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The Incredible Obsession Of Lewis With The Destruction Of Somalia's Unity

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Professor I.M.Lewis is a man who has been in close touch with Somalia's political, cultural and social affairs for more than 40 years. He wrote a number of books about the Somalis which many scholars including Somalis deem them ad hoc, political, inconsistent and controversial in their background settings.


Through out those years, Lewis cultivated ways and means of getting himself rich through his association with the political and social environment of Somalia. In the 1970s and 1980s, he was a close political adviser to Dictator Siyad Barre and it is believed in higher political circles that Professor Lewis taught Siyad Barre the arts of political deception, divide and rule scams, absolute dictatorship and national assets mismanagement.


Further, from 1992-1995, Lewis acted as political and social consultant to the UNOSOM's ill conceived and badly managed intervention in Somalia. God knows what Professor Lewis fed into the UN project on Somalia but it was widely believed then that Lewis was urging the UN to put Somalia under UN administration for ten years and recognise the Northwest Province as a separate state.


However, since the UNOSOM project foundered or failed due to its unjust and misguided policies on Somalia, Professor Lewis left no stone unturned in respect of the recognition of the so-called 'Somaliland'. He wrote numerous articles, gave public speeches and mobilised British public opinion towards this illusive goal.


On 17 March 2004, the Professor sat among others in a room at the Westminster Parliament, London where Mr. Dahir Riyale Kahin, the leader of the secessionist junta in Hargeisa was welcomed by a British MP to tell the tales of their case ! What happened there was brilliantly and accurately published by the Great Somali Scholar Professor Abdi Ismail Samantar who was among the crowd in the hall.


One wonders what motives Professor Lewis to take this path of dividing and dismembering Somalia yet again. His forefathers had already severely damaged and partitioned Somalia as it was known to the world. Is he doing this for the sake of justice and out of love to the Somalis ? I doubt it !.


Professor I.M.Lewis is ungrateful man for the wealth and fame he obtained as a result of his long association with the political, cultural and social affairs of Somalia. His campaign towards a separate state for the Northwest Province of Somalia and other provinces as well carry an ulterior motive and a deep hatred for the Somali people and their rich Islamic culture. Some Somali narrow minded folks may think that the Lewis activities in this respect is like a mother's love for her kids and that the Professor is a god sent hero to them !


But the heart of the matter is; to I.M.Lewis all Somalis are the same to him and all schemes must be used to destroy their unity in East Africa. This concept of hurting and fragmenting the Somalis in the Horn of Africa is not particularly a Lewis thesis. It was done by colonialist Europe in 1884 at the German city of Barlin and that philosophy still continues for whatever reasons and motives.


Professor Lewis seems to have learned some techinques and tricks from his country fellow Lawerance of Arabia who succeeded in turning the Arabs against the Turks in the first w.rld war and second world war and in the process destroying the Islamic empire and unity, Arab unity and created tiny Arab states out of one country like Iraq etc. Whether Profess Lewis will be as successful as his brother in faith Lawerance of Arabia would remain to be seen. But one thing is certain, people in the 21 century are different from those in the 18,19 and 20 centuries and therefore neo-colonialism, repressions and genocidal methodologies will not work in todays world.


Finally I would urge the International Community not to be fooled by the hallow and perhaps nonsenical thesis and arguments of Professor Lewis in respect of so-called 'Somaliland' because he is not being honest in what he says and moreover his social and political record in relation to Somalia is very much tainted and ridiculed. As for the Somalis who understand and have any dignity and honour in them should distance themselves from Lewis and work hard for the unity, sovereignty and terroritial integrity of Somalia.




The opinions contained in this article are solely those of the writer, and in no way, form or shape represent the editorial opinions of "Hiiraan Online"



The Incredible Obsession Of Lewis With The Destruction Of Somalia's Unity


Professor I.M.Lewis is a man who has been in close touch with Somalia's political, cultural and social affairs for more than 40 years. He wrote a number of books about the Somalis which many scholars including Somalis deem them ad hoc, political, inconsistent and controversial in their background settings.


Through out those years, Lewis cultivated ways and means of getting himself rich through his association with the political and social environment of Somalia. In the 1970s and 1980s, he was a close political adviser to Dictator Siyad Barre and it is believed in higher political circles that Professor Lewis taught Siyad Barre the arts of political deception, divide and rule scams, absolute dictatorship and national assets mismanagement.


Further, from 1992-1995, Lewis acted as political and social consultant to the UNOSOM's ill conceived and badly managed intervention in Somalia. God knows what Professor Lewis fed into the UN project on Somalia but it was widely believed then that Lewis was urging the UN to put Somalia under UN administration for ten years and recognise the Northwest Province as a separate state.


