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Deg deg: Wasiirada dowladda Soomaaliya oo muddo kordhin u sameeyay Madaxweyne Shariif

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Shariif Sakiin 1 V Shariiifka Jowhar 1


The second half of the game just started. The ball possession has steadily been 70% Sakiin 30% shariiifka Jowhar.

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Awalba dowlad meesha ma oolin maqaayad malin nin u shidan bay ahayd Soomaali ilaahay baa u maqan. Kuwaan iyo kuwa kasoo horjeeda wax faa'iido ay leeyihiin ma jirto.

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nuune;706019 wrote:
, apart from xildhibaanada(550 of them), there are up to 23 wasiiro, here is a quick glance of their salary:


550 MPs, each receives 13 thousand Dollars a month(correct as of December 2010), their expenses such as travel(they all travel a lot), hotel(they all live in hotels), food(they all eat at big restaurants), and other expenses are not included in the salary.


One more time: 550 X 13,000 = $7,150,000, yes, that is $7 Million Doollarka Mareekanka ayey 550 xildhibaano qurquriyaan bil kasta.

:o:o:o@nuune, if I didn't know any better, I would say you are the somali-male version of Michelle Bachmann with your wild and inaccurate figures about the payroll system of the TFG. Last year, if you remember, a United Stated Congresswoman from the state of Minnesota, one Michelle Bachmann came on tv to claim that President OBama's trip to India would cost tax payers a whopping 200 million a day because he will be renting hundreds of hotel rooms for his entourage as well as the security detail, all putting burden on tax payers, etc, etc...(the interview she had with CNN's anderson Cooper came after the republicans and teabaggers won majority in the house of representatives)


Her claims about the wild estimation came from a source in India who she heard about in the blogs, similar to what Nuune did here. Nuune writes gossip blogs for a living, which is why this doesn't come as a surprise to me but ask Nuune, how many individuals does he know in parliament? Ask him who his sources are?


Nuune is anti-government, especially big government, another reason to resent the 550 individuals who volunteer for the position and who can barely support themselves in neighbouring states. I know a handful of the members and their families. Some of these xildhibaans are supported by their families in qurbaha because the pay is not consistent. Some resign in protest and some grow resentment, while few enrich themselves with side businesses but not all 550 live a life of luxury.

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nuune;706019 wrote:
, apart from xildhibaanada(550 of them), there are up to 23 wasiiro, here is a quick glance of their salary

550 MPs, each receives 13 thousand Dollars a month(correct as of December 2010), their expenses such as travel(they all travel a lot), hotel(they all live in hotels), food(they all eat at big restaurants), and other expenses are not included in the salary.

One more time: 550 X 13,000 = $7,150,000, yes, that is $7 Million Doollarka Mareekanka ayey 550 xildhibaano qurquriyaan bil kasta.

if I made a wild calculation of their expenses, each MP's expenses will reach $2,000 dollars a month, that is $1,100,000, YES, One Million doollarka Mareekanka each month.Wasiiradaa kuu soo harey, their salary is 2 times what the Xildhibaano earns, and sometimes even more, yes, that is half a million dollars for the 23 wasiiro for each month.


The Parliment speaker and prime minister, plus the madaxweynaha all earn a monthly staggering 2 million dollars, this is not an exaggeration, we knew before Riyaale was earning half a million dollars and was the highest paid African leadr

lacagta cadadkaan qabto qof ka qaato goormuu jagada ka dagayaa ,ileyn sh sharif waxa wareeriyay waa lacagtaan from macalin school to lacagtaan ,runtii waa waali.

lacagtaan hadey u adeegsan lahaayeen sidii ciidanka loogu meelgalin lahaa si amniga loo sugo mar hore ayaa alshabaab magaalada laga saari lahaa , goboladana laga qabsan lahaa .

ciidanka TFG waxa eey badanaa ka gurtaan goobaha dagaalka maxaa yeelay lacag ku filan ma helaan ,qof an dhiira gelin helinna ma dagaalami karo.

