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The Myth is vanishing..!

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The myth that Xamar is a no go area, and that the current TFG cannot settle there and govern from is not only diminishing but slowly dying. There were in Xamar nearly a month now over 70 MP's who some where also cabinet ministers.And it is also fair to note the tribal background of these MP's was diverse. Their main reason of presence was to prove to the hierarchy of the TFG that they were wrong in their assumption of Xamar. These MP's set up committes and deviced plans to create a joint security forces comprising of different militias in the area. They also toured and revived former military camps in Banadir in order to house the militias and rehabitate the young 'moryaans'. Obviously since the plans and the aims are set its solutions and practical results is not an overnight product.It was, infact to be precise, still is an ideal and sincere intentions carried out by these MP's. If anything it is a mission which they needed to be encouraged and supported by those who were supposed to be at the forefront. Alas it was not to be cause the President and the PM chose rather the opposite to scorn it and created a parallel objective in attempt to undermine and deviate the objectives of those MP's. Nevertheless the aims of the President and the PM was fruitless and doomed. The clear and apparent prove to that is today present in Xamar is the PM himself accompanied by ambassadors from Yemen, Kenya , the Arab League, etc..The UN representative for Somalia based in Nairobi arrived separately in Xamar today to see for himself what the situation is.Also present in Mogadishu today is Kenya's Assistant Minister for International Co-operation. His understanding and view to the status has tremendously changed since his arrival .

Therefore my dear Nomads to have dignatories of such calibre in Xamar today first and foremost dispels the fact that it opposses the institution of governance.Secondly it invalidates the notion that it is anti-TFG. And plus that our PM, yes our PM, has attended a meeting by some of his Cabinet members and MP's in Mogadishu today speakes volumes. How wonderfull it would have been had they all been present... :D

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Wakiika Qarmada Midoobay ee Soomaliya aniga markii aan joogay Nairobi waxaa ley sheegi jirey in USC'da hubka heesta ee jooga Muqdisho ay been katahay hubka ay aruurinyaan lakiinsa wax taasi beenoowday markii aan arkay.

Wakiika Qarmada Midoobay ee Soomaliya ayaa maanta ka hor sheegay xubnaha labada gole ee ku sugan Muqdisho in lagu soo yiri markii uu joogay Nairobi nimanka USC ee jooga Muqdisho ay doonayaan in ay jilafeeyaan DFKMG hubka ay sheegayaan iyo maleysiyada ay xareeynyaan ay ka tahay been ayagoona aan cidna u ogoleen in magaladooda soo galaan cid aan USC aheen taasna waa beenoowday kadib markii aan dhageysay war bixinta wax looga qabanaya aminga magalada Muqdisho uu soo jeediyey Jaamac Cali Jaamac oo ah nin Puntland ah iyo ayadoo ay geeskeyga fadhiyo Maxamed Jaamac Sifir oo asagu ah nin Soomaliland ,marka waxaan ogaday dadka Muqdisho ku nool in aysan aheyn kuwa dowlada diidka ah ee waxa wax diidan ay yihiin madaxda sar sare ee dowlada ee been ka shegaya dadkooda iyo dalkooda ,


Wana soo dhaweynaya howsha aad ka qabateen magalada Muqdisho waa mid ifafaale nabadeed leh ee waxaana idin kula dardarmayaa in aadan howsha aad qabaneysaan adan ku ekeynina magalada Muqdisho oo aad wax ka qabtaan dhamaan Soomaliya oo idil si loogu guleysat howlaha nabada ee Soomaliya, lakiin waxaan idinka codsanyaa in aad Nairobi ku labataan si loo soo xira shirka Soomalida ee mudada loo fadhiyey shirkas uu xiri doona madaxweynah dalka Kenya si aad dalkiina ugu soo labataan.


Dhanka kale waxaa kulankii maanta lagu canbareyey Ra´´iisal wasaaraha DFKMG Cali Maxamed Geeddi ayadoo eedasi uu u jeediyey xildhibaan ka tirsan beelaha RRA oo sheegay in Ra´´iisal wasaraha Geeddi oo soo direy wasiirada ku sugan Xudur si loo soo weeraro Baydhabo asaga ayaana bixiya qarashka wasiirada ku sugan Xudur ,waxana idin sheegaya hadii dagaal ka dhaco Baydhabo in aysan ku ekaan doonin deganadasi kasoo sameyn doona dhamaan Soomaliya oo idil ,hadlka ayaa ka fajiciyey xubnahii beesha calamka oo aan ayaga wax sidaas ah kala socon arimaha gobolada Bay iyo Bakool tasoo dhabar jab ku noqotay Raiisal wasaare Geeddi iyo dadaalkii uu ka waday Muqdisho

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[bWasiirka ku Xigeenka Iskaashiga Calamiga dowlada Kenya iyo Xubna ka socda beesha caalmka oo ka soo dagay garoonka Diyaaradaha dayniile


Xubna uu hogaaminayeen Wasiirka ku Xigeenka Iskaashiga Calamiga dowlada Kenya oo ay ku jiraan xubnaha ka socda beesha caalmka ayaa duhurnimadii maanta ka soo dagay garoonka diyaaradaha dayniile kadib markii ay halkasi ku soo dhaweyeen Raiisal wasaare ku xigeenka DFKM iyo wasiirka Amniga Qaranka , ayagoo kadib keenay xarunta wasiirka Amniga qaranka Maxamed Qanyare halkasna ku yeeshay kulamo saacada qaatay ayagoona kulanka kadib u soo boqoolay xarunta xisbiga oo kulan uga socday xubnihii horey u joogay iyo wafdigii uu hor kacayey Ra´´iisal wasare Geeddi.


