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General Duke

Drugs, force and occupation.. [Abdiqasin]+ [Inda cade]+ [Xasan Dahir]

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As some here and elswhere would like to turn a blind eye or even justify the clan occupation and subjucation of the fertile south. This post will compile what is already in the public domain concerning this moral and human tragedy.


There seems to be on the part of the media [Mogadishu] a renewd effort since the outbreak of the battles between Mogadishu warlords and courts to acknowledge and cover the depth of the tragedy that has engulfed the people of the Lower Shabele.


What we have is a whole sale take over of that region. The main players are, "Dr" Abdiqasin Salad Hasan, "Shiekh" Yusuf Inda cade and "Shiekh" Xasan Dahir Aways...


The main players...

1.Abdiqasin Salad Hassan



2.Xasan Dahir Aways



3.Yusuf Indhacade




Clan take over...

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Here is another report...


More on the clan takeover...


an earlier post..Report by the UN monitoring group..


Local administration of Lower Shabelle


Sheik Yusuf Indohaadde is in charge of the local administration of Lower Shabelle; he assumes the role of governor.


Indohaadde’s headquarters and state house are located at Buulamarer, situated on a large, active banana farm north-west of Marka.


The geographical area under his control includes the seaports of Marka and Baraawe — he has his own fishing fleet — and an airport at Marka.


The local administration also includes prime agricultural lands — including numerous “drug farms†on lands that were taken from the local farmers.


In order to exercise control over his geographical area, Indohaadde has his own militia, made up of men from his clan, and other militias from the same clan group, ****** .


Indohaadde also has a large number of personal bodyguards, individuals who are most trusted from his own clan.



Tax revenue


Revenue for Indohaadde’s arms purchases comes from traders, businessmen, the Marka and Baraawe seaports, the airports, checkpoints, farms, NGOs, the fishing fleet and other sources.


Indohaadde’s representatives collect taxes on a weekly basis. Every month, from the moneys collected, he pays militia members, his “inner circle†(advisers and closest associates) and the elders of the clan and makes purchases of arms.


After those payments are made, the remainder, which is approximately equivalent to $50,000, reverts to Indohaadde himself.


Indohaadde collects revenue from NGOs that want to operate in the area under his control; they must obtain Indohaadde’s permission and must pay him a sum of money to conduct their activities.


He receives at least 15 per cent of any NGO benefits that are offered to the local population. The fees paid by an NGO for the buildings they use are split between the owner and Indohaadde.


He has a say in the question of which Somalis work for NGOs — members of his own clan — and gets part of an employee’s salary.


He also has a network of people that monitor the activities of NGOs to ensure their compliance with his financial interests.


If an NGO does not comply with his requirements, he forces it to leave his area.


Indohaadde also owns drug farms in the area under his control, including at Janaale, Shalambood, Qoryooley, Buulamarer and Kurtun Waarey; the exact number of farms is unknown, but Monitoring Group sources estimated that as many as 10 may be spread throughout his area. He is alleged to be dealing in marijuana (probably in the form of hashish).


Indohaadde’s drug farms are a sophisticated operation involving irrigation systems, fertilizers and herbicides.


The workers on the farms are experienced in the drug-growing business and receive a good salary to maintain the high quality of the drugs.


The drugs undergo a drying process and are packaged and concealed to avoid attracting attention.


The product is graded: poorer-quality product is sent to Mogadishu and neighbouring countries for local consumption, while the higherquality product is put into trucks and transported to airstrips or the Marka seaport for further transport to the international market.


There are about six harvests per year. Indohaadde is expanding his drugfarming operation, by increasing either the number of farms or production per farm.


He allegedly receives a total of approximately $100,000 per harvest for all of the farms.


Indohaadde has a “special representative†who handles drug-farm operations on his behalf and uses his militia to guard his drug farms.


Warbixinta UN-ka oo dhameystiran halkan ka daalaco


Hussein Farah Keynaan

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Sidee loo qaybsadaa Dhaqaalaha dhulka(koofurta) xooga lagu haysto laga helo?


