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Somaliland: Africa´s 56th country at the doorsteps

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"If South Sudan and Eritrea could gain sovereignty, so will Somaliland" Somaliland President Mohamed Siilaanyo said.


Somaliland President was officially invited to attend the 1st independence day of South Sudan, and Juba administration received the president with head of state reception and Somaliland flag was flying high in Juba. This is very courageous step that acknowledges the status of Somaliland, and towards better cooperation between Hargiesa, Somaliland and Juba, South Sudan in the future.


Hundreds of South Sudanese danced in the streets on Saturday for a joy and to mark their long-awaited independence, a hard-won separation from the north. There is a lot of uncertainty waiting this fractured region. The people of South Sudan lived under gun point from 1953, in which they started their armed struggle against their former compatriots in North Sudan. The regime in Khartoum used all means of discrimination against citizens in the south, as they were regarded "Second Class citizens".


On 9th July 2011 will always remain in the hearts of every South Sudanese because it is the day that defined their existence with defined territory. The oil deposits in South Sudan attracted the attention of the western countries, who later led the disintegration campaign of Southern Sudan from Khartoum.



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Somalilands unique case for statehood cannot longer be denied by the African union , the African Union will lose further credibility if they continue to be indifferent about Somaliland quest for statehood as their fact finding Mission 2005 clearly stated that Somaliland case in africa is unique and will not open a pandora box for secessionist groups in africa.


With south sudans gaining independence and the international community fully supporting eventhough they have a long way to go in state building and building their institutions dissarming the Militia the reshape of the new border the border dispute between north sudan and south sudan over the oil rich region of abayei.


The west the EU and US in partcilary are really thinking of this lightly undermining the African union charter and the African union are quiet like little bois sitting still on the school bench and they are being lectured about their own AU constitutions by the likes of the EU ambassadors to the UN.

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You mean 55? Tiradii xitaa waa idinka luntay ee sidee aqoonsi ku raadineysaan? This is Why OAU u diidey. Marka Hore Muqdisho ka soo barta taariikhda qaaradda, markaas aqoonsi raadiya! :D

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South Sudan's independence drive received positive response from North Sudan. Eritrea's independence was facilitated by Ethiopia under Meles. He sent a letter to then UN Secretary General, Boutros Boutros Ghali, informing him of Ethiopia's willingness to accept Eritrea as a new nation. . Somaliland though is not getting similar approval from Somalia. Until and unless Mogadishu signs on your independence aspiration, there is nothing you can do except ....



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The thing is Somaliland makes its own decisions like every other independent State it does not need approval from the Hotel government in vila Amisom.The Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic was recognized by the african union with out the so called blessing of Morocco and Xassan athani. Kosovo was recognized by the EU with out the blessings of Serbia.

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The Zack   

Abwaan;734088 wrote:
You mean 55? Tiradii xitaa waa idinka luntay ee sidee aqoonsi ku raadineysaan? This is Why OAU u diidey. Marka Hore Muqdisho ka soo barta taariikhda qaaradda, markaas aqoonsi raadiya!

:D :D.. I was thinking the same thing. 56th kulahaa.. This piece was written by an Arab dude though, I think.


Xunjuf, Africa has 54 countries, naga daa bahasha! Random recognitions don't make a country...

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Xaaji Xunjuf;734110 wrote:
The thing is Somaliland makes its own decisions like every other independent State it does not need approval from the Hotel government in vila Amisom.

So explain to me Xaaji why your health minister was part of a delegation representing Somalia, where the TFG Health Minister was the chief delegate? Is that something an indepenent so-called government does?

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