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confused Islamists: Does this make sense to you guys?

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"Haddii uu C/llaahi Yuusuf dhihi lahaa Shareecada Islaamka ayaan qaatay waan ka yeeli lahayn, laakiin Shariifka iyo Raggiisa kama aqbaleyno, waayo C/llaahi bannaanka ayuu ka joogay, laakin Shariifka isagoo madax nooga ah Maxkamadihii Islaamka ayuu naga tegay, isla markaana uu barnaamij kale galay"ayuu yiri Shiikh Xasan Daahir Aweys oo ka jawaabayay weydiin ahayd waxa lagula dagaallamyo dowlad qaadatay shareecada Islaamka

http://www.hiiraan.c om/news/2009/May/war arka_maanta15-6480.h tm



It doesn't make sense to me, what the hell is he baffling about?

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"Waxaan idiin xaqiijinayaa in Dowladda Soomaaliya ay maalmaha soo socda dalka ka xoreyn doonto kooxaha ka soo horjeeda oo isugu
jira kuwo ajnabi ah oo Afghanistan iyo meelo kale ka yimid iyo kuwo dano shisheeye u adeegaya"
ayuu yiri Wasiirka oo ka hadlayay xaflad lagu xusayay maalinta dhanlinyada Soomaaliyeed ee 15-ka May

http://www.hiiraan.c om/news/2009/May/war arka_maanta15-6482.h tm


Do they themselves not have foreign fighters (AMISOM) and are created and work for foreign interests just like Alshabab's leaders were trained and indoctrinated in Afganistan by Alqaida?

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For a minute, lets replace these religious pretenders names with the familiar names of the previous warlords and political pretenders:


Replace Aweys with Muse Suudi or Qanyare name opposing lets say Abdiqassim or A.Yusuf titular presidency.


And replace this Warsame dude with a minister of Abdiqassim's or A.yusuf's foreign-created regime's.


Now can you deny that their retorics are not similar and one could easily confuse the utterings of Aweys with one of the previous utterings (never ending excuses to justify fighting and opposing) of the warlords?


Now again, can you honestly not see the similarity in rethorics of Warsame dude with the retorics of every single socalled minister of every foreign-created regime that existed ever since 1991?


Soomaaliyeey, do not be fooled by these religious pretenders!


Yesterday, these religious pretenders were fighting side by side against the old order and now that they have achieved the defeat of the men that were politically/militari ly visible in the old order they are fighting for the spoils and are becoming like those they have defeated: political pretenders and warlords.


The religious pretenders will go the same path as those before them: warlords and political pretenders.

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Originally posted by Meiji:

Do they themselves not have foreign fighters (AMISOM) and are created and work for foreign interests

AMISOM is part of the solution and indispensable to solving the Somali conundrum. They didn't come to plant roadside bombs or wage a "Holy War" against Somalis like Paradise seeking foreign fugitives have. AMISOM haven't come to Somalia for "dhul-balaaris" or "occupation" but to provide much needed security to the nascent government. When Somali government can stand on its feet, AMISOM will no longer be needed and will leave. If you're patriotic Somali who wants the restitution of Somali State, AMISOM is evil but a necessary evil (if they're evil at all).


BTW, there is nothing wrong with working for foreign interests if those interests coincide with your ( or Somali) interest. Sh. Shariif's government should work with ANY foreign entity if that will further the cause of restoring the Somali Nation to its potential. Hell, he should work wit the devil if need be.

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Amisom is part of the solution and indispensable to solving the Somali conundrum. They didn't come to plant roadside bombs or wage a "Holy War" against Somalis like Paradise seeking foreign fugitives have. AMISOM haven't come to Somalia for "dhul-balaaris" or "occupation" but to provide much needed security to the nascent government. When Somali government can stand on its feet, AMISOM will no longer be needed and will leave. If you're patriotic Somali who wants the restitution of Somali State, AMISOM is evil but a necessary evil (if they're evil at all).

Thus spake Jalle Raamsade Haabsade in May of 2009.


Rewind the clock to 2007 and 2008 and the mantra of the Xabashi scum went something like this:

is part of the solution and indispensable to solving the Somali conundrum.
didn't come to plant roadside bombs or wage a "Holy War" against Somalis like Paradise seeking foreign fugitives have.
didn't come to Somalia for "dhul-balaaris" or "occupation" but to provide much needed security to the nascent government. When Somali government can stand on its feet,
will no longer be needed and will leave. If you're patriotic Somali who wants the restitution of Somali State,
is evil but a necessary evil (if they're evil at all).

