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Farmaajo's first press conference

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The Zack;687601 wrote:
Man, the man's English sucks big time for someone who lived in this country for more than two decade! Regardless, good press conference, he didn't really answer any of the critical questions he has been asked.

It's nothing to do with with "english" because stuttered even when answering in Somali. The man is used to public-speaking - he was a lecturer after all, wasn't he?:)


Prime minister Mo Formaggio is caught between a rock a hard place. Abdikarim Jamac (Post and Communication Minister) has already issued statements supporting the use of mercenaries. He (Mr Jama) has also issued another statement undermining and contradicting Foreign Minister Oomaar as to who is charge of TFG affairs at the UN. Another person involved in the mercenary deals is Finance minister Xalane (who just happens to be the other Sharif office-boy). What is Mo Formaggio supposed to do? Should he cover for his colleagues (and risk undermining his anti-corruption and whiter than white image presentation or shall he stick to his stated principals by exposing the culprits - whatever the political fallout. What he does might decides his (and some of his colleagues) future after the TFG mandate runs out in a few months.

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The Zack;687601 wrote:
Man, the man's English sucks big time for someone who lived in this country for more than two decade! Regardless, good press conference, he didn't really answer any of the critical questions he has been asked.

I am not too concerned about his English but he did not answer the questions asked properly. For instance he stated that the Ambassador representing Somalia for the UN was present in the room but did name say his name. He claimed that the Somalia army got their first ever salary which is incorrect. He gave a different statement regarding the Saricen contract than the one he did at the Somali Parliament meeting back in December 2010.

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The Zack;687815 wrote:
Nobody made fun of his accent per se, we were just commenting on his lack of ability to combine two sentences together. Adam made a good point, it had to be the nervousness. On another note, he didn't answer three big questions he was asked.

1. He was asked about the TFG-Saracen agreement, he didn't answer the question.

2. He was asked If Ciid Baddal represents Somalia at the UN or not, he didn't answer that question. He said there is an "ambassador"???? and that he was with him today.

3. He was asked if the government will extend its mandate on August, 2011. He also didn't answer that question.


He sounded nervous and scarred in this press conference, he wasn't even sure how many days he was in office. 49 days or 50 days? LOL. I am sure he will do better next time.

It's obvious that all three points you raised are problems within the TFG, saaxib. However, when judging his performance here you have to look at how he managed to evade such questions. Did he stumble and make mistakes when answering or did he give the usual diplomatic reply when faced with an uncomfortable question?


I think he did well. Furthermore, I see no reason why he needed to reveal anything to the international media here. I'm sure that the "powers that be" will be briefed in private anyway. As for Somalis, dee he'll give them their own press conference in due time.

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