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Somalia: Peace Talks in Djibouti End With Ethiopian Ambassador's Presence

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If this event is true, than I think the ARS is going about it entirely the wrong way. I can understand their nationalistic fervor, nevertheless the Ethiopian Government should be the entity they want to directly speak to instead of holding talks through their Somali proxies. This stems from the assumptions that Ethiopians are looking out for their national interest (more than likely) and perhaps by figuring out exactly what they want in Somalia, the resistance can better negotiate for a peace deal. The likes of Yeey are a dime a dozen, when and if the Ethiopians decide he no longer serves their purpose, surely they can as easily find another to take his place as the number of Somalis willing to bring pain and suffering up their kin for short term gains is plentiful.

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

Siilaanyo was right when he said Maxkamadaha iyo Ethiopia ha la wada hadashiiyo .......

What is there for them(Ethio/ICU) to talk about?

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Somali peace talks did not end. This is a desperate title. One session was halted for legitimate grounds. And efforts will continue...

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Aaway ninkii bukkay ee waxaan meesha kusoo post gareeyey. Soo bax waryaa intaysan carradu iga bi'in...

Xiinow, maxa ku daran abti :D

Runta ku caadeyee adu sideed u aragta arintas.


The negotiations should be held directly with the Ethiopians, and perhaps to a larger extent the Western Powers (i.e. U.S of A), heck that Frazer woman should present herself there as well. To assume talks between 'somalis' will bring about a lasting solution that is satisfactory to all stakeholders in a conflict were the national interest of Somalis is only represented by one side of the equation, is rather disingenuous.


mida kalee su'al a ku waydiyo. Runta sheeg, qorintanka af somaliga markad isku eegto aniga iyo Norf iyo NGONGE, sadeexdena aya ugu liita? NGONGE hada tidha u ka xaarifsan yahay wa aqbali kara, ilayn ninkasi wa af-mishar ee laakin hada tidha Norfna u ku dhama, tasi ma aqbali karo


In other words does anybody know where I can actually learn how to spell Somali, message me I promise to pay a fair wage :D

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^^ The Western Powers fully support the TFG. They want see that entity preserved, even if it means sending in Ethiopian or other neighbouring troops. So I don't understand this notion of only negotiating with the Ethiopians and/or the Superpowers. That would be pretending the TFG is a non existant entity, which isn't it. Ethiopians and Superpowers want a deal between these two camps, in order that TFG survives and Ethiopians leave. They want anything other than an Islamic State( run by the ICU) in Somalia, even including recognising "moderate" members of the Alliance( so that they legitimize and recongise the TFG). The main purpose is to get the Alliance to sign the dotted line and agree to a UN peacekeeping force,whilst some have other ideas for the UN force!

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^^^Brofossor Geeljire (B.Hach.D)


Western waxay rabaan garanaye, maxaa inaga taa ingaga galay. Somalia'is future is sealed at inception to be a doomed one if any non-islamic regime is to be allowed to take power. Waryaa, ma waxaanad ogeyn in 80% of TFG ay khamri cabaan, ooy tumasho iyo geerasheyn ku jiraan, oo fusqiigii soomaliya dumiyay aabo u ahaayeen. Don't you know that corruption, nepotism and reer hebel xafiiskooduu waa kaa is the whole culture of this TFG. Ma waxaad rabtaa inta wax la dhoob dhoobo, in within a decade haddana ka baxaay la yidhaa oo la qaxo.


Never settle for something as shaky as that out of desperation. Gurigu salkuu ka dhismaa. Any future Somali government that is not built on a different moral basis, meritocracy, respect for the supermacy of law, compassion and patriotism is only going to be the genesis of a worse disintegration of the Somali nation. There are lots of injustices within us, and to handle it we need new blood. people who are free from the old fueds and vendatta's.


Abdullahi Yusuf ma waxaad ka sugaysaa inuu dawlad uu qabsaday ay principles of democracy waligeed aaminsanaato. To give you a hint; wuxuu sheeko ka bilaabi lahaa Somaliland haday is dhiibi waydo, xoog baan ku maquuninaynaa. Assuming a military solution will succeed (although unlikely), is it fair to have a country where some citizens feel they are forced into.


The whole notion of 4.5 and Federalism is not suited to the ills of Somalia. Decentralised decision making is good but that is still possible without setting the precedence for some somali's to claim franchise to some areas under the pretext of Federalism. I know this thinking of mine will be regarded as idealistic and off-the-mark, but I think Federalism will not work for Somalia. Because the whole idea was conceived as the result of pleasing clans (strictly speaking it is to appease clan-minded opportunist stomach-politicians), it will degenerate into jilibkayaga waxba lama siin spiral of nonesense at the end.


A unitary, efficient, and democratic system that also takes meaningful steps to nurture the nascent dialects and languages apart from the main language; that caters to the needs of the poor people (God fearing technocrats can deliver this) can revive the somali nation.


