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Questions about Siyaasadda Soomaaliya!(:)

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Assalamu Alaikum everyone


Su'aal baan walaalaha SOL waydiin lahaa, oo siyaasada soomaliya ku saabsan:


Maxaa dhacaya hadii Dawladda ku meel gaarku dhahdo "No to Maahiga"? Simply haday dhahaan "no to everything u say, or do", "orad afaarahayaga nooga bax, and we'll call u if we ever need you"!? Maxaa dhacaya if we say that?


Su'aasha labaad: Kolay anigu waxaan u fahmay UN iyo beesha caalamka waxay dawladda shariif uga baahantahay waa dhaqaale xag military iyo dhinaca kaleba.

Marka lacagtaas la ina siinayo, maxaa dhacaya hadii Shariif uu dawlad Islaami ah ku dhiso? Yacni Dawlad seriously Islami ah, oo xadka la oofinayo, Murtadka madaxa la jarayo, gaaladda la iska fogaynayo, jihaad la abaabulayo etc etc.(waa iska tusaale adag uun, shareecadu intaas uun maaha).


Lacagta ay UN nasiiso, miyaa la inaga goosan hadii lagu isticmaalo dabaqida shareecada from bottom to top?

Mise lacagta waxaa la inoo siiyaa si UN-tu siyaasadda soomaaliya u xukunto, maadaama ay dhaqaale galisay?


Haday maya tahay, does that mean inay gaalada UN-tu khayr inala rabaan? Dawlad Islaami ah inala rabaan etc.


Haday haa tahay(lacagta in ay inaga goosan if u use to establish an islamic state), marka miyaysan marka hore qalad ahayn in aynu lacagtaas qaadano?


Hope in su'aasha la fahmay.

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looooooool@ ''Murtad madax laga gooyo''..


Al-miskiin UN waxaa controll gareeyo USA iyo EU, xataa mararka qaar resolution-ka ayeey ku xadgudbaan cid lala hadli kartana ma jirto waxa kaliyaa ay doonayaan waa their own interest, marka Soomalia iney nabadii noqoto cid rabta maleh waxaaba rabin dalalka islaamka isku sheega like Saudiarabia, Libya, Egypt,Qatar etc.. Ethiopia iyo Eritrea ayaa ugu horeeyso oo hurineysa dagaalada ka socda soomalia i guess u know why.. wuxuu waa mushruuc, rasaasra,hubka, agabyada etc dad baa ka lacageystaa.


Marka Soomaalida waxaa ku haboon iney mideysanaadan, gobanimadoon la noqdo oo wixii dantooda ahi ka shaqeeyaan.. Anaga independed ma nihin UN-ka lacagtooda la'aantiisa meel ma gaari karno runtii marka the AIM should be in la mideysanaado oo subsistence noqonaa like Berisamaadkii with high level of education, high level of medication, well infrastructure etc, Ciidanka ugu xooga badan Africa..

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oba hiloowlow;711766 wrote:
looooooool@ ''Murtad madax laga gooyo''..


Al-miskiin UN waxaa controll gareeyo USA iyo EU, xataa mararka qaar resolution-ka ayeey ku xadgudbaan cid lala hadli kartana ma jirto waxa kaliyaa ay doonayaan waa their own interest, marka Soomalia iney nabadii noqoto cid rabta maleh waxaaba rabin dalalka islaamka isku sheega like Saudiarabia, Libya, Egypt,Qatar etc.. Ethiopia iyo Eritrea ayaa ugu horeeyso oo hurineysa dagaalada ka socda soomalia i guess u know why.. wuxuu waa mushruuc, rasaasra,hubka, agabyada etc dad baa ka lacageystaa.


Marka Soomaalida waxaa ku haboon iney mideysanaadan, gobanimadoon la noqdo oo wixii dantooda ahi ka shaqeeyaan.. Anaga independed ma nihin UN-ka lacagtooda la'aantiisa meel ma gaari karno runtii marka the AIM should be in la mideysanaado oo subsistence noqonaa like Berisamaadkii with high level of education, high level of medication, well infrastructure etc, Ciidanka ugu xooga badan Africa..

I Agree, well said oba, somalis should strive to become united, instead of this society built on tribalism.