Kulanka oo hadal ka jeediyey Wasiirka ku Xigeenka Iskaashiga Calamiga dowlada Kenya ayaa sheegay in been loo sheegay oo lagu yiri Muqdisho waa leysku qashaa waxana dagan hal qabiil cid hadli kartana majirta marka taas waa beenoowday kadib markii aan aragnay in ay magalada Muqdisho joogeen mudo xubna isugu jira wasiiro iyo xildhibaano oo aan u dhalan Muqdisho si xur ahna u maryaan marka waxaan leenahay waxii noola sheegi jirey wa abeen ee wadankiina wax u qabsada gacmaha isqabsada oo ka shaqeeya in Muqdisho ku soo noqota dowlada .


Kulnka oo wali socda ayaan laga soo sarin war murtiyeed ku aadan

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Funny - you conveniently forget the fact that the PM and his delegation were escorted from the airport and around the city by more than 100 'technicals.' By comparison, how many 'technicals' escorted the Pres/PM's delegation upon their arrival in Jowhar?


Reer Muqdisho are ripe for government so they will welcome the PM. The question is: are Caato, Yalaxow, Qanyare and the 100s of minor militia leaders ready for government? Cali Mahdi made the comment that the President would be welcomed by more people than even the PM. That might be true - but in the long run, how can the government sustain itself in Muqdisho where they'll be 'welcomed' for a few days. After the jubilation is over, the differences come out. Qanyare, Caato, Yalaxow, clan courts, etc. - so-called anti-TFG movement, are more powerful in Muqdisho than the Pres/PM. So, how can they function in their capacity as such?


P.S. What did you think of Qanyare's excuse for not welcoming the PM? With the power of technology today, I think eskimos in Alaska knew that the Somali PM was visiting Mogadishu for the first time ever. But Qanyare - who was in Mogadishu at the time - wasn't informed or didn't know? If I saw Qanyare, I'd sing this to him: Maseeraa ku haayo, waad muuq-muuqataa PM Cali Ghedi gets major points for attracting the most number of int'l politicians to Muqdisho all at once. The crowd that welcomed Qanyare, Caato and Yalaxow combined were easily outdone by the PM - arguably the most popular politician in Somalia today. Too bad he's a "baby" residing in the tomb of Col Yeey. Do you think he asked for permission from this 'mother', i.e. Col Yeey, to go to Muqdisho? icon_razz.gif

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Wind sxb as usual you are jumpy in your responses and always disregard the facts on ground.

Reer Muqdisho are ripe for government so they will welcome the PM. The question is: are Caato, Yalaxow, Qanyare and the 100s of minor militia leaders ready for government?

Would the enviroment have been as it is in Xamar now had these three honourable leaders been opposed to the presence of the MP's and other visiting dignatories? Am sure you will agree, NO.


P.S. What did you think of Qanyare's excuse for not welcoming the PM? With the power of technology today, I think eskimos in Alaska knew that the Somali PM was visiting Mogadishu for the first time ever.

Qanyare is not a shoe polisher in 'bar-ubaax' who follows the crowd upon hearing the arrival of the PM. First he is his assistant secondly he is the miniter responsible for his security. And in a normal code of conduct the PM should have informed his deputy that he was coming and arrange for him the necesseties.Hence the PM by disrespecting this norm had clearly demonastrated his undermining of his deputy and Qanyare chose the best response I believe.Therefor it depends on how you look at the two side of the coin.

The crowd that welcomed Qanyare, Caato and Yalaxow combined were easily outdone by the PM - arguably the most popular politician in Somalia today. Too bad he's a "baby" residing in the tomb of Col Yeey. Do you think he asked for permission from this 'mother', i.e. Col Yeey, to go to Muqdisho?

Whether he asked for permission or not I think you are in best position to answer that not me. But as far as the crowd are concerned you should also keep in mind that they are the base and the force behind the stance taken by the Mudanayaasdha, Muse, Catto, and Qanyare. And they see that the hard stance by them and the MP's in Nairobi has forced to bring Geedi to Xamar, and could also eventually force Yeey himself to come to Mogadishu. That is the point here Wind, that the PM and other dignatories are in Xamar and not in Jowhar or Bay or anywhere in Pukeland. And that the group that was advocating for status of Xamar and against the introduction of troops from 'safka-hore' are winning the argument against the other camp led by Yeey and his 'son' (as you illustrated)... :D

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Because Ghedi has:


1. Attracted the most number (#) of international politicians to Muqdisho at the same time

2. Because Ghedi got a bigger welcome than Mr. Qanyare, Caato and Calasow combined


I think those are two big accomplishments for a man who, before Nov. 2004, was UNKNOWN in Somali politics.




Points well taken. However, the fact that Ghedi is willing to bend for the sake of 'Soomaalinimo' just builds upon his character. Ghedi has now accepted the work these MPs & ministers are doing in Mogadishu - which means that he's a man willing to COMPROMISE. Great nations are built on the concept of compromise. Will Qanyare compromise something for the greater good? I haven't seen him do that yet sxb.

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Originally posted by wind.talker:

However, the fact that Ghedi is willing to bend for the sake of 'Soomaalinimo' just builds upon his character. Ghedi has now accepted the work these MPs & ministers are doing in Mogadishu - which means that he's a man willing to COMPROMISE.

Wind sxb I will give you the benefit of doubt in your above assumption, and I sincerly hope your forecast is accurate. That is all I've asking for for the PM to recognise the efforts in Mogadishu and to be part of it rather than isolating it. Thus since you affirm that that is what he is doing lets just hope then that they all succed.

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