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Banaan bax lagu taageerayo shirkii SSC ee ku soo gabogaboobey Nairobi Kenya oo maantay ka dhacay Laascaanood


Published on: October 17,2009 Garowe Time 6:39 pm


Laascaanood (RBC):- Magaalada Laascaanood ee xarunta Gobalka Sool, ayaa maanta waxaa ka dhacay banaan bax lagu soo dhaweynayo shirkii ku soo gagbogaboobey Magaalada Nairobi ee xarunta wadanka Kenya.


Kumanaan dad ah oo isugu jira Caruur,Haween iyo dhalinyaro ayaa isugu soo baxay wadooyinka Magaalada Laascaanood, waxayna muujinayeen dadkan oo iskood isku soo abaabuley sida ay u taageersan yihiin qodobadii kasoo baxay shirkii beelaha Sool,Sanaag iyo ee kusoo idlaaday Magaalada Nairobi.


Goob jooge ku sugan Magaalada Laascaanood oo lasoo xariiray RBC Radio, ayaa sheegaya in dadku ay si nabad galyo ah ku mareen wadooyinka magaalada oo aysan jirin habo yaraatee wax dhib ah oo uga yimid Ciidamada Maamulka Somaliland ee gacanta ku haya Magaalada Laascaanood.


Goobjoogahan waxaa uu sheegay in dadkan ay ku dhawaaqayeen erayo ay ku taageerayaan shirkaas qodobadii kasoo baxay iyo hogaanka cusub ee shalay xilkaas ay u doorteen ergadii gobalada Sool ,Sanaag iyo Cayn ee mudada ku shirsanayd magaalada Nairobi ee xarunta wadanka Kenya.


Banaanbaxan ka dhacay Laascaanood ayaa ka tarjumaya rabitaanka ay dadka gobaladaasi u hayaan in ay danahooda si gaar ah uga tashadaan, maadaama gobaladaasi ay noqdeen kuwo markastaba murankoodu joogto ka yahay Puntland iyo Somaliland.


Maamulada Puntland iyo Somaliland ayaa siyaabo kala duwan uga jawaabay go’aamadii shirkaas kasoo baxay, madaxwayne ku xigeenka dawlada Puntland Gen.C/samad Cali Shire oo kasoo jeeda Gobaladaas ayaa walaac ka muujiyay natiijadii shirkaas mar uu la hadlayay idaacadaha gudaha Puntland , sidoo kale Wasiirka Cadaalada Somaliland oo la hadley Idaacada BBC-da ayaa isaguna muujiyay sida loogu baahan yahay in wadatashiga la balaariyo la isuguna yimaado gudaha dalka gaar ahaana Gobalka.


Abdulkadir Warsame Yuusuf

RBC Radio,News Desk

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Duke, are you comparing jidbaale (an unknown merfish squatter) to a reliable news media in puntland whom everyone in the region knows?


C'mon that is a bit weak don't you think.


As far as the SSC people are concerned. They are anti-somaliland there is no doubt about that, however their is a minority (3) garaads among them that are also anti puntland.


Now these 3 garads have a fair few following, however i am certain without the consensus of all the garads which 12 garads are totally missing will definitely have a huge repercussion on the ssc click.


I personally prefer that ssc stays in puntland because puntland is turning into multi party democracy and seats won't be allocated based on "districts and clans"


Now it is very well known with-in puntland circles that the mudug people and the ssc people have always voted lets just say "1" direction in election time. It appears they have some sort of agreement among themselves to vote for each of their own representatives when it's election time.


For example if a mudug guy runs he has ssc votes secured. If a Sanaag Or Sool guy runs he has mudug votes secured. A recent example of this is; 1. Abdullahi Yusuf election in 98 had full backing from ssc. 2. Abdullahi Yusuf 2002 war against the kings had strong backing from the ssc. and 3. Ilkajir runnning, he had full support from the mudug ppl and his region also.


So it's plain as day within puntland that there is some sort of agreement between these respective regions in puntland to vote for one and the other candidates.


My speculation is they want to rough out the kings. Mudug has 10 seats, ssc has 17, and sanaag 9 seats.


In combination that works out to be 36 seats of the 66 parliament. That is gigantic 50% stakehold in the parliament. Where-As Bari has 21 seats a 31% stakehold.


Nugaal has 9 seats and is usually the indepedent and has 13% stakehold. This region usually always turns out to be the "swing" state of puntland.


I myself politically not long ago was not a fan of ssc returning to puntland deep-down because i know it will affect our political standing.


However seeing now the multi-party thing is actually hitting the ground and looks like to be reality by 2013 election. I don't mind anymore.


The Respective candidates will be chosen on merit and clan-seats will only have effect regarding bills being passed through the parliament.


So I personally am not as weary as i used to be of ssc due to this multi-party thing. Who knows farole might be using this to calm down a few weary heads in bari who don't want to see 50% stake hold going to 3 regions that are politically always aligned together.