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Lyzie-Gaal, my dear, soo taan Shariifka taleefankiisaan ku siin saan iskugu ogeyn waad ii jartey, geel beesho, out of the 550, I know personally 29 xildhibaano(9 of them live in London as we speak now, 4 of them live in Dubai, another 5 staying in Nairobi and only set foot in Mogadishu 4 times since they were elected!), personally I know them well, and I know the life they are leading, and I am aware their constant travel to London, Nairobi, Addis Ababa, Dubai and Mogadishu, markey mushaarka soo qaataan bey kifaaxaan istareex iyo damaashaad safar ugu baxaan, and 87% of them bank account ayuu automatic ugu soo dhacaa musharakooda,



am not against their mushaar, or whatever they getting from the UN or the European, but rather their lack of activities, and nto doing anything good for the country, you can't just sit there and do holidays while your fellow country men are waiting you and suffering day and night, and ayukana ay isku daldalayaan suqaarkii adduunka isbarmuunto seendada muuska korneeto iyo farmaajo see u cunaayeen aa calooshii aa waxee u kala qeebsantey toman iyo siyeed qeebood.


Layzie-Gaal, you know me well, and should have known better in saying nuune waa anti-government, all kinds of government, ma hadaad Shuuciga North Korea iga dhigtey, I do admire dowladaha Shuuciga though, their slogan of I own everything in the country is something to be proud of, look at China, a Shuuci country, how successful they are.


Ps: From now on, yaa Layzie-Gaal, you are no longer my student, waanba ku deyriyey, but still I wov you, and that is a static love smileys.gif

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Nuune raali ahoow lakiin your figures are wrong


The salaary for a somali M.P is USD. 3000/= . inclusive of food and upkeep as well as board.

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Muqdisho: (Sh. M. Network) Gudoomiyaha Barlamanka KMG Soomaaliya Shariif Xasan sheikh Aadan ayaa sheegay in aysan go’aan gaari Karin cid aan barlamanka aheeyn, isagoo dhinaca kale sheegay in beesha Caalamka ay taageereen waqti kordhinta Barlamanka.


Xili maanta uu warbixin siinayay gudoomiyaha Barlamanaka Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan, xildhibaanada Barlamanka oo kulan ku yeeshay ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in shirarkii uu ka qeyb galay intooda badan lagu taageeray go’aankii mudo kordhinta ahaa oo ay horay u qaateen mudanayaasha Barlamanka, isagoo sheegay in go’aankaasi ay si weyn u taageeraan Barlamanaada qaarada afrika.


Waxaa uu sheegay Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan in wadan kasta oo ay tageen lagu soo hadal qaadayay go’aanka waqtiga uu ku korarsaday Barlamanka Soomaaliya , isagoo sidoo kale sheegay in beesha caalamku ay ku dhaliileen barlamanka maqnaashiyaha xildhibaanada ka maqan fadhiyada barlamanka.


Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan ayaa sidoo kale waxaa uu sheegay in barlamanka KMG uu xaq u leeyahay in uu go’aan gaari isagoo tilmaamay in aan laga hor imaan Karin go’aanada Barlamanka, waxaana xusay in aysan jiri Karin hay’ad gaar ah oo go’aan gaari karta oo aan ka aheeyn golaha Barlamank, isagoo ugu baaqay mudanayaasha Barlamanka in ay difaacdaan waqti kordhintooda oo uu tilmaamay in raali ay ka noqotay beesha caalamka.


Dhinaca kale gudoomiyaha Barlamanka ayaa sheegay in uusan ka war qabin shirar la sheegay in looga hadlayo waqtiga kala guurka oo QM ay qaban qaabineyso kaasi oo la sheegay in ay ka qeyb galayaan qaar ka mid ah maamulada ka jira dalka iyo dowladda KMG Soomaaliya.


Hadalka maanta ka soo yeeray gudoomiyaha Barlamanka ayaa imaanaya xili golaha wasiirada xukuumada KMG iyo madaxweyne Shariif Sheekh Axmed ay gaareen go’aano ka dhan ah waqti kordhinta Barlamanka, iyadoo madaxweyne Shariif uu sheegay in barlamanka iminka jira aanay awood u laheyn in ay qabtaan doorasho madaxtinimada dalka Soomaaliya.

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