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The apostate Government of Somalia is asking help from the infidels of Iran

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The hypocrite sheikh Sharif of the apostate Government of Somalia is asking help from the infidels Iranians Government.


Sheikh Sharif the leaders of the apostate Somali Government has sent the speaker of the parliament Sheikh Sharif Hassan adan to Iran. It is now apparent that the appostate Somali Government will seek help from anyone even the infidels Iranians. The Iranians who are the enemies of all Muslims have welcomed the open hands that the apostate Somali government has extanded and they have even agreed to hold the next IGAD conference in Iran. The coallitions of countries in the horn of Africa that make up IGAD are at risk from the distorted Shiite religion and their false Dacwa meant to deceive the believers of East Africa. Ahmedinejad the president of Iran has said "the extremist have caused problems in different parts of the world including Somalia" In a meeting, in Tehran, with the Somali speaker of the parliament Sheikh Sharif Hassan. The extremist that this infidel Ahmedinejad is refering to,are our Muslim brothers the Mujahidins, may Allah increase their numbers and their strenght. It is no surprise that the TFG will seek help from anyone, yesterday it was the infidels of the African Union troopes, and today it is the Shiites of Iran, what would it be tommorow the Buddhist of North Korea and China?

Brothers please remember in your Dua's the brave fighters of Alshabab who have no allies except for Allah and his angels, what better allies are there. it is the reason why the lions of Alshabab al Mujahideens have achieved on victory after another because Allah is with them.


Let the Iranians come their blood will soon join the rivers of blood that AMISOM is bleeding out.



Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar




God is with us

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Kebabi and supporters I suggest that you look for a place to hide. Iran or the TFG waxba kama qaadeysiin, maanta or berri or saad danbe. DEAL with that REALITY.


p.s. Awoowe, kuwan argagixisada xayawaanada caloosha waaweyn sidey wasslad isugu daldalaayeen (oo ay ka boobeen reer miyiga xoolo dhaqatada ah) aad u sacba tumto soo "gaalo" uguma wacaan cid walba oo muslim ah oo ka fikir duwan. Dee maxaa isbedelay?

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Qodax Qorax;683418 wrote:
If peacefull Iranese's are infidels. I wonder what all those warmongers are?

they r all the same shabaab oo islaam isku sheega si eey dadka udhacaan oo dumarka u kufsadaan naclad baa ku taala

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Mahmoud Ahmadinejad : Iran waxay noqotey wadan Nuclear haysta.


TEHRAN(OWN) Madaxweynaha dowlada islamiga ah ee Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ayaa sheegey in Iran ay tahay wadan leh quwada Nuclearka isla markaasna ayku difaacayaan nabadgelyada shacabka Iran.

Wadanka mareykanka iyo xulufadiisa ayaa cadaadis saarey qaraarka lagu xakameynlahaa sameysashada quwada nuclearka ee dalka iran laakin arintaasi waxay noqotey mid dhicisey kadib markii ay Iran dhag jalaq u siinweydey waxkastoo probaganda ah iyo cadaadis kasta oo ay la maaganaayeen Iran oo noqota wadan leh quwada nuclearka,sikastaba ha noqotee Iran waxay noqotey wadan Nuclear leh.


hadalkan oo Press tv kasoo xigtey axmed najaad ,ayaa intaas ku darey in wadashaqayn iyo iskaashi lalayeesho Iran ay aad uga fiicantahay in laga horyimaado mashruuca sameysashada Nuclearka ee ay Iran sheegtey iney u isticmaaleyo tamar ahaan.

“waxaanu fureynaa albaabka wadashaqaynta aasaaskeeduna yahay xuquuqdayada” ayuu axmedinejad ku darey hadalkiisii.

madaxweyne Ahmadinejad wuxuu digniin culus u jeediyey wadamada reer galbeedka taas oo ay Iran kala kulmi doonaan ka qoomameyn iyo shalaad cidkasta oo niyeysata iney ka joojiso Iran iney hesho xuquuqdeeda.

Sidoo kale madaxweyne Ahmadinejad wuxuu waxbakama jiraan kasoo qaadey qaraarkii cunaqabateynta ahaa ee jimciyada qurumaha ka dhaxaysaa kaga soo horjeedsatey mashruucan sameysashada hubka ee Iran oo ay ku tilmaameen inuu yahay sharcidarro wuxuuna intaas ku darey in cunaqabateyntii ay sii xoojisey uun qaranimada Iran waxaaney talaabo kor ugu sii qaadey mashruuca sameysashada hubka Nuclearka ah.

Sidoo kale wararka hordhaca ah ee ka imanaaya wadanka mareykanka iyo midowga yurub iney diyaarinayaan iney dul dhigaan cunoqabateyn cusub oo lagaga soo horjeedo Iran sanadada fooda inagu soo haya haddii dowlada Tehran diido iney joojiso sameysashada hubka Nuclearka ah ee lagu muransanyahay.

Sidoo kale wadamada reer galbeedka ayaa ku eedeeya dowlada Iran iney si sir ah oo qarsoodi ah ay u sameysaneyso hubka sida ba’an wax u baabiiya ee Nuclearka loo yaqaano ,inkastoo ay dowlada Iran beeniso arintaas.


maxameddeeq muuse ibraahim

xafiiska ee barriga caalamka/china

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