Rapacious warlords and wicked remanants of the old regime, AND GREEDY DIASPORA POWER-ASPIRANTS WHO WOULD NOT BLINK THEIR EYES TO ROB THE NATION TO COMPENSATE FOR LOST YEARS AND FOURTUNE AS THE RESULT OF LANGUISHING IN FOREIGN LANDS DOING MEAN JOBS (who are impatient to come back as soon as possible) would not heal the wounds but would only put salt to it.


In the absence of robust institutions to deal with accountability concerns, missing culture and psche to confront theives, rampant illetracy, and the consequent non-participation and non-awareness of citizens; less qualified pios scholars (by no means Alshabab or whoever) will offer the right panecea. That is to start with; but gradually as institutions are rebuilt, it is the intellegensia who will have to take the helm.


Somalia's foundation must be solid, religious and east-looking.

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Old age makes one wiser but a pessimist. Change is incomprehensible for them. But you have a point. Zeal it is, for sure.

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Originally posted by LANDER:

quote:Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Aaway ninkii bukkay ee waxaan meesha kusoo post gareeyey. Soo bax waryaa intaysan carradu iga bi'in...

Xiinow, maxa ku daran abti

Runta ku caadeyee adu sideed u aragta arintas.


The negotiations should be held directly with the Ethiopians, and perhaps to a larger extent the Western Powers (i.e. U.S of A), heck that Frazer woman should present herself there as well. To assume talks between 'somalis' will bring about a lasting solution that is satisfactory to all stakeholders in a conflict were the national interest of Somalis is only represented by one side of the equation, is rather disingenuous.


mida kalee su'al a ku waydiyo. Runta sheeg, qorintanka af somaliga markad isku eegto aniga iyo Norf iyo NGONGE, sadeexdena aya ugu liita? NGONGE hada tidha u ka xaarifsan yahay wa aqbali kara, ilayn ninkasi wa af-mishar ee laakin hada tidha Norfna u ku dhama, tasi ma aqbali karo


In other words does anybody know where I can actually learn how to spell Somali, message me I promise to pay a fair wage
Aryee, aar ninka naga qabta! I am offended that you even suggested inu Ngonge afsomaaliga igaga badiyo :rolleyes:


As for you, I'm yet to read your afsomaali laakin kolayba wax badan ima dhaantid hadaad idhaantidba :D

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:D:D @Lander.


Waryee lander alleylehe inaad Northern ka badisaa, NGONGE uma dhawid, he's lightyears ahead of you. Ibtisam & Northern kuuma dhawa...


Yesterday's cancelled session restarted after Courts were appeased :D ... read on


Seminaarkii u socday Ergooyinka Dowladda Federaalka iyo Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta oo dib u bilowday kadib markii uu shalay hakaday


Khamiis, June 05, 2008(HOL): Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Djibouti ee Dalka Jibouti ayaa waxay sheegayaan in uu saaka dib u bilowday Seminaarkii Guriga Umadda ee Jibouti uga socday Ergooyinka Dowladda Federaalka iyo Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta.


Seminaarkan ayaa wuxuu hakad galay kadib markii uu shalay tegay halkii uu ka socday Safiirka Dowladda Itoobiya u fadhiya Dalka Jibouti, iyadoo kadibna ay Ergooyinka Isbaheysiga Dib u xoryenta isaga baxeen Seminaarka kagadaal markii lagu guuleysan waayay in Safiirka Itoobiya laga saaro Hoolkii uu Seminaarka ka socday.


Wararka naga soo gaaraya Dalka Jibouti waxay sheegayaan in Seminaarka uu dib u bilowday kadib markii ay Qaramada Midoobay ka dhaadhicisay Safiirka Itoobiya in uusan tegin madasha Seminaarka, iyadoo haatanna uu Seminaarka sidiisii u sii socdo.


Seminaarkan oo looga hadlayo Cadaaladda, Dib u heshiisiinta iyo Nabadeynta Soomaaliya ayaa la filayaa in maanta la soo gebagebeeyo, iyadoo ay xusid mudan tahay in ay casharro ka dhigayaan Khubarro ka socda Qaramada Midoobay oo ku takhasusay xalinta Khilaafaadka iyo soo af-jaridda Colaadaha.


Si kastaba arrintu ha ahaatee, Seminaarkan ayaa marka uu soo gebageboobo waxaa xigi doona kulamo kale oo xasaasi ah, kuwaasi oo looga hadlayo sidii Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka looga saari lahaa, isla markaan loo keeni lahaa Ciidamo ka socda Qaramada Midoobay, iyadoo qodobkaasina uu yahay mid ay ka hadalkiisa si weyn ugu dhegan yihiin Ergooyinka Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya oo mas’uuliyiin u hadlay ay horay u sheegeen in haddii Itoobiyaanka laga saaro Soomaaliya uu fududaan doono heshiis ay gaaraan dhinacyada isku haya Soomaaliya.


Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online

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