However, since the UNOSOM project foundered or failed due to its unjust and misguided policies on Somalia, Professor Lewis left no stone unturned in respect of the recognition of the so-called 'Somaliland'. He wrote numerous articles, gave public speeches and mobilised British public opinion towards this illusive goal.


On 17 March 2004, the Professor sat among others in a room at the Westminster Parliament, London where Mr. Dahir Riyale Kahin, the leader of the secessionist junta in Hargeisa was welcomed by a British MP to tell the tales of their case ! What happened there was brilliantly and accurately published by the Great Somali Scholar Professor Abdi Ismail Samantar who was among the crowd in the hall.


One wonders what motives Professor Lewis to take this path of dividing and dismembering Somalia yet again. His forefathers had already severely damaged and partitioned Somalia as it was known to the world. Is he doing this for the sake of justice and out of love to the Somalis ? I doubt it !.


Professor I.M.Lewis is ungrateful man for the wealth and fame he obtained as a result of his long association with the political, cultural and social affairs of Somalia. His campaign towards a separate state for the Northwest Province of Somalia and other provinces as well carry an ulterior motive and a deep hatred for the Somali people and their rich Islamic culture. Some Somali narrow minded folks may think that the Lewis activities in this respect is like a mother's love for her kids and that the Professor is a god sent hero to them !


But the heart of the matter is; to I.M.Lewis all Somalis are the same to him and all schemes must be used to destroy their unity in East Africa. This concept of hurting and fragmenting the Somalis in the Horn of Africa is not particularly a Lewis thesis. It was done by colonialist Europe in 1884 at the German city of Barlin and that philosophy still continues for whatever reasons and motives.


Professor Lewis seems to have learned some techinques and tricks from his country fellow Lawerance of Arabia who succeeded in turning the Arabs against the Turks in the first w.rld war and second world war and in the process destroying the Islamic empire and unity, Arab unity and created tiny Arab states out of one country like Iraq etc. Whether Profess Lewis will be as successful as his brother in faith Lawerance of Arabia would remain to be seen. But one thing is certain, people in the 21 century are different from those in the 18,19 and 20 centuries and therefore neo-colonialism, repressions and genocidal methodologies will not work in todays world.


Finally I would urge the International Community not to be fooled by the hallow and perhaps nonsenical thesis and arguments of Professor Lewis in respect of so-called 'Somaliland' because he is not being honest in what he says and moreover his social and political record in relation to Somalia is very much tainted and ridiculed. As for the Somalis who understand and have any dignity and honour in them should distance themselves from Lewis and work hard for the unity, sovereignty and terroritial integrity of Somalia.



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Professor Lewis taught Siyad Barre the arts of political deception, divide and rule scams, absolute dictatorship and national assets mismanagement.

loooooooooooool! the term scape goat seems to be floating around this thread. Somaalidu markay toodi kasoo bixi waayeen ayeey odayaashi Ingriiska seefaha ula soo baxeen. Cajib, I suppose, I should commend the writer for keeping the poor Itihad out of this one. Yeah, blame the British guy for Siyaads evil, the war lords inability to come to an agreement and the general havoc in the places formerly known as Somalia, we don't care - as long us you keep Muslim Militants out of the picture.


As far as Dr Lewis is concerned, me thinks that the old man is over rated.



He is not a Somali and his works are a mere personal analyses of the Somali situation. The future of Somalia is not dependent on the stance that he takes but rather how Somalis deal with their problems ...


and yeah, before ya'll jump on me and start telling me that he was a colonialist - I know.. but people need to respect the fact that different people will naturally perceive things differently… you don’t expect him to preach to Somalis and tell us to settle our differences because we are Muslims and Allah is most forgiving etc. The very fact that the most knowledgeable of people with regards to Somalia’s political and social history is an old cadaan guy - speaks volumes of Somalis commitment to Somalia

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you don’t expect him to preach to Somalis and tell us to settle our differences because we are Muslims and Allah is most forgiving etc.

Most exactly sis! Me thinks that's what the above article conveys.

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In a sense, but the writer is giving Professor Lewis far too much kdos for his role in the 'destruction of Somalia's unity'. He even, went as far as blaming the poor man of misguiding Siad Barre- you'd think he was Iblis :rolleyes:


The point is Mr Lewis is not responsible for the disfragmentation of Somalis. That was the work of Somalis. Nor is he responsible for those Somalis who seek independence from Somalia, that too is the work of Somalis.


