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A couple of years ago I asked this question and I was told that Allah is fair and He treats men and women the same way. I was told men will have Hoor al ayn women will also have partners called Ghilmaan. There are several verses in the Qur'an that talk about but I am not sure if this is the correct interpretation. Allah knows best.


52:17-29 And they shall have boys [ghilmaan] circulating among them as if they were hidden pearls.


56:22-23 and dark-eyed ones [hoorun 'eenun], the like of hidden pearls


76:19 And immortal boys [wildaanun mukhalladoona] will circulate among them, when you see them you will count them as scattered pearls.


2:25 And they shall have immaculate partners [azwaajun mutahharatun] in [the gardens] ...


4:57 And they shall have immaculate partners [azwaajun mutahharatun] in them ...

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Well Iam very sure about the [huur] but I believe that The Ghulman (Beautiful and Comforting Servers of young men) are for the service for both the Muslim Males & females.

Wallahu Acla wa aclam.


Anyway sisters, just entering the Heaven, to grant Allah's Mercy and forgiveness and seeing Allah (SWT), the prophet (SAAW), the rest of the prophets and the angels, to receive the Jannah's teasures is the ultimate pleasure, what more we can dream of??!!!


May Allah guide us all to his right path and grant us the Heaven inshallah, Amiin.

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Salaamu clykum


Sister as Classiqu mentioned entering jannah is the ultimate price for every muslim. One day i had the opportunity to stay a whole day with this great knowledgeable man who maansha allah had countless knowledge may allah be pleased with him. this question was one of the questions we asked and believe me when he gave us the explanation we were all speechless and emotional. he said" a women would walk to great him but he would ask, who are you? she would replay your wife( she would mentiond her name in dunya), than to his suprise and amazement when he sess the beauty of this women he would remain looking at her face over forty years and he did not move from his position jus to appreciate the beauty of this women. so how would a cawran cayn would look like smile.gif . alllahu akbar. Also sister if you saw the way the sheikh answer this question you would have appreciated more.



I am not suppose to answer this question because there is so many knowledable brothers and sisters here like Nur and i believe its better to leave such a question for those who now better, so forgive me brothers and sisters.


Please anyone correct me if i said something wrong or if i had misinterpreted the sheikhs answer.

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Femme - Fatale ( Dressed to Kill?)


I have written the following piece in Somali language, an excerpt of the topic ( Kaalaya ila arka jannada, Come lets discover Paradise), on this Islam page, no time to say it in English, I hope it helps .



Reer Jannaadka Xaalkooda



1. Ragga Ree Jannadka


Waxaa Alla soo saardi doonaa ragga reee jannadka ah ayagoo u eg aabbahaood Adam, ayafgoo qaawan, oo qurxoon oo indho kuulan oo cumrigoodana yahay 33 sano jir. Ayagoo leh quruxda Nabi Yusuf, qalbiga Ayyuub, iyo carrabka Nabi Muxammad SAWS. Ayagoo allah u dhameystiray, qurux iyo dhallinyaranimo, oonan dhimanin, oonan hurdin.



2. Haweenka Ree Jannaadka



Haweenka Jannada waa labo nooc


a. Xuurul Cayn


Waan uun Allah uu ku uumay jannada, oo loo uumay ree jannadka oo Allah uu ku mataalay Yaaquut wal marjaan, ama lul maknuun.


waa haween aad u qurqurxoon, carfoon, kor jilcan, hadii mid ayaga ka mid ahi ay soo qooraansato reer adduunka, wexey iftiimin laheyd adduunkoo dhan iyo wax dul jooga, muminkana waxaa sugaya kuwa aan la tirin karin oo ayaga ah.


b. Haweenka Ree Adduunka ee muminatka ah.


Kuwass waa boqorrada Jannada, waana ka sharaf badan yihiin, oo ka fadli badan yihiin, oona ka qurux badan yihiin Xuurul Ceynka


c. Wilasha



Waa uunka jannada oo ka adeega jannada oo da yar, oo u adeega reer jannadka, ayagoo la wareega cunnada iyo cabitaanka , mar walbana heegan u ah iney u adeegaan ahlul Jannada. Araggooda aad buu u qurxoon yahay taasoo farax gelisa reervjannadka markey ka qaadanayaan cuunada iyo cabitaanka


d. Dhasha Jannada Ku dhalata.


Dhashaani waa naxariista Allah siiyo dadka muslimiinta ah oo adduunka ku dhali waayey acrruur , haddey doonaan dhallan, Allah ayaa siiya carruur ahlul Jannah ah ooy ku farxaan, raxmaddiisa awgeed

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