Iyadoo ay sii kordhayso dhaqaalaha ka soo xerooda gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose, dhinca beeraha, dekedaha Marka iyo Baraawe,canshuuraha guryaha laga qaado,baabuurta mucaawinada sida ee gobolka dhex-marta, iyo isbaarooyinka yaala gobolka gudihiisa, ayaa waxaa lagama maarmaan noqotay inaan u soo bandhigno shacabka Soomaaliyeed sida loo qorsheeyo maaliyadaasi iyo cida qaadata.


Sheekh Yuusuf Indhacade wuxuu qaataa boqolkiiba shan iyo labaatan (25%). Sheekh Yusuf waa ninka xooga ku haysta gobolka Shabeelaha shoose.


Dr. Cabdiqaasim Salaad Xasan wuxuu qaataa boqolkiiba shan iyo labaatan (25%). Dr. Cabdiqaasim waa ninka abuuray Sheekh Yuusuf Indhacade una suurtagaliyey inuu gacanta ku dhigo gobolka Shabeelaha Shoose ka dib markii uu ku wareejiyey hubkii dawlada Yemen iyo Liibiya ugu deeqday Dawladii Carte


Sheekh Daahir Aweys wuxuu qaataa boqolkii labaatan(20).


Inta soo harta oo ah boqolkiiba soddon(30), [ edited clan name] waxay ku soo iib-sataa hub si ay u kordhiyaan dhul balaarsiga ay wax iskaga garteen. Dagaalkii ugu dambeeyey ee Galgalato-waqooyi-bari Muqdishu waxaa beesha u suura gashay in ay maamulka dekada Ceel Macaan weydiistaan inuu dakhliga soo galo wax ka siiyo. Waxaa kaloo u suura gashay ......ka dib markii ay cagta mariyeen Isbaarada Bashiir Raage ee Ceel Cade in ay isbaara dhigataan SOS, oo ah halka ay wadada Ceel Macaan ka timaado Xamar ka soo gasho oo ay Leejo ka badan tii Bashiir Raage ka qaadaan Gaadiidka Xamuulka ah ee isticmaasha wadadaas.




Waxaa Qoray Mustafa Farah,London

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I still find it hard to believe individuals with an Islamic garb commit such actions. I also have not found all inclusive evidence pinpointing Abdiqasim and Sheikh Aweys dealings of that calibre in the Shabelle. Indha-cade yes, but those men I have not.

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General Duke, addeer Sh. Xasan waa buu Barri ka diriray mooyee wax kale ma ku haysataa? Or guilty of association is the name of this scheme? Indhacadde has been and, remains to be, a simulated-mullah. At least that much is known about him. AQasim is a bewildered man; unable to emerge from Barre’s legacy. He had his lion share in the demise of Somali state.


But what do you say about the good Sheikh? Or the fact that he made Bush’s infamous list is good enough for you to accuse him an occupier of the fertile south?

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Sh. Daahir Aways is a man of religion and has no interest of robbing anyone. If you have any evidence against him put it forward so we can see it Otherwise danbi ayaa ku soo gaari karo for posting those information.

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They say "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled is convince the world he didn't exist."


Let's put that in perspective: True, there's nothing directly tying "Dr." Cabdiqassim Salaad to the calamities in Shabellaha Hoose and other southern regions. But its also an undeniable truth that "Sh." Indhacade, Seeraar and the others were nobodies before Cabdiqassim's rise as TNG president.


He certainly created these warlords. Does he currently control them? Who knows.


As far as Sheik Xasan Daahir Aweys is concerned, I think that he truly believes in what he preaches. But there's some "confusion" as to his means of doing business.

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He certainly created these warlords. Does he currently control them? Who knows.



All of Somalidom is well aware of the chance that Abdiqasim's administration had given a whole sub-clan, but to say he is an evil mastermind propagating all the wrongs being committed by his sub-clan without substantial evidence is certainly not right. Seems as though the ploy being used is guilty by association. That won't work in this day and age.


Also, to accuse Sheikh Aweys, like you and others have said, is ludicris.

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Interetsing, some here are defending the individuals above, what about the people they happen to control? Who gave this clan the right the right to self impose themselves on the people of lower Shabele.