If anyone is going to be accused of obsessing over anything, it’s the Somali nation- obsessed with blaming others for their own problems. Colonialism ended way before we started having these problems -à find another excuse.



He is merely commentating on the situation from his orientalist perspective. So, in that light he isn't free from being biased- I don’t deny that. But to hint that he is responsible for Siad’s mischief and is now an obstacle to Somali unity is laughable and makes mockery of Somali as whole. I mean, are the 100 odd ‘politicians’ so helpless that they allow an aging English oday to get in their way of forming a great nation?


That is ridiculous - I thinks

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It is true Ms. London that Lewis is:

1. Orientalist.

2. Old colonialist.

3. For secession.

4. Former advisor of the dictator.

5. Lobbyist for secessionist.


U see I say this without jumping on all over u :D


No one is saying he is responsible for Somali problems as I understand it but he is using his expertise to further antigonize the political divide by empowering one side with his redundant thesis.


True. Somalis are responsible for their predictment and they got only themselves to blame. But Prof Lewis had it coming as he continues to poke his nose into our affairs.


What u make of his effort to get space in Somali websites so he can assert Somalia's dismemberment is the way to go? He sure got the fire in the belly :D

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Fisrt of all - I've never counted you with the jumpy bunch. You always keep your cool - that’s an enviable quality… might copy cat it of ya..




Key words from your post.



he can assert Somalia's dismemberment is the way to go


I just don't think that he has the power to do so. Do you?

Unless there are greater authorities working with him. Laakin, Prof. Lewis is pretty harmless, I saw odayga a while ago and the poor man can't even speak probably - waa duq dhamaadey. Somalis should just nod their heads and carry on with their 'talks'. I really don't appreaciate how the writer is down playing the role of Somalis in destroying Somalia and how he tries to wash Siads wrongs off on the professor.



But Prof Lewis had it coming as he continues to poke his nose into our affairs.

lol. He keeps entering our ocean, eh? So we should throw back up –Somali style!

I dig that, only problem is that’s his profession. It's how he makes money, markaa dan baa ugu jirta and he ain’t going to give up easily – Somalis won’t let him give up. They keep inviting him to Somali conferences like he has something important to say. Than they get mad when he supports the ‘secessionist’ camp. What else do they expect him to do?


My problem is not with him but rather Somalidan ka dhigaya inuu yahay the be it all of Somali politics. He might be an expert on Somali affairs, but do we need to refer to him like our affairs depended on what he has said?


Wouldn't it be better if they just ignored him and carried on with their 'talks' - mise wixi laga hadli lahaa baa la waayey? and we’re just using him as an excuse to well - avert the attention of those who want hear about how Somalis will unite Somalis?


What u make of his effort to get space in Somali websites so ?

Having read some of his books and article, I don't think he is a threat to Somali unity. If anything, his presence might create a form of dialogue between Somalis. He already posts in some sites and I've observed some very good counter-arguments against his ideas. So I, don't see any harm in what he has to say - in fact more exposure to his works might be good for those who are so afraid of colonial influence on Somali matters. I think it’s redundant, the geezer is over rated - but that’s me.

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Fair enough Ms London. Cool is ur nickname in my book ;)


Now...let me remind u the subject he is on is Somali politics and there is no harm in discussing his topics on SOL politics thread...I think it is befitting forum to dissect his “redundant” thesis and/or his intentions behind these articles. True he has no power in shaping Somalis future. However, he can mislead, distort, and misrepresent the facts on the ground by using his credentials to advance the cause he shares with some Somalis. Blv me there are naive folks who reference his "opinions" as if they are ahadiith! Not to mention the influence his works lend to the lobbyist and their clients.


I don’t know about ignoring him though especially when he is among Somalis whose political agenda include separation without all Somalis being consulted on the matter. That will leave him unchallenged. I think someone preferably Prof Samatar should remind him that this is a Somali problem and should be left for Somalis to sort this one out by themselves.


“We” are not using him as an excuse to find something to talk about...we do talk about all sorts of thing here...and if by “talks” you meant the reconciliation talks in Nairobi, blv u me he is not in their radar! On the point of hearing “how Somalis will unite Somalis” well if you have time you will hear plenty of that redundant opinions in SOL :D


Waa sidaa Qallanjo :cool:

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Would you play the "Somali card" if his views were against Somaliland?


I don't need to remind you that the "reconciliation conference" is funded, mediated and hosted by non-Somalis.



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"Somali card" is the right card. Would I play it if Lewis's views were against Somaliland? Now stop right there! I'm not aginst Somaliland but I'm against the secession. The distinction should be clear for all. Now regardless whose views it is Somali or otherwise, I'm agianst the secession for a reason.


