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Koobka sanadka cussub waxaa ku guuleestey Shariifka

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sidaan la socono ama ay wararku sheegayaan waxaa heshiis aad loo soo dhaweeyey gaarey gudoomiyaha barlamaanka Shariifka iyo madaxweynaha Yeey, heshiiskan oo aad iyo aad muhiim u ah marka la fiiriyo dhanka nabadeynta iyo dhan kastaba.


marka maxaan oran karnaa, soo lama dhihi karo Shariifka wuxuu raadinayey wuu helay oo aheyd in muqdisho ay dowlada u soo guurto, soo ma dhihi karno shariifka wuu ku guuleestey sanad ka badan wuxuu kolba la ordayey ee uu kolba meel ooga dhacey hadey noqoto safar iyo shirba iyo qeyla dhaanba.


marka halkaasi waxaa lagu illoobey xariifkii weynaa ee ahaa Maxamed Dheere oo asaga aad uga saluugsan kana biya diidsan guuritaanka dowlada ay u guuri doonto muqdisho iyo heshiiskan dhan ee lagu gaarey Sanca, wuxuu u yara muuqdaa nin guuldarro soo gaari doonto!!

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Good analysis Mr Tolstoy , regarding your last line, it is never too late, Yeey's advicers got the measurement on time, or was it the intenatonal pressure that OUR president had accepted the Muqdisho offer!


Laakin barrito ayaan ka war sugeynaa xaflada loo qaban doono heshiiska ay gaareen labada nin ee halbowlaha u ah hoggaanka Dalkeena, markaas unbaan wixii falanqeyn ah halkaas ka sii anba qaadeenaa.

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Laakin barrito ayaan ka war sugeynaa xaflada loo qaban doono heshiiska ay gaareen labada nin ee halbowlaha u ah hoggaanka Dalkeena, markaas unbaan wixii falanqeyn ah halkaas ka sii anba qaadeenaa.

Good point, I enjoyd that ;)

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If indeed this agreement hinges the relocation of this government to Mogadishu without first solving the security problem it (the agreement that is) is hard for me to imagine how it will materialize to a full. It could be a face-saving ploy for these two politically-out -maneuvered men though. Odaga Saajin Dheere wareeriyey Shariifkana gacanta Qanyare, Caato, iyo Yalaxow buu ku dhex lumay. Dan baa is badday.


One more thing; this government can’t function in Mogadishu practically. Symbolically they always maintained that it remains as the capital of the nation. What prevented them to go is still there.


Having said all of that this still is a good news.

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Muqdisho is a troubled city though its troubles are not insurmountable. Sida hadda aqbaarta ku sugan, Dhammaan dadka Magaalada deggan waxay diyaar u yihiin in lala diriro ciddii is hortaagta Dowladda if it comes. The residents are best placed to fight opponents and The TFG should enable them to fight for their future. I personally support the TFG if they go to war with the warlords when they present a challenge once officials move to the town.


Time to come HOME and FIGHT for our future. His excellency, the president should give reer Muqdisho the opportunity to take matters into their own hands.


Guuritaan meel kale loo guuro will result in the same problems as warlords will use such move to their advantage. Nimankaan ninkii iska dhiciyaa ka adag and they know many are fed up with them.





You should celebrate with us saxib.

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I am less optimistic and only for the simple fact that the Shariif is not and nor was an important player in the process or in Muqdisho. His rise and fall were both as a result of the warlords and their danaysi oo ay ku danaysanayeen. I don't believe he holds any weight nor is he the keys to Muqdisho. As such my believe is this will garner good press but not have any major influence in the status quo.


If I turn out to be wrong; then I will accept it. However, I maintain my position at the present.

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Horta daneysi haddey noqoto xaaladu, waxaa la oran karaa qabqable kasta dad u khaasa ayuu leeyahay oo isku daneesato ah, shariifka hadduu ahaa nin u curyaamey dhanka Qanyare iyo Yalaxow amaba ay ku daneesteen in waqti ah, maanta meel cidla ah ayuu ooga soo tagey iyaga iyo xulafadoodaba, Yeey iyo Geedina haddii ay ku daneesteen M.Dheere meel cidla ah ayey ooga soo tageen isna, marka yaa khasaarey yaa faaiidey, waxaa khasaarey dhowr qabqable waxaana guuleestey ummada soomaalida wixii xal oogu jirey oo ahaa heshiiskan la gaarey oon rajo weyn ka qabno.