What changed in two years ? Nothing but the transformation of dhabqhoodi scum into peacenik qowleysato. Exact same talking points. Exact same Is-Qancis. Exact some istupidity.


Shariif Al-Khabeeth became Cabdullahi Amxaar


Ina Sharmaarke became Ali Gheedi


All pledged to serve Ethiopia and the Western imperial powers in return for money and guns.


Same shit, new faces. And they expect us to fall for it. And they expect us to meekly accept the foriegn mercenaries as 'guests' and 'allies'.


Who do you take us for ? Do you not know, yaa kilaab al-UN, that you are up against Usood al-macaa'rik ? Do you not know that naxnu abnaa Xarb, that we are the sons of War ? Have you forgotten that we are the standard-bearers of the legacy of Sayyid Maxamed Xasan ? Can you not see the arrogance in our smile ? A smile that says: Ninkii dhoof ku yimid ay geeridu dhibaysaa. A smile that says: We will never forget. Everything you have done to our people is registered in notebooks. And the day will come when you will pay, in full measure, the atrocities you have wrought on our soil.


To the Ugandan baboons and the Burundi chimpanzees: You ain't seen shit yet. For we have not yet begun fighting in earnest.


To their supporters and kuwa dhabada uu dhaqo oo kabaha uu qaadi: Stand with the rented mercenaries, be prepared to die with them. Soomali baa nahay will not avail you.

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^^^The Kharajites are as confused as Kshafa, they seem to be losing the central regions and thus spoke Duke to the happless PC warriors in the US.

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Xoogagga Alshabaab ayaa sheegtay in ay Dagaalkan kula wareegeen Gacan ku haynta
Magaalada Maxaas
waxayna magaaladaas kula dagaalameen MMI ee Taabacsan DKMG ah iyo Ururka isku magacaabay Ahlu-Sunnah Wal-Jameeca ee Suufiyada loo yaqaano.

I hope there more 'losses' of this kind. Next stop, Galgadood and the karbaash'ing of Ahlus Sunnah there.

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Shariif Al-Khabeeth became Cabdullahi Amxaar


Ina Sharmaarke became Ali Gheedi



Can we then also say things like:


Aweys became Muse Suudi

Turki became Qanyare



Always fabricating excuses to justify their warlord campaigns.


Also, what is your view towards the Afgani/Paki, Arab and other foreign jihadi fighters in Somalia?


I am looking forward to your answer.

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Originally posted by Kashafa:

What changed in two years ? Nothing but the transformation of dhabqhoodi scum into peacenik qowleysato. Exact same talking points. Exact same Is-Qancis. Exact some istupidity.

Saying that there is no difference between AMISOM peacekeepers and Ethiopian troops who unilaterally invaded Somalia is like saying "women have two eyes and men have two eyes, therefore men and women are one and the same." It doesn't follow both logically and factually. Both AMISOM and Ethiopian troops are foreigners but they're not one and the same.



Originally posted by Kashafa:

All pledged to serve Ethiopia and the Western imperial powers in return for money and guns.

And what is wrong with that if it serves the interest of Somalia? Don't externalize our problems. We destroyed our country not "Western Imperial powers". And you're fervently busy destroying what's left of Somalia right now.

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X. D. Aweys diin meesha kuma hayo, Soomaaliyeey. Wixiisu waa xin ka dirir iyo magac/xukundoon.


Paragon duqa xukunka yaa ka mamamnuucay?mise waa Afghanistaan oo somali uma dhalan?

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but the way he is going to get to the power is wrong. I have been listing his interviews last couple of days, I think Aways is mentally un-stable.

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Xoog ama Xeelad


Is there a third way?


Shariifka xeelad buu ku yimid isaguuna xeeladeeyay marka xoog buu ku soo ceshanayaa SIMPLE IS THAT ;)

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^^Xoog aan xeeled ogayn waa guul daro aabeheed.

Xeelad aan xoog ogayna guul waarta laga macaashimaayo.

Labaduba ma kala maar maan.


Ninkii Roon Reerkaa ha u hadho marka la leeyahay maxa laga wadaa ayad u malayn?

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Ninka Xamar xukumaa reerka u haraya ... ninka madaxtooyada ku xabbisanina ama wuu tegi oo yugaadheeskuu raaci ama meeshiisaa lagu qaban

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