The only part I dont agree with you is


Anaga independed ma nihin UN-ka lacagtooda la'aantiisa meel ma gaari karno runtii

As far as I remember somalia waxay indepnded noqotay 1960. And for the other part "UN-ka lacagtooda la'aantiisa meel ma gaari karno", really if it was like that than the UN are themselfs Gods, beside Allah. Cuz Allah clearly says in the quran "Who is the one who is going to give you rizq if Allah with holds it from you"(Surah Mulk) as Somalis we say "the UN"!, wal 3iyadubillah.


Allah said in the quran,

"And there is no creature on earth but that upon Allah is its provision"(Surah Hud)


and again:


"Indeed, it is Allah who is the [continual] Provider, the firm possessor of strength".(Ad-dariyat)


Indeed, your Lord is Allah , who created the heavens and earth in six days and then established Himself above the Throne. He covers the night with the day, [another night] chasing it rapidly; and [He created] the sun, the moon, and the stars, subjected by His command. Unquestionably, His is the creation and the command; blessed is Allah , Lord of the worlds. (Surah A'raf)


Everyone of us, would say "of course I believe this, cuz I'm a muslim", laakiin wallahi the reality shows something else.

We believe in this stuff, but then again we do not believe completely in it. Therefore, one hears our so called president Shariif screaming "Beesha caalamkay dhaqaale Nala soo gaadha" etc. Does he have talow never once asked this Allah? A while ago, there was severe drought in most parts of Somalia.

Abaarahaasi waxay keeneen in dad badani dhinteen, biyo la'aan darteed. Wararka maalina ma ka maqasheen Shariif baa tukanaya Salaad roob-doonka, ama dadka Allah u baryaya? Our Sahaba use to do this, when something bad happens, the didn't cried for Rome(oo u dhigantay the US waagaas), or Faaris(oo u dhigantay the UK oo kale), they asked help from Allah, and becuz of that they were the best generation that ever lived.


Maanta soomaalideena, siiba dadka Dawladda sheegta marka ugu horaysa ee ay dhib gaadho, beesha caalamka bay u qayliyaan. Ficilkaas caadada Laga dhigtay hadii shareecada loo eego wallahi it is a serious matter, so serious that it can put your aqida astray. For it is fundemental to belief that Allah is He who gives Rizq, if we say this with our mouth, and we dont believe it in the heart, or act uppon this. we should double check our Iman.


That was my point with this thread actually, we believe that wothout the UN and the Western Society, we are lost. We forget that Allah aza wajallah is the one above everyone, and everything, He is the one whose permission a society flourishes. He is the one who creates peace and tranquility for the people. All wealth belongs to Allah alone, and without his permission nothing will work for us.


Even Allah ka sokow, soomaalidu niyad iyo karti xumaa, wadamada aduunka ugu liita baynu ka daba naagaynaa, sida Itoobiya, Eriteria, kenya etc. Xishoodba iyo dadnimoda ma lihin miyaa. Waxaan hogaanka noo haya way nagu ciyaareen(Allah duf ku bixi kuligood), shacab badanina way iska sacabinayaan.

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Waa runtaa sxb Allah ayaa ka weyn waxkasta wuu awooda ee waxaan kawado waxa waaye dalkeena dhaqaallo badan sooma gasho marka Aid-ka ay nasiyaan Un-ka ama lacagaha ayaan depended ku nahay ma aha iney Un-ku na heystaan, marka dantu waxey kalifeysa in maalinkasto rakaato lee ku noolaano like shirkaas imaaw ama dhaqaalo ma haleysaan, marka we have 2 be subsistence, xaalku waa sidaas.

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1. sharif can say whatever he wants but other stake holders within the TFIs wont agree with him, there will be division and a need for yet another reconciliation conference like Somalis have been doing for nearly twenty years of transition.


2. This is just a silly question, why would anyone let alone the UN fund a government whose idea of Islamic government is wax madaxa laga gooyo iyo gacmo laga jaro not to mention there is no such thing as a islamic government outside the heads of lunatics like the shabaab, taliban and osama.

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Naxar Nugaaleed;711812 wrote:
1. sharif can say whatever he wants but other stake holders within the TFIs wont agree with him, there will be division and a need for yet another reconciliation conference like Somalis have been doing for nearly twenty years of transition.