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^Dhibaatada nahay sata waxaa weeye xulufada aad leedahahay waa laga soo tagay waa dad laga maarmin. Dawladaan ujeedadeeda waxay ahayd inay raga hubeysan heshiiyaan oo hubka dhigaan. Iyagaa loo dhisay, iyaga daraadoodne yee u shaqayn la'dahay. Haatana Shariifka waa Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka, nin hubeysana maahan, wuxuu ka mid yahay shicibka la haystoo inkastuu ganacsade yahay. Heshiis lala heshiiyo waabaa jidhay oo macna lahaan lahayd, hada laakiin wax ay ka goyn karto ama ku dari karto dawladaan transitionalka ahna ma jidho.

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Good news indeed, It does not matter if the shariif is a big player or not. We do not realy seen any intrest for moqdisho many warlods to accept law and order. For Economic intrest, they may move road blocks for while and bring back when they want. However I think the President had made good choice. it is worth it. For now he will not be blamed. the timing is maybe better now than before, he showed he is though and now he show he can compromise


either somalia will be back or Moqdisho warlods will be more reacher and powerfull with money coming to moqdisho. Whit few weeks honeymoon Moqdihso warlods will play their endless games.


now the success much depedent on what goverment does in moqdisho, the national army creation and how the goverment reaches the rest of country. The world support is expected to be minimum, speacially west

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Horta daneysi haddey noqoto xaaladu, waxaa la oran karaa qabqable kasta dad u khaasa ayuu leeyahay oo isku daneesato ah...

Nuune, u sheeg. Laakiin dadka qaarkiis ma jeclo inay arkaan oona iska indha tiro, xataa the father of stoogenimo oo Sanaawi u shaqeeyo waala iska indha tiraa. Kan kale Kismaayo lagu haayo oo curyaan ku ah, waala og yahay dadka qaarkood meeshaan iska indha tiraayo. Kuwaas daneysto ma'aha? Their supporters waxee u yihiin "shrew politicians." Hogaamiye kooxeed aan daneysto ahayn maba jiro.


Imagine if Shariifka conceded and agreed to move to Jowhar, I am sure in this board waxaa lala alalaasi lahaa, "Oo Qanyare oo Xamar ku xanaaqsan ayaa dirsaday and that is why he conceded finally..." :D


I, however, wouldn't call him the man of the year, though. The guy is really confused. Kuwa Xamar ku wareeriye; globetrotting ayuu ka bixi waaye, oo marba diyaarad meel u saaran, meel hawshiisa ahayna u socdo. Maba oga shaqadiis inay baarlamaan ku eg tahay. Laakiin the guy sida ee rabeen certain people ma noqon. Dhuunta uu u galay, thinking his position is nothing but the useless title in name of "guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka."

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Well, Well, it is difficult to change. We are year 2006 and many things changed since 1991. Your mental gift is in the dark place. Too much hate and too much loneliness hurts one’s healthy an ability. Look forward the great Somalia and see yourself in the middle. You either come a winning political formula for Somalia and support it or you stop hating those who hardly trying to bring back, the lovely country of Somalia. I understand, politically you belong the scenianist in the north, very backward minority agenda. It will probably hard for you to grasp the mainstream of Somalia political spectrum. The election of Abdilaahi yusuf was a big surprise for you, in the first place and what comes next will only surprise you. Even Riyaale have been noticed

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Nuune, u sheeg. Laakiin dadka qaarkiis ma jeclo inay arkaan oona iska indha tiro, xataa the father of stoogenimo oo Sanaawi u shaqeeyo waala iska indha tiraa. Kan kale Kismaayo lagu haayo oo curyaan ku ah, waala og yahay dadka qaarkood meeshaan iska indha tiraayo. Kuwaas daneysto ma'aha? Their supporters waxee u yihiin "shrew politicians." Hogaamiye kooxeed aan daneysto ahayn maba jiro.

To be honest you are right howevr one must never presume to always occupying the moral highround. For we have in this forum cheerleaders for ina Salad boy the man who as president only strengthened the illegal occupation of his clan.Now we learn the activities of which includes drug smuggling..

A man who as we know served the brutal regime of Siyad with undying love even when, Hargaysa was bombed and then as President took shelter with his sub-clan while the Somali people suffered. Those who cheered for this man have no moral right to point fingers at others, for he is worse than any.. ;)

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