As for Abdiqasin, what happened to the Arab money? The other point regardidng this man is he always criticises the Mogadishu warlords, yet he never even mentions the actions of Inda Cade, or the JVA, as a national figure why should he turn a blind eye to this fact.


Xasan Dahir alose speaks about Ethiopia, and those that are working for them, why not then talk about the crimes against the Muslim population in the areas that his sub clan control. I have never once come across anything that contradicts that both Abdiqasin and Xasan Dahir are not part of the same gang as Inda CADE..


It is mighty strange that Abdiqasin wants to be taken seriously as a ntional leader and yet never metions Lower Shabele region [next door].

Xasan Dahir wants a Jihad against the Ethiopians yet never metions the plight of the lowr Shabele..


Horn, wake up dude your hypocracy knows no bounds..

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Abdulahi Yusuf wants to be taken as a national leader yet I have never seen him mention the plight of the people's of the Shabelle. Never seen him condemn the people that lord over them.


According to your line of reasoning, then Abdulahi Yusuf must also be getting his pockets lined for keeping quiet on that issue.


Right? :rolleyes:

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^^^lol, at times you do play the ***** . Abdullahi Yusuf has mentioned more than a few times that the nations main issue is security. The disarmament of the clans and he has criticised the armed groups of Mogadishu which includes, courts, warlords, business men for their lack of actions in raining in the warlord.


In the case of Abdiqasin, it is his own kinsmen, who fight on his behalf and defend his interets that are causing all the plight. When he was the head of the TFG, did he disarm? Did he even try to bring them under his government, no? He even gave them more armes and re inforced their strangle hold on the area.


Nothing can hide that Inda cade is a close aid and ally of Abdiqaisn. Go ask the JVA [junior] they should be able to confirm it for you.

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And you, my friend, at times like to play a 5 year old's debating strategy. Address your issues as wholes or do not at all.

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The issue of occupation by the clan is there. Are you doubting it?


The allegation of drugs trade came from the UN monitoring group.


The fact that Abdiqasin is close to Inda Cade is common knowledge.


The fact that Xadan Dahir never speaks about the actions of his clan is also common knowledge.


What did Abdiqasin do with the Arab money?

Did he use it to create a police force, Army even for Mogadishu?


Come on Horn, you are quick to jump on Puntland. But Puntlland has an army, Police force and number of small institutions. All this was created with no outside money let alone the millions Abdiqasin had in his disposal.


Also Mr Horn, Abdullahi is neither preaching nor helping arm his clan to dominate and colonise other fellow Somali's..

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Xiin, Gneral Duke has a point.


I too question the good Sheikh's silence on land issues in both Mogadihsu and Lower Shabelle. He is either ignorant about the criminal enterprise some of his kinfolk are building in the land of galey iyo sisin which I strongly doubt is the case or he does not see the confiscation of Muslim properties (by force) as an issue worthy of public pronoucement.


After all this is the same man who was willing to wrestle with Inna Yussuf (He called him Mujrim and Thalim) over the control of Bosso's port. As a leader and as an scholar you would think he would speak up for the oppressed Jiido and Gibil Cad in lower Shabelle. Why not stick it up to Inna Indha-Cadde and call spade a spade?


I support the sheikh in the big picture politics of the region and his opposition of Ethiopian interference to our affairs.


As to Indha Cadde, from what I gather the man is from Marka (born and raised in the town) so in that sense he is a local guy. He has every right to get involved in the local politics. That being said, the man's actions (warlording and being beholden to clan interest) do not measure up to Islamic principles where impartiality and justice is a divine directive.


As to Inna Booy no doubt that the man is clannish but I gotta tell you Inna Yussuf is more clannish than Inna Booy. Inna Booy said he wouldn't reconstitute Somali Republic if the cost is civil war between the clans of his tribe. Inna Yussuf opposed the very qarran he now wants to reconstitute under his leadership when Inna Qassim was leading the charge!!! Simply put the strong man played Qanyare's role of the current TFG saga in then A/Qasim's TNG.

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