2. This is just a silly question, why would anyone let alone the UN fund a government whose idea of Islamic government is wax madaxa laga gooyo iyo gacmo laga jaro not to mention there is no such thing as a islamic government outside the heads of lunatics like the shabaab, taliban and osama.

2: There is no such thing called and Islamic goverment? Gacmo in la gooyo is a part of the Islamic sharia mate, I dont know what u have been listening to. This has nothing to do with Shabaab, taliban or whomever. The part about gacmo goyn was an example because it's what the media always focus on, . exaggeration promotes understanding.


The Shaira is of course much more than that, its basically following what ever Allah commanded word by word, and build the entire country on what Allah and his messenger has commanded us.


I see u have a QUOTE from the quran in u'r signatur, well its the same quran that says to cut off the hand of the thief.

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adiga gacmo goyn uun maxaad uga soo qaadanaysaa diinta, how many people baa wakhtigii nabiga ilaa iyo taabiciyiintii gacamaha laga gooyey. Al miskinoow adiga Maadeey maxaa isku kiin gakay si isku saan saan eg tihiin??. mida kale before aan laga hadlin diin iyo maxaa la isku xukumaa, so inay xabadu joogsato kama horayso.

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no is not what the media always focuses on, it what the sick twisted minds of those who oppress other in the name of religion focus on along with wither or not woman can wear kensheli lol. FYI, there would be no need for Sharia or an islamic government if everyone believed in it in a supposedly 100% muslim country. What we should suggest is a voluntary self application of Sharia I.e secularism lol

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bilan;711827 wrote:
adiga gacmo goyn uun maxaad uga soo qaadanaysaa diinta, how many people baa wakhtigii nabiga ilaa iyo taabiciyiintii gacamaha laga gooyey. Al miskinoow adiga Maadeey maxaa isku kiin gakay si isku saan saan eg tihiin??. mida kale before aan laga hadlin diin iyo maxaa la isku xukumaa, so inay xabadu joogsato kama horayso.

Assalamu Alaikum ukhti, khayr baan kuu rajayn, waadna ku mahadsantahay ra'yiga aad ka dhiibatay qoraalkayga


ukhti I just took that as an example, waayo in salaada la tukado, xajkana la aado, cibaadaatka intooda badan waxa maanta muslimiinta lagu haysto maaha. waa marka ay timaado waxyaalo kale markuu aduunku soo boodi, oo "ala muslimiintu waa bahalo" la odhan. Marka la dhaho Shareecaa lagu kala bixi, oo au timaad xad la oofinayo, waa marka ay USA iyo aduunkoo dhani gilgilmo. Thats why I took that as an example, cuz I said, cibaadaatka masjidka lagu sameeyo aduunka meel laga diido ma jirto.


In waagii asxaabta iyo taabiciinta dad badan gacmo laga goyn waa khayr uun, waxayna ku tusaysaa sida arinkan loo buunbuuninayo inaynan ahayn, but that does'nt mean in aynan diinta ka ahayn, Nabigaaba ku dhaartay haday gabadhiisa Fatima wax xado inuu asagu xadka oofin. Marka I hope inaad my point fahantay.


Diinta waa la isku xukumi, xabadoo socoto, xabad baa socota darteed diinta la isku xukumo loogama tago. Hadii kale, chaos uun baan waligeed socon. Xabad joojintu xataa shareecaday ka mid tahay, in dadka la mideeyo, la wada heshiiyo etc. laftirkeeda baa shareecada iyo diintu isku xukumideeda ka mid ah. Markaa ma jirto "situation" diintu dhinac la dhigoo la dhaho "bal horta aynu tan ka soo faaruqno".


Arinta Maaday, si fiican uma fahmin, Allah bless.


Naxar lol, I disagree.

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^^Al Miskiin, soomaali xor ah Alle ha keeno oo sida aad sheegeyso yeeli karta. Xuduuda kuwa fuliya waxa loo yaqaannaa argagaxiso.

talo: dadkaan ha isku xiijinin, anaa ku daalay! :D


Ps. Bilan waxay ku leedahay: maxaa Maaddeey (Aniga) kuu galay, si baad isugu egtihiin (Yacni xagga fekerka)

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