiting for the decision or signature of one man, the Somali President, to make any positive development in their regions. He's also suggesting that the role of the Somali government be reduced to only foreign missions and representing Somali at the UN. These are reasonable arguments.


The only part of the article that made me a little unease is at the end, where he says peace in the south means war in the north. What is he on about there? Halkaasay kaga dhiiqatay inti kale wuu iska roonaa. I don't know what do the resident secessionists think of the argument, do you agree with him that peace in Mogadishu means war in Hargeisa?

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Guyz don't get overworked, there is nothing wrong with the article, the man is talking about the culture in general and reinforcing the self-reliance, self-determination and the free nature of a Somali man. The anecdotes used SL but not calling for the dismemberment of Somalia.

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Qandalawi;752837 wrote:
do you agree with him that peace in Mogadishu means war in Hargeisa?

He simply means war between Somaliland and Somalia .....

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The author states that any attempt by the international community to create a powerful central Somali state claiming also to reprepresent Somaliland could lead to War. But this scenaria is less likely now then it was couple years ago.


Because Somalia will not get a centralized goverment and the international community acknowledges Somaliland de facto status.

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Not sure what JB is excited about! The author still wants SL to be part of some sort of "loose" Somali union. GT got it wrong too. War this articale is right up the Imam's street. :D

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