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Balkanization and Subjugation of Somalia - Abukar Arman

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Let me begin by saying that had it not been for Somalis transgressing against other Somalis, the state would neither have been in its current pitifully fragmented state, nor would it have become the poster child for the failed states.


Since its independence 51 years ago, Somalia has been a pawn in a geopolitical chess game and a gambit in the global war on terrorism. In that half a century, Somalia has never been entirely independent of foreign influences, and exploitations. But, it was never pushed down to a level similar to the current one where its nationhood, history, and indeed future aspirations are at a great risk.


Climbing out of the current predicament would require an entirely different approach, and stepping outside the confinement of the conventional.


Like a human being facing a deadly threat, there comes a time in a nation’s history when screaming, kicking, scratching, and using whatever means available to it is not only an existentialist obligation, but a moral one. Somalia is facing such a moment as a result of a number of policies and resolutions designed to systematically erode its national sovereignty and territorial integrity.


The Straw that broke the camel’s back:


Though the motives driving these policies and resolutions are by no means monolithic, they have further divided a war-fatigued nation and traumatized people; they exacerbated the humanitarian disaster; they exposed it to the exploitation of the political vultures of the 21st Century; they hindered and in some cases sabotaged the incubation process for progress and reform, and facilitated a process whereby the

annexation of the Somali state by its patiently keen neighbors is imminent. The latest of these eroding elements was ceremoniously delivered through the Kampala Accord. Though the Kampla Accord offers a number of provisions to bridge the sensationalized political difference between the top leadership, in a vague language used to articulate Articles 4 (j), (k), and (n), it dictates certain impositions. It denies the Transitional Federal Parliament (TFP) its authority to thoroughly debate the merit of the Accord before ratifying it, scrutinize leadership and if necessary hold them accountable, and it officially places the TFG under what political scientist Afyare Elmi calls “stealth trusteeship” (define). Specifically, under what the accord refers to as The Bureau-a coalition of stakeholder nations and institutions.


Building-blocks of deconstruction:


Somalia’s fate is now in a runaway train known as the “building-blocks”- a political

train fueled with what could only be described as “groupthink” energy...........




Read it all in here

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The author of this humbug is Somalia's special envoy to the United States no less. :D


Had this man been a regular forum member or coffee shop dweler, I would not have minded his nonsense that much but he is a man connected to those that lead Somalia today. He really should know better than to spread such awful nonsense.

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