No. You don't need to remind me the fact that the reconcilition talks are funded and mediated by foreigners...if I may add foreigners whose sincerity are quesionable. From where I stand, getting these warlords and other leaders agree on something is one step closer to peaceful, legimate, and just government for all Somalis. If getting there requires other hand (unfortunte indeed)then I'm all for it.


What you need to remember is the fact that Somalia is not the only country where third parties lend help hand to get the factions agree on political settlement. Peace process, conflict resolution, and nation-building...ever heard them...I'm sure you have heard these terms.

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I think someone preferably Prof Samatar should remind him that this is a Somali problem and should be left for Somalis to sort this one out by themselves.

That would be nice. I can even see the headlines:


‘ Somali snubs British interference on Somali politics’ – now that’s empowering but would have to give them their money back? can Somalis or any other third world nation - develop with out the aid and support of the 'Developed world' ?

soundz like modern day enslavement redface.gif



Somaliland v Somali unity. I think the whole debate is thrown out of propotion in Somali forums.. Personaly, I support the independence of Somaliland but I don't relay on a well-written thesis by Mr Lewis to make a case for Somaliland. I think, that the Riyale Administration should take up this task; they should be the ones that draw up the policies, settle the conflicts, which arise as result of their bid for independence and the ones that convince Somalis and the world at large that Somaliland should be recognised. Personally, I think that they should be dealing with some domestic issues before going all-out on their recognition operation.


The only thing Mr. Lewis can do is run an expert commentary in support of Somaliland or Somali unity. He doesn’t have the authority to grant them recognition and I doubt that he is very influential on a global level.


As for discussing Somali Unity… please, discuss it!

I have seen many statements as to why Somali should unite and people’s opinions on why they some of us want to seek independence from Somalia – most focus on the negative actions of SL’s politicians, to discredit the secessionist argument. But they fail to provide a strategic plan on how Somalia should be reunited. (in this forum).


I assume the reason for that is due to the lack of progress being made in the Kenya talks. So in a sense, it isn’t the right time to be having these debates. logic dictates that in sha Allah when the Somalia’s politicians do come to an agreement (contrary to what some think- I and many Slanders want a peaceful, developed and stable Somalia). It will naturally take them sometime to disarm, stabilise and develop the rest of Somalia. Only at that point can discussions on the position of Somaliland take place… key word here discuss – that doesn’t necessarily mean that they will re-unite.


In a nutshell- Somaliland needs to have government to discuss unity with. I don’t see how they can have a dialogue with the population of ‘Somalia’ when they don’t have any representatives.


I don’t think it’s fair to blame this on Mr. Lewis or anyone else but the people who are delaying the peace process. They are the ones giving Riyaale a great deal autonomy to seek recognition without consulting Somali people. This isn’t a critique of Mr. Riyaale as I think that he is doing what any sane politician in his position would do…




I think Kowneyn is referring to the common selectivity of some Somalis, who crisis one group for going to ‘gaaalo’ for aid. Whilst, over-looking the fact that the very advocates of their great Somaliweyn venture – do exactly the same. Somali politics is just so full of irony.

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how is this guy different to any other political commentator who writes about somaliland on dailly basis, i dont see why this individual gets to be put on platform as the destroyer of somalia and the puppeteer behind all siade barre evil doings, all this is an opinion of professer with no political power, i mean if i was you or whomever wrote this article i would vent my seething anger at the people with political power who say exacly what this professor has been saying.



and finally if this so called destroyer of somali unity wrote as many do to put it shortly;


" the seccesionist lot are behind all our problems, they are the source of our suffering past present and future, we must for the sake of our survival eradicate this idea, death to somaliland! death to somaliland! " :mad: :mad:



you would probaly say hey this guy is somali nationalist :D:D



i like how people on SOL use article

to get their own opinion accross! and at the same time appear nuetral to the context of the article :cool:

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Prof Lewis had it coming as he continues to poke his nose into our affairs.

Baashow if I open my mouth 'i'm blinded by qabiil'

The likes of Fuad Aadan are 'in it for the money'.

Who are you prepared to listen to without dismissing them with a trite phrase?



Blv me there are naive folks who reference his "opinions" as if they are ahadiith! Not to mention the influence his works lend to the lobbyist and their clients.




Sometimes he is worth quoting esp when he hits he nail on the head like this:


"Some southerners will protest that Somaliland 's recognition is a blow to Somali unity. But this is sheer nonsense and sounds hollow coming, as it does, from people who in the last fourteen years have done nothing to advance Somali unity and even less to further human rights and democracy. Somali ‘re-configuration' as the British foreign office blandly calls it, has already happened. The people of Somaliland have demonstrated that their independence is a fait accompli whatever outsiders choose to think.


