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People vote with their feet as al-shabaab tries to stem the bleeding. [Forcible registration]

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Somalia:Al Shabab Imposes Strict Regulations in Baidoa


The group imposed the new orders when they realized that many young people fled from Baidoa to Mogadishu for fear of being forcibly recruited by Al Shabaab to fight against the Transitional Federal Government.


Baydhabo (Sunatimes) Al-shabab militants now want residents of Baidao district of the Bakol region to register with them whenever they want to leave or come into the town.


Residents of Baidoa district which is a stronghold of Al-Shabaab insurgents are worried about new regulations enforced by the militants.


The orders are meant to restrict the movement of the residents mainly the youth who the militias want to fight for them.


The group imposed the new orders when they realized that many young people fled from Baidoa to Mogadishu for fear of being forcibly recruited by Al Shabaab to fight against the Transitional Federal Government.


The local citizens complained that they might not be able to comply with the new regulations despite a threat from Al-shabab that failure to do so they will be regarded as government supporters.


By Mohamed Abukar

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Al-shabaab oo dadka degan deegaanada ay ka taliso ku amray in la iska diiwaan geliyo xafiisyo ay ka fureen goobaha ay ka taliyaan


Wakiilka xiriirka gobolada u qaabilsan Al-shabaab Sheekh Xuseen Cali fiidow ayaa sheegay in dhamaan deegaanada ay ka taliyeen laga furay xafiisyo uu ku sheegay in ay isku diiwaan gelinyaan dadka jihaad doonka ah ee ku sugan goobaha ay maamulaan.


"Waxaa waajin Muqaddasa ah in laga qeyb galo Jihaadka socda sidaa daraadeed qoys walba oo ku dhaqan wilaayooyinka waxaa la farayaa in ay iska soo diiwaan geliyaan xafiisyada aan ka furnaya dhamaan xaafadaha aan maamulno" ayuu yiri Xuseen Cali Fiidow oo sheegay in talaabadaasi ay tahay mid qeyb ka ah dardar gelinta waxa uu ugu yeeray Jihaadka lagula jiro cadowga.


Dhinaca kale wakiilka ayaa intaa ku daray in sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan ay isu diiwaan geliyaan, Ardayda, Dhalinyarada, Odayaasha jilib diirka ah iyo Haweenka Muslimaadka ah oo uu ku tilmaamay inay yihiin kuwa laga doonayo inay ka hortagaan waxa uu ugu yeeray weeraraa ay wadaan cadowga is baheystay.

Talaabadaan ayay dadka ku macneeyeen in ay tahay qafaal dadban oo la doonayo in lagu baneysto Ardada, Dhalinyaradaiyo odayaasha sidii qasab loogu dagaal gelin lahaa, bacdamaa lagu amray in qoys walba uu isa soo diiwaan geliyo taasoo keentay in ay durbaba ay dadkaasi badankood ka cararaan goobaha laga furay Xafiisyada jihaadka.

Maxamuud Axmed Xasan ( Xuurshe)




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