That is my two cents. However i am happy their is multi-party it will give assurances to those that are concerned with the clan-distribution and the worries of a pan-ssc-mudug dominance in the parliament at the expense of bari and nugal whom even if we did combine our votes would not match the share that duo have.


The kings have started forming some sort of alliance with nugaal, they voted for farole as a token of their gesture. We will see if this streghtens political ties between the region.

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Now, Cowke, many within the family feel the 'Kings' have made a grand mess of things with the previous administration and can never be trusted with leadership again. These same people say the 'Kings' should stick to trade and completely stay out of politics which is not reputed to be their strong suit.


These same corners say that the Sool and Mudug alliance is based on 'hard' men understanding 'hard' men and not to be confused with the 'effete' Roma inspired ways of their cousins trading across waterways with the Yemenis.


Anything to those insinuations?

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Kings are not political? Lol, you got to be kidding sxb. We are the ones who created the sultanates, we are the ones who lead somalia under sharmarke AUN. We are the ones who are prime minister. If anything the politics of ssdf is really us.


The only time you so called "hard-boys" come into play is when their security concern, which is true. During wars, you guys can lead. But please you have no place when it is time of peace and you are seeing that started to happen again with the election of sharmarke as prime minister, the second cade muse stepped down. Ironic huh?


When sharmarke goes, watch Jamac Ali Jamac go for a shot at the presidency of somalia.


Yes we do trade and business and control the port of puntland. No Bossaso means No Economy and No Economy means No Puntland.


As for your comments on cade muse it is funny you forget to mention when cade muse was ruling, who was in the president seat in hamar? Abdullahi was and where did puntland taxes and soldiers go? they followed Abdullahi Yusuf.


To be quite honest, none of puntland problems was cade fault, cade saw that the tfg was draining puntland resources and said "hell" with it, it's a sinking ship so i am take care of myself which he did and today is in $3 million dollar palace in dubai.


Cade was left with this attitude because he saw noone can gave a crap about puntland, if they did why would they all go follow YEY to hamar? Cade really is fault-less in puntland turmoil and the real blame lies at Abdullahi yet again.


How doctors of spin usually love to twist facts and spread propaganda to suit their political agenda, but this is one king that studies the facts and has then archived anytime for citing purposes.

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Originally posted by Cowke:

Duke, are you comparing jidbaale (an unknown merfish squatter) to a reliable news media in puntland whom everyone in the region knows?


C'mon that is a bit weak don't you think.


As far as the SSC people are concerned. They are anti-somaliland there is no doubt about that, however their is a minority (3) garaads among them that are also anti puntland.


Now these 3 garads have a fair few following, however i am certain without the consensus of all the garads which 12 garads are totally missing will definitely have a huge repercussion on the ssc click.


I personally prefer that ssc stays in puntland because puntland is turning into multi party democracy and seats won't be allocated based on "districts and clans"


Now it is very well known with-in puntland circles that the mudug people and the ssc people have always voted lets just say "1" direction in election time. It appears they have some sort of agreement among themselves to vote for each of their own representatives when it's election time.


For example if a mudug guy runs he has ssc votes secured. If a Sanaag Or Sool guy runs he has mudug votes secured. A recent example of this is; 1. Abdullahi Yusuf election in 98 had full backing from ssc. 2. Abdullahi Yusuf 2002 war against the kings had strong backing from the ssc. and 3. Ilkajir runnning, he had full support from the mudug ppl and his region also.


So it's plain as day within puntland that there is some sort of agreement between these respective regions in puntland to vote for one and the other candidates.


My speculation is they want to rough out the kings. Mudug has 10 seats, ssc has 17, and sanaag 9 seats.


In combination that works out to be 36 seats of the 66 parliament. That is gigantic 50% stakehold in the parliament. Where-As Bari has 21 seats a 31% stakehold.


Nugaal has 9 seats and is usually the indepedent and has 13% stakehold. This region usually always turns out to be the "swing" state of puntland.


I myself politically not long ago was not a fan of ssc returning to puntland deep-down because i know it will affect our political standing.


However seeing now the multi-party thing is actually hitting the ground and looks like to be reality by 2013 election. I don't mind anymore.


The Respective candidates will be chosen on merit and clan-seats will only have effect regarding bills being passed through the parliament.


So I personally am not as weary as i used to be of ssc due to this multi-party thing. Who knows farole might be using this to calm down a few weary heads in bari who don't want to see 50% stake hold going to 3 regions that are politically always aligned together.


That is my two cents. However i am happy their is multi-party it will give assurances to those that are concerned with the clan-distribution and the worries of a pan-ssc-mudug dominance in the parliament at the expense of bari and nugal whom even if we did combine our votes would not match the share that duo have.


The kings have started forming some sort of alliance with nugaal, they voted for farole as a token of their gesture. We will see if this streghtens political ties between the region.

waxanii ma war ba mise adiga soo dho dhobay :D

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