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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somalilanders with Djiboutian nationality to vote in djibouti election video

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Borama oo Maanta Laga Furay Xafiis laga Diiwaan galin Doono Dadka Sharciga Jabuutiyaanka Haysta Si Ay U soo Footeeyaan


29/03/11-Borama-(Bnn) Magaalada Borama ayaa waxaa ku dhaqan dad badan oo haysta Sharciga dalka Jabuuti,waxaanan ognahay in Maalmahan ay ka socdaan Magaalada Jabuuti Ololaha Doorashada Madaxyanaha oo bishan Soo socota 8 ka dhici doono Magaalada Jabuuti.


Hadaba Maanta ayaa Magaalada Borama waxaa dadkaas looga furay Xafiis lagu diiwaan galin doono ka dibna loogu daad gurayn doono Gudaha dalka Jabuuti Si ay uga soo qayb qaataan Doorashada dalkaasi ka dhici doonta Bishan Soo socota ee Afaraad Sideedeeda.


Hadaba Madaxa xafiiskan Cadaawe Ciise Cilmi ayaa waxa uu noo sheegay in ay u fureen Xafiiskan dadka reer Jabuuti ee Kaadhka haysta in ay iska diiwan galinayaan, oo ay dabadeed u diraan Foodka kaas oo uu sheegay si ay ugu foodeeyaan Mudane Ismaaciil Cumar Geele oo uu sheegay in uu yahay Aabihii Jabuuti sheegayna in ay taageersan yihiin Madaxwayne Ismaaciil iyo Marwadiisa Khadra Maxamuud Xayd.


Sidoo Kale Cadaawe waxa uu sheegay in ay dadka iyagu qaadayaan marka ay soo Codeeyaana ay soo celinayaan, Waxa kale oo sheegay Kharashka intaas Le’eg ee ku baxaya dadkaas ay qaadayaan cida ka caawinaysa in ay tahay Dawlada Jabuuti oo uu sheegay Xisbiga Talada Haya.


Ugu danbayn Cadaawe ayaa Baaq u diray dadka ku nool Borama iyo nawaaxigeeda ee Haysta Sharciga Jabuutiyaanka ah in ay yimaadaan Xafiiskan taas oo uu sheegay in ay soo dhawaynayaan diiwaan galina doonaan, dabadeedna ay maalmahan soo socday ay u qaadi doonaan Magaalada Jabuuti.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee Xafiiskan ayaa noqonaya kii ugu horeeyay oo noociisa oo kale ah ee laga furo Magaalada Borama tan iyo intii ay Dawlada Jabuuti uu Hogaanka u qabtay Mudane Ismaaciil Cumar Geele, tanina waxa ay fursad u noqonaysaa Dad badan oo foodka Doorashadu kaga dhici jiray waqtigu iyaga oo ku sugan Magaalada Borama.”

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Article 4: Citizenship


1. Any person who is a patrial[10] of Somaliland being a descendant of a person residing in Somaliland on 26th June 1960 or earlier shall be recognised as a citizen of Somaliland.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;707178 wrote:
Article 4: Citizenship


1. Any person who is a patrial[10] of Somaliland being a descendant of a person residing in Somaliland on 26th June 1960
or earlier
shall be recognised as a citizen of Somaliland.

Cool the Italians named the area they took over as Italian Somaliland! Because remember before 1960 the British were in control and called the area British Somaliland until they gave away independence! So I guess we are all from Somali land.

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Thankful;707198 wrote:
Cool the Italians named the area they took over as Italian Somaliland! Because remember before 1960 the British were in control and called the area British Somaliland until they gave away independence! So I guess we are all from Somali land.

We are not talking about italian Somaliland nor are we talking about french Somaliland we are talking about the republic of Somaliland the country that gained independence from great britain and northern ireland in 1960 26 june.

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Thankful;707198 wrote:
Cool the Italians named the area they took over as Italian Somaliland! Because remember before 1960 the British were in control and called the area British Somaliland until they gave away independence! So I guess we are all from Somali land.

Actually as the Italians speak Italian not English, the bit of Somalia they colonised was called 'Somalia Italiana' and not Italian Somaliland as many presume.


Just thought I'd put that out there.

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I think it is Tuujiye or Nuune that says

wareer badanaa!!!



Say Somaliland secedes, will the same apply to Somalia, will Somalilanders be able to vote in Somalia ?

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Qaranki;707211 wrote:
Actually as the Italians speak Italian not English, the bit of Somalia they colonised was called 'Somalia Italiana' and not Italian Somaliland as many presume.


Just thought I'd put that out there.

Wow they speak Italian, but according to your own logic wouldn't they be speaking Italiano?


Also, according to the UN, (which is an international organization) they referred to it as Italian Somaliland as well:


The following Territories have been subject to United Nations Trusteeship Agreements or were listed by the General Assembly as Non-Self-Governing. Dates in parentheses show the year of independence or other change in a Territory's status, after which information was no longer submitted to the United Nations.


-British Somaliland Independence as Somalia (joined with Italian Somaliland) - 1960


Also, I know know wikipedia is not a valid source for school, but the NW Somalia page says "The government of Somaliland regards the territory as the successor state to the British Somaliland protectorate, which was independent for a few days in 1960 as the State of Somaliland,[5][6] before uniting with the Trust Territory of Somalia (the former Italian Somaliland) .


So I guess the UN, CIA world fact book, NW Somalia wikipedia and many others.....all have it wrong and the name Italian Somaliland was never used before. Instead your are the correct one!




According to Article 4 that you posted "Somaliland on 26th June 1960 or earlier" and I am just saying that the south was referred to as Somali land as well.

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First of all I was not denying the fact that the term 'Somaliland' was used, but was pointing out that it was used only by the English speaking world. I only corrected the false claim you made which was -


Thankful;707198 wrote:
Cool the Italians named the area they took over as Italian Somaliland!.

In reality the Italians called their part of Somali territory - 'Somalia Italiana'.


Same thing with Djibouti which was not called 'French Somaliland' but instead - 'Côte Française des Somalis'



Don't see why you made such a fuss.

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Actually they didn't only call it "Somalia Italiana" they had others names for it. Just like Italy's offical name, that is found on their passports is"Repubblica Italiana", however when they are seated at the UN and other international meetings they are referred to as Italy. You can't say to me that Italy only refers to itself as Repubblica Italiana, when of course they use Italy as well. Just like they may have used Somalia Italiana, but they also used Italian Somaliland.


The scamble for Africa that took place during the Berlin Conference of 1884 that saw several European countries decided on who would control what in Africa.


So when you say that the Italians or Djibouti did not use the term Somaliland for the places they controlled, well that is not correct because of course they had names in their own languages for those area's but during international meetings they were referred to as French or Italian Somaliland.


So again, yes they have names for places in their language, just like they do for their own countries, however during international conference i.e. the UN they used the term Somaliland!


If Xaaji wants to say that a citizen of NW Somalia before 1960 is a Somali lander, well I am just pointed out that the French and Italians used that term as well!

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Well if that the case then one wonders why Somalia today is not called Somaliland or referred to as such in the international arena, I mean the name Somalia is hardly different to 'Somalia Italiana'....

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