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Farmajo we got him AMISOM hand over [Mohamed Dheere in plastic cuffs] Pics taken ?

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The TFG of Sharif Hotel & Farmajo desperate for success on the battle field and to show some courage are now playing the media.

We have Mohamed Dheere a former warlord, governor of Lower Shabelle, Mayor of Jowhar one time boss of Sharif Shiekh Ahmed, former governor of Banadir and Mayor of Mogadishu arrested. He has not been charged with any crime, nor has he been sent to court. He is held in suspicion that he killed the civilians that were murdered a few days ago.


Mohamed Dheere seems to be playing the role of Sadam Hussain, and Farmaajo the old card carrying republican see’s himself as George Brenner and AMISOM as the occupied forces. There has not been a single success against AL Shabaab. His 100 hundred days promise of taking the south has come to naught. We are left with this, a picture of a man, arrested by the AMISOM troops, who has not seen a courtroom and is being paraded around like a trophy.

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^^^lol indeed Mr Farmaajo kind of like Siyaad Barre, using force to arrest Mohamed Dheere whos is now like Salad Gabayre. History sure repeats itself. Let the good times roll.

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^^^I dont much care for Mohamed Dheere and the other short dude. However this whole episode makes a mockery of the claims of this TFG. First you had poor civilians murdered in broad daylight by TFG soldeirs. Then you had the PM, Minister of Interior & Defence Minister announce the names of the men who commited the crime. Then you had arrests made by AMISOM, and two Somali men held in jail for nearly two days. Then there was outcry in the media and their clan supporters [as usual]. Then you had AMISOM hand the two men to the TFG and pictures published with the men in plastic cuffs.


Where is the due process, what crimes have they been arrested for, and when did they go to court?

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What due process ninyahow.This is Somalia.


This is propaganda and it might actually work.



I was referring to the humiliated look on Dheere's face but then again, the man is criminal.

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Dadka odorasa siyaasada ayaa muuqaal xumo ka muujinaya cadiifada ka dhalan karta Tallaabada bahdilaada ah ee Ciidamada AMISOM ku sameeyeen Siyaasigaas caanka ah, kadib markii ay saxaafada u soo bandhigeen isagoo gacmaha ka xiran oo sida Maxbuus oo kale ah,

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^^^His clan folk are upset no doubt after all he fed them lies with the other warlords who used to claim sole ownership of Mogadishu and bully people. Today they can see him in chains, humiliated and broken.

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i wish in Tarzan xarigga lagu dari lahaa waayo isaga ayaa dadkaan masaakiinta ah dayacay oo Mudaaharaad uu macne gaar ah ka lahaa ka iibiyey isagoon ammaankooda sugi karin. Haddii meeshaan caddaalad taallo Tarzan halla xiro. Waayo waa dembiile. Meesha ma wuxuu u maleeyey London oo xorriyad taallo, qofkuna uu mowqifkiisa ammaan ku helayo as long as uusan dhib geysan?


Waxaase ayaandarro ah in qabiil loo beddelo oo sheekadii Salaad Gabayre iyo maalayacni aan jirin dadka loo sheego.

1) Maxamed Dheere iyo Gabayre isku taariikh ma ahan. Tan kale Maxamed Dheere dembi ayaa lagu haystaa dowladda ayaana laga sugayaa inay caddayso, although aan aaminsanahay inaysan siyaasadi ka marnayn.

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