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Somali region of ethiopia: Where the change agents have come to power

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Wali Ali Haashi: Former West Godey Project Manager and now Msc in Agricultural Economics student at KU, Thailand.


Since 1991 the government of Ethiopia has made tremendous efforts to ensure sustainable economic development, lasting peace and democracy to the country. Notably last decade Ethiopia registered a milestone development in health, education, infrastructure and other sectors. These results didn?t come by accident it came through long term will and commitment of current ruling party (EPRDF) leadership which implemented various political, administrative and financial reforms. The government successfully designed sustainable development policies, programs, and strategies (five year program for sustained and accelerated development to end poverty, implemented millennium development goals among others).


According Andy McKay (an economist from Institute of Development Studies) economic growth is necessarily sufficient when it?s sustainable, sustained and inclusive. That is exactly what Ethiopian economic trend shows: continuous double digit growth, multi-sectoral and generated jobs.


Although there were development efforts going in Somali region of Ethiopia it couldn?t keep pace with rest administrative regions of the country when it comes health, education, infrastructure and other sectors and the main reasons were anti-peace movements of former UWSLF (Union western Somali liberation front), ONLF (****** national liberation front) and co.


Today there is a light at the end of the tunnel, the change agents have come to power, and they were born, educated and trained the best universities of the country and outside world. Five things why the current crop of leaders of SRS will be successful


1.The popular acceptance of the people. When current president of the Somali region of Ethiopia was elected a few months ago people from all walks of life in the region applauded for him. That shows how much confidence he has from his people.



2. The peace agreements signed with UWSLF & ONLF The armed movements of these organizations hampered the development of the region these agreements will bring to an end era of instability & chaos. The region will surely benefit from the agreements, not only to accelerate development efforts but also to implement national development policies and strategies.



3. The human capital of the region [/b. ]In the past the region did not have skilled, competitive and qualified personnel but now thanks to regional as well as national colleges, universities the region has qualified personnel though still we fall short.



4. Diaspora community of Somali region of Ethiopia :The role of the Diaspora community is paramount important for the peace and stability as well as the alleviation of the livelihood of the people and development of the country in general.Little has been done in the past in terms of establishing rapport and good relationship in order to win their support but the current regional administration has given priority.

With leadership of president Abdi Mohamud Omer, already tremendous job has been done to make sure preparation of conducive environment so that Diaspora can invest, create job opportunities and offer their skills & know how for the government and their people.



5. The intimate relationship of the president with ministries and representatives of Somali region at the federal level. They share common goals and objectives that are:-betterment of the livelihoods of their people which is also good sign.



Having said above points as justification for my arguments it?s time for the current crop leaders to deliver what our people have been waiting for decades although, it asks a bit to give time until they blossom.



Wali Ali Haashi


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What would you call it? We are not talking to some and if you think this is for only youtube hit porpuse then you are more deluded then I thought.

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Killing innocent people= Fundrasing.


So native americans was also involved in fundraising? Getting cash for their casinos?


Whats the term actually means.

"Genocide is defined as "the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, Race (classification of humans) , religious, or national group",["


Well thats sums up O perfectly...and now we can strict urselfs to follow real meaning of the terms. And not what "we thinks" because last time we did that it went horribly wrong on your part.

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Dabrow, there is no genocide in Ethiopia. And this videoclib is no proof of that. It only proofs that certain groups in the diaspora

are waging an online battle against Ethiopia. If these diaspora people would be sincere in their fight or struggle they would

go their region and struggle for liberation.

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Ethiopia's Region 5 is hosting hundreds of thousands of Somali refugees from the troubled neighbouring country. Certainly, Somalis wouldn't have crossed the border into a country that has a regime involved in genocide against their cousins. A Osman's propaganda is vacuous. Its consumers are mental midgets like Dabrow and Zack.

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Mental midgets are deluded Amharas like you Passerby and a Habashized Somali, Carafaat.

There is genocide in Oga that is why people are struggling even today and there is no development in the region, why? The army of Ethiopia cannot handle Oga as they only seek to exploit the region and colonize the people.

Oga needs freedom and has never been part and will never be part of Ethiopian culture (Habasha culture).


If there is nothing for the Ethiopian government to hide then why is the region closed for journalists? Dont come with bshit like they wanna be safe because the journalist know themselves that it is dangerous in some places otherwise there would never be any reports in dangerous places today.

Ethiopians can't force the Galbeed Somalis to accept their nationality when their true nationality is Somali and has always been Somali, they dont call themselves Ethiopians, they call themselves Somali and they will continue to struggle until they have freedom (secede from Ethiopia) and can say that they are Somali without any fake identity that another government is forcing upon them.

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Carafaat;745578 wrote:
Dabrow, there is no genocide in Ethiopia. And this videoclib is no proof of that. It only proofs that certain groups in the diaspora

are waging an online battle against Ethiopia. If these diaspora people would be sincere in their fight or struggle they would

go their region and struggle for liberation.

Be careful for your post. Otherwise you are gonna be the "bagdad bob" of Sool.

Theres no genocide? Just ask the gaalo of amensty they will tell you whats happening to your own people.

Yes all somali people are your people. Enough with the tribal mentality.


Ethiopian regime inposed a media block on Ocgaden and arrested journalist who was there to document

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Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic,

Race (classification of humans), religious, or national group.


I have no love Ethiopia either. But accusing Ethiopia of genocide is a serieus allegation which you should back

up with more then just calling names to those who doubt these allegations.


And looking at the number of Somali's that live peacefully in Ethiopia, number of Somali's that work for Ethiopia,

Somali's that have sought refuge in Ethiopia, Somali's that travel to Ethiopia (including many SOL members), that do business there, Somali goverments that work with Ethiopia(Djibouti, Somaliland, Puntland, TFG, Ahlu Suna, Gedo soldiers,etc) and the number of Somali's that pacifly sit by and do nothing while abroad. By just looking at these number I would say there are many that have doubts of a Somali genocide in Ethiopia.


But you can proof me wrong. And I will be the first to admist that I was wrong. But show us the proof of the Genocide.

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KPFA: Mountain and others, including Human Rights Watch and veteran Africa journalist and human rights investigator Keith Harmon Snow, say that the U.S. and U.N. are tolerating genocide against the people of Ethiopia’s own ****** Basin. The Ethiopian government, they say, has blocked food and medical aid to millions in danger of starvation amidst a drought worsening in much of East Africa so as to weaken the ****** National Liberation Front fighting for independence from Ethiopia."


What more proof do you need? i dont understand

And dont talk about traitors who long time ago sold their own people to ethiopians. You speak as they would have morale to admit that somalis are killed like animals,


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