Nor does this in any way endanger or diminish the ethnic identity of the Somali people and their socio-economic cohesion that reaches into Djibouti , Ethiopia and Kenya —an un-disruptive political dismemberment already accepted within the Somali nation. Thus, the attitude to Somaliland 's independence, of those southern Somali politicians who oppose it, is akin to that of a person who has had a limb amputated, but still claims to feel it as part of his body." By I.M. Lewis FBA


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Hello Chaps,


As much I am for self expression and politicking; I must say I am becoming dissilutioned with the esteemed moneyed former anthropologist of LSE. The chap is getting on as it were, and as might be aware of ageing is sometimes has its debilitative effect.


Dr Iaon Lewis lately seems to divulge his inability to reason well and perhaps grasp the ills we Somalis are suffering. As an Academic who busies himself with the affairs of Somalis (which mind you the chap made enormous wealth which affords him to reside a Victorian white walled house in Hampstead Heath). Though his first seminal work on Somalia was accepted with whole heart; I have always been sceptical about his genuine interest in Somali culture. My suspicion was confirmed after meeting him couple times in search of illumination on Somali history—I was at the time pre-occupied the idea of penning down a book on Sayid Mohamed Abdullah Hassan; and I thought perhaps he would be much help. To my utter dismay, his knowledge on Somalia’s past seemed paltry. Though, he spoke to me at length with delight the Jihad which the Sayid waged against the colonisers and how noble the Sayid was to execute his plan of Somaliweyn. I asked him what he thought of the current political saga (that was in 2000); his response was extemporized; his thoughts running around like headless chicken. Perhaps; I have expected this chap to be somewhat encyclopaedia on foot as far as Somali politics and history is concerned----- this is the picture that is painted about this old English Aristo want to be. His soft spoken manner captures one just to be dispelled such frail picture by his spiteful ideas on Somali’s future. At the time he was releasing his revised despicable book on the modern history of Somalis which of course he was invective towards the the clans who occupy Mogadishu. I felt sick at heart, and of course expectedly told what I thought of him at the time. The chap likes to tantalise the minds of young aspiring Somalis with praiseworthy words which one without much training mayu fall for it—flattery sometimes induces even shrewd men into submitting something they would otherwise shy away from.


Anyhow, I have yet to see any of his current writings suggesting any remedies—then again inaan gaalkan baarada leh uga fadhino daawao ma ey aha.



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Sit back and hold your breath Ms London is in the mood of listening how pro-unity and ant secessionist are going to attain the united, stable, peaceful, just and inclusive government for all Somalis :D . She had just cleared up the misconception others may have about the secessionist as she put it they are all for “developed and stable Somalia”. So, get some tea and enjoy the civilized conversation with the lady from Burco. As to the Fu’ad type and his likes such as Jamac Qalib and Osman Kaluun why don’t we put them in the same basket eh? I see you quoting Lewis already it must be emotionally satisfying to have him say things you would like to hear.


Very well Qallanjo,

There is nothing wrong with the unity of Somalis or that matter the reconstitution of the former Somali state but we don’t see that happening now or anytime soon do we? Why? Who is against this goal? From where I stand, the obstacles are many and they include the greedy warlords in the south and the uncompromising secessionist in the North.


The premise of having strong and united Somalia is straightforward and simple. It can be defended from Islamic, nationalistic, and economic perspectives. It is the right thing to do. Whether you support after warlords become organized as political unit or before any tangible progress from some part of the country is achieved is something we can discuss. The important thing is that you do support “developed and stable Somalia”. The other side of the coin is what happens if secessionists continue their effort, a misplaced effort, to champion the futile goal of separation based on what European power colonized what part of Somalia. The question of border demarcation comes into the picture. This creates a new conflict between those who support the separation and those who are against it. This is about the North itself hence “if Somalia is divisible so is Somaliland”.


If you are with the crowd who don’t want to force the regions that are not willing to go along with the secessionist point of view of what is good for that corner of country then you would open another Pandora box. Adherents of this view, if they are successful, will set a precedent in the sense they validate the idea of those malcontents and reactionaries, clan or any other group, can exact a disjunction from the state by just declaring their intention. Hiran or Puntland, for instance, can have its own state and start putting effort to seek recognition. Not to mention the balkanization and the domino effect it will have to the rest of the country.


If we opt the reconstitution of the former state, cease the quest for recognition, start saving no effort to that end, and start working toward a system of governance that addresses the concerns of all parties then we will be equipped to address the challenges our nation faces